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Everything posted by thecube

  1. thecube

    Fix your shit.

    I just lost a shit load of stuff because my skin changed to a bandit skin and my ALICE pack disappeared. The best part? I wasn't even in negative humanity. I had around 250 when it randomly decided to change. This is getting ridiculous, every patch that comes out usually gives us new content, which is great, but not when there is still dozens of other known bugs that get completely ignored. Fix your shit. Please. Feel free to post your losses or happenings related to glitches or bugs below.
  2. thecube

    Fix your shit.

    Yes I am testing the game, and what is the purpose of me testing this game? For the creators to take in bug reports and fix them, not take in bug reports, add a bear trap, and then announce they're going standalone.
  3. thecube

    Fix your shit.

    First of all, this bug has been here for a fucking long ass time now. This game isn't even in beta yet. Rocket isn't even bothering with it because he's already ready to launch a full standalone version of DayZ, which is fucking stupid because he hasn't even gotten out of Alpha stage or fixed any of the known bugs. Also, I even said in the first post that it was a known bug, I didn't "find" it.
  4. thecube

    For Those of You Complaining About Artifacts..

    23 Steps I shouldn't have to do.
  5. Me and a friend were playing in cherno when suddenly everyone in the server was spawned very very high in the air falling. My friend and I managed to disconnect from the server before hitting the ground. I was hoping an admin would save the day and teleport us anywhere safe. Our in game names are WoodenSpoon and Troy. Please help :(
  6. I even said in the first post if an admin could do it.
  7. I thought that admins were able to do that. I swear I saw a thread a while back that an admin replied to and said he had teleported them to a safe location.