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Everything posted by exostatic

  1. exostatic

    US 1937 - The Clubhouse - Open for all!

    Sweet server, needs more players though!
  2. So basically, I've been playing on UK34 for a few days, and have had a lot of fun in the server, but today I was banned for 'cheating/hacking'. The events leading up this are as follows: I got shot near Elektro, lost a lot of good stuff, so I manned up and respawned, determined to find some new gear. Ran straight North from my spawn point to get inland away from any shore snipers, and spotted a white pickup in the distance with some barbed wire next to it. I ran up to it and noticed a couple of players running around behind the barbed wire. Okay, they're setting up a fortification. I'll help myself to the pickup truck, right? I snuck up, undetected, hearing them talking over voice comms, jumped in the truck and drove away. No shots were fired at me or anything, but I was kicked about 1 minute after setting off (presumably after they used some form of admin tool to find out my name...). It's at this point I started recording because I know this is blatant admin abuse. Needless to say, I rejoined and continued driving, being kicked again. The third time, I was banned for cheating/hacking. Just because I stumbled across a base they were setting up and stole a vehicle as a new spawn, they banned me for hacking. Lolol. Video proof: I disabled the sound because I was talking to my friends who were also playing on the same server.. and needless to say, I was raging a bit :P
  3. I know right, it sucks.. I've done a quick google search on the server as well and found a report of another admin abuse case. I think "General Jez" and "[TKG] Noddy" were 2 of the names at the camp