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Posts posted by byrd57

  1. age:18

    Ingame Name: Byrd-57

    TZ and Country:U.S est

    Are you willing to useTS3: yes

    Are you willing to use the website when it's operational:yes

    You understand that this is a New clan: yes

    What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ): i play very tactically im not a big fan of run and gun plays they just wast ammo and get you killed i like to know what im geting in to before i attack and that go for all the games i play.

    Why are you interested in Joining our group: the thought a clan that plays tactical sounds beautiful.

    Combat scenario: If you and another teammate are raiding an airfield, your teammate gets shot and is injured, you have no idea where the shot came from... what do you do?

    i would ask my team mate if he has and idea ware the shots or shot came from and if he herd the gun as im helping him get to cover to stop the bleeding i would then ask if there is a clan member near by to help us out if not i would try to sneak around to kill the attacker.
