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About metroidz123

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. metroidz123

    Stop whining about hackers and deal.

    Firstly, they are not hackers and you show how uneducated you are by using such a term. Secondly are you that naive to think these script kiddies are considered to be "part of the alpha experience" and a bug? Rocket has already said multiple times that this type of behavior is unacceptable and will be dealt with. It's people like you that prevent the fruitation of a quality game like this because you're probably directly involved with receiving the benefits of such acts. People are passionate about this game and are MORE than welcome to voice their opinion's on when they have been wronged. Go play Cod MW3, it's more your pace and culture.
  2. Not sure if the server or site in question has anything to do with what actually happened, or if it was a group of assholes working on their own but about 15 minutes ago two of my friends were teleported to the coast line and effectively gunned down by a group of 8 people before they even had half a second to respond. I heard that this used to be a issue before and it was "fixed" but somehow it seems to still be around. Be weary about playing...