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Everything posted by PoisonedAl

  1. Both have their stories and lore along with Mountain Dew and what not. Most of it isn't true but as always there's a grin of truth in the myths. Devils Castle is usually a group or clan meet up so not somewhere to hang around and Green Mountain has two low value loot points but spawns a million bloody zombies. Best to avoid both really. It would be cool if the stand alone built a little on the lore. Making Green Mountain haunted would be lame but making it into a numbers station wouldn't. Transmitting the same creepy automated message over and over would add a lot of atmosphere. Rocket has said he want the player to hunt for the back story and using Green Mountain is a no brainer.
  2. PoisonedAl

    Yahtzee "Zero Punctuation" reviews Dayz

    "I found a Lee Enfield rifle of my very own." Oh Yahtzee you poor newbie bastard.
  3. PoisonedAl

    Night Servers?

    I've seen a lot of "night" servers actually in daytime too. Would be lame if the server's clock is being fiddled with to keep it day all the time.
  4. PoisonedAl

    Tips from a 100+ day survivor

    I lasted for 28 days and was bored out of my skull. Once you can cook meat you just hide in the woods and live almost indefinitely. But it's DULL! So, so dull and boring.
  5. PoisonedAl

    Huge ship outside Electro

    A skiddie probably spawned it in. Don't worry about it.
  6. PoisonedAl

    Zombie Identification Guide

    The real "Jamie" has a light coloured shirt on like his namesake.
  7. PoisonedAl

    Dayz servers are the worst

    Get DayZ Commander Sort by lowest ping Use tired meme in a forum post ???? PROFIT!
  8. PoisonedAl

    Goodbye DayZ and Hackers

    Yeah War Z reminded me of Dead Island. That is not a good thing. I'll give it a chance but the visuals don't impress me. Sure AMRA II looks like arse, but at it gets "big" right. War Z looks like a corridor shooter.
  9. PoisonedAl

    Goodbye DayZ and Hackers

    Yet another QQ I quit thread ether by an immature idiot or an unimaginative troll. Come on mods! Get the bleach out FFS.
  10. I might be wrong but I thought you couldn't go into the church in Pogo. I was chasing a scrub that I think Alt-F4ed on me when I noticed the doors open on the church. I was pretty sure you couldn't get into that one before but you can now. Is that new or has it always been like that and I'm an idiot? If I'm not an idiot (in this case at least), has anywhere else changed? I didn't read any map changes in the patch notes but it was a big patch.
  11. Thanks for the tip. I don't usually hang around the mid sized towns unless they have a supermarket (too many zombies, not enough loot), but I'll keep an eye out now.
  12. PoisonedAl

    Hotfix What did it do?

    Fixed graphical glitches and broke the HUD.
  13. PoisonedAl

    Where's Teh Lewt!?

    All the super cool loot is at Green Mountain.
  14. PoisonedAl

    Thats it, i QUIT

    I'm not. It's mostly stupid kids that think they are the centre of the universe instead of another worthless drain on the world's resources. They are SO important they feel the need to announce they THEY are leaving as that's the most important thing that has happened in history and everyone will beg them not to go. They are then surprised and annoyed when everyone says "don't let the door hit your arse on the way out,"
  15. PoisonedAl

    Thats it, i QUIT

    Oh look, a "LEVIN 4 EVA!!!" thread. Let me get a mirror to see how much I care.
  16. I always seem to end up in the same place: Veresnik hill (south of NWAF). I seem always to end up there. Even when I have a compass and map I always seem to pass by that hill and it's buggy deer stand. I'm guessing it because I stick to the foliage going north from Cherno or Balota. If you stick to the tree line you will be funneled towards Veresnik. So does anyone end up at Veresnik hill or have a place you always unintentionally end up?
  17. PoisonedAl

    It has mutated

    I heard you have to be bleeding while a zed hits you to catch an infection but that could be BS.
  18. PoisonedAl

    The case of the disappearing cow....

    I can't say I seen a bovine vanish. Seen them parachute in from above tho.
  19. PoisonedAl

    Want To Trade Dew and Antibiotics

    Well they kinda are because they don't appear in medical boxes and are relegated to ground spawns. Usually a player will run in, grab what's in the the box then run out because anywhere that drops medical gear is super high risk. It's hard to get an infection, so most don't hang around lookin on the ground for antibiotics.
  20. PoisonedAl

    items in tent disappear

    What's the betting OP has his tent 500m away from Cherno? Anyway, tents are as buggy as sin. Their biggest problem isn't losing items but duplicating them. Also you did "save" the tent by action clicking on it right?
  21. PoisonedAl

    I am so confused, please advise

    It's just script kiddies taking their social awkwardness out on strangers. As so and something weird happen, just Alt-F4 out.
  22. No, I'm good. I'd rather... you know... play the game.
  23. PoisonedAl

    What's being done about the hacking?

    You're welcome.
  24. Ah I see your problem. First you're playing American servers which are always full of sad, cheating wankers with ADD (also known as "Americans"). Which usually mean that you're also American yourself and have been taught that your some unique snowflake, instead of the worthless carbon blob nobody cares about. So made another shit "I quit" post on the forum for everyone else to rip apart under the false impression that anyone gives a shit that you or your idiot friends have stopped playing a video game. Next time, try and make your point without feeling the need to insult a whole country - User warned (Fraggle)