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Everything posted by bean_stream

  1. I have done it before just to see what the frame rate is like .. christ it doubles nearly triples frame rate. Just wanted to know what people think of removing grass for steaming purposes ? Frame rate takes a pretty bad hit with it on when you are near a town like cherno/electro. <15fps. I know you gain an advantage because there is no grass (the small ones around you) But you also get an equal disadvantage because you don't know if you are in any grass or not and cant hide. What do people think ? EDIT : I am running an i7 930 / 6gb DDR3 corsair ram / 2 x ati 5870's in crossfire. (but crossfire doesnt work on arma 2 ao -_-) EDIT : yes i do mean moving the grass .pbo file.
  2. bean_stream

    A ltitle newbie FPS Question.

    Object detail to low Shadows disabled terrain detail to low Anti aliasing OFF and turn on SMXAA to high Should help stabilize
  3. Nothing works for me .. restarting game is temp then it comes back so thats not even a fix. IT DRIVES ME INSANE. EDIT : I know a quick fix around this (unpacking and repacking said pbo files) I might put repacked pbo files online later if rocket is still holding off this bloody fix we are all waiting for.
  4. Correct, moving the grass .pbo file for frame rate increase is what i was stating. I should have been more clear.
  5. Dude . i get like 50+fps when i am PLAYING the game, if you read the op you will see i was asking people their stance for STREAMING purposes. Try playing AND streaming and see if you will get that frame rate now, i bet you wont. I have looked into many ways of getting a better frame rate believe me, people have far better machines than i do and still cannot hit decent frame rates. The game is just terribly optimized and the grass is just one part of it that is causing the massive frame rate issues for everyone.
  6. Naw i have tried setting everything to low, the only real difference in settings you chose are object detail/ AA and shadows. But since the same amount of grass still exists, it only changes the LOD model draw distance but it really doesnt seem to have much of an effect, possibly 3-5fps if that :S. When its not even in the game, so you still have all the trees/bushes/buildings and clutter still loaded you get an extra 40+ fps .... its crazy performance increase. It lags to buggery because its pretty much the only textures in the game that have an alpha channel that is in high usage in such a small space. I am up for creating new grass if rocket doesn't mind, i have good experience with photoshop/3dsmax.
  7. bean_stream

    CD Key In Use?

    afaik only name/ip/guid
  8. Wouldn't be so bad if BI/ATI made a crossfire profile for the game >.> .. i have an ATI 5870 sitting there ... doing absolutely nothing ...
  9. Er no. I have happened to work with one of BI's clients. We the public get ARMA 3 first, its sold as a game but it wont really matter if it doesnt sell a lot or break even, we play it and every bug gets squished and it all gets optimised and streamlined. Once this happens and the military clients are happy with the platform they then get the next upgrade in VBS (Virtual Battle Space). The largest chunk of money comes from the military contracts, it is designed for military simulation.
  10. Wtf ? Has anyone else had this ? http://www.twitch.tv/bean_stream/b/327796391 At 16mins 55 seconds. I know i have the body/barbed wire bug with is lagging me out on top of streaming But a guy runs in i turn around and aim right at him and the second my iron sight go to touch him it goes into the sky, like he is an anti aim magnet and then he blitzes me, it wouldn't snap back down right away either. But other times ive had this is when some hackers are gonna teleport people to them, your aim goes in the air , you are stripped of guns and cant shoot. Has anyone else had this ?
  11. bean_stream

    I know this might look like advertisement

    Naw i didn't over correct , if you watch im looking right at him , then i press rmb and it just goes into the sky :S
  12. bean_stream

    I know this might look like advertisement

    Yeh its really wierd :S .. shame it happend though i think i might have had him otherwise or it would have been close :P
  13. bean_stream

    I know this might look like advertisement

    Defo wasnt my mouse! It never does this lol, pretty sure it was a hack :S