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Everything posted by proxyguy

  1. This was taken down for some reason, but I got it off google cache, and I'm re-uping it. If it was taken down becuase people think it makes it easier to hack, trying to withhold information from the community is never the answer to a problem. Hackers know how to use google. Introduction I originally posted this topic on the NZ server forums, since NZ servers were the ones most heavily plagued by hackers. As such a lot of the estimations won't be relevant, but I imagine everybody knows that hackers are still very much present on servers in other regions. Despite how many times people lie to themselves "it's impossible to avoid hacking in online games", there is no denying that compared to any other online game such as Battlefield 3 or WoW, hacking in DayZ is disturbingly more common. By my estimation, at least a quarter of the players on NZ servers are hackers. Where did I get this estimation? I didn't simply pull it out of nowhere, or somehow deduce a figure from deaths or hacker reports. I know this to be true, because as a hacker you can spot other hackers. That was my initial purpose when I decided to purchase a script kit, to see just how bad the situation truly is. I know there are still many honest players out there, and once in awhile I get to revert some of them who were turned into dogs by other hackers. I created this thread to provide the community with an overview on hackers' behaviours, their scripts, and how you should act to avoid personal losses. I'll be skipping anything that's overly obvious such as "server getting nuked, there must be a hacker". The Hackers Make no mistake. The hackers are at the very top of the food chain, and for some reason they are A LOT more common on NZ servers than any other region. If you can live with the ping, play on an US server and you will by default save yourself a lot of grief (from hacking at least). There are two extremes of hackers. On one end is the griefer, the typical kind that nukes servers, kill people while invisible, godmode, hack guns, fly jets, etc. On the other end is the regular, a hacker who plays the game like any other regular gamer, but gives himself an advantage of some sort via hacking. From what I've seen both types are equally common on the NZ servers. If you see someone who is geared to the teeth and acting recklessly, then it's probably too good to be true. There is nothing wrong with being a bandit, that's part of DayZ, but choose your targets carefully. The Scripts Hackers have a lot of powerful scripts, some of which are even quite useful against other hackers. I myself have used Lock Man repetitively on some other hackers (which even disables their ability to bring up the hack menu) and force them to rage quit. Some hacks are very noticeable, leaves traces on servers or has very devastating effects, I'll call them high-profile. Others are a lot less detectable, and often enough when you died to a hacker you might have thought that it was simply bad luck. High Profile Spawn Weapon Crate - Some hackers are bold enough to spawn large weapon crates in the middle of towns. These weapon crates generally contain 20 of every weapon in the game (ARMA 2), some of which not obtainable by normal means in DayZ. If you see one... well, I guess it's not your fault that the temptation is too great. You won't get into any trouble if you loot from it, but feel free to avoid the crates for moral reasons. If you do choose to pick up a weapon however, make sure that it officially exists in the DayZ universe. If it's a weapon that's only available in ARMA 2 then it will disappear upon relog. Thunderdome - Thunderdome is a script that teleports all players on a server to a deathmatch arena filled with guns. The only way to get out of this dome without logging off is to survive 5 minutes, and then secure the helicopter which will spawn at the centre of the arena. Technically hackers can actually desync the players before summoning them to the arena, so that even if you die in the arena you will still retain the gear you had prior to the teleport. Sadly most people who use this script are griefers who never cared about that. Oh, "illegal copies may degrade", so your chopper will disappear upon server restart. Teleport to Hacker - A simpler script than Thunderdome, hackers can teleport an entire server's population (or a single player in particular, e.g. a non-hacking friend) to where he is. In fact, as soon as you see your scenary change suddenly, abort asap. Don't bother shouting "WTF". This is no time to socialise when the hacker probably has something nasty (i.e. satchel charge) planned for the crowd, if he opted to use teleport instead of nuke. Remember, when in doubt, log out, or at least hit "z" key. Prone won't save you from explosives, but hiding in a large pile of corpses can at least prevent you from being killed by other nervous players. Jets/Choppers/Artillery - While choppers are in game, you probably won't see any legit chopper being used to solely show off in Cherno and grief people. Again, if you start hearing too many explosions, log off straight away. Explosions are good indicators for hackers intending to grief, so even if you manage to survive some carpet bombing, there is probably a nuke coming next. PlayerMorph - Remember those stories of players being turned into dogs and cows? If it happens, log out straight away. Even if the hacker doesn't kill you immediately, if you wait around a curious player may just decide to try get some dog meat. You should return to your human form upon relog, although your gear may or may not be lost. Bodyguards - A script very rarely used by hackers. This script summons half a dozen M4-wielding NPCs who will follow the hacker. These NPCs attract zombies, and attack zombies and other players on sight. Low Profile AddItems - The most common hack used by all walks of hacking life. Unless the weapon is not a legit DayZ weapon, there is virtually no way of conclusively proving that someone is adding items. If you start seeing half the people on a server wearing ghillie suit (which is the "uniform" for 90% of the hackers, like the old bandit skin), wielding AS50 and spamming satchel charges, then the picture should be obvious. Godmode - Surprisingly many hackers don't actually use this script, since it takes too much away from the game (no hunger, thirst, disease, etc.). If you ever suspect that a hacker may have godmode on, and if your weapon and position don't offer a great aim, then your best course of action is to log off. Running is useless, if a hacker truly wants you die, you will die, whether that's by teleportation and bullets, dog-transformation, broken legs or a simple kill command. Hackers with godmode on can still bleed (animation only), and they can't remove the animation without first turning off godmode and bandage. If you see some guy in ghillie suit happily bleeding without a care, then you should probably avoid him. Invisibility - This is a very popular hack. Invisibility turns the hacker's skin invisible, however the hacker makes just as much noise (from moving, coughing, etc.), and the zombies can spot/hear the hacker just as well. Invisibility turns the gun invisible, but the smoke still appears. If the hacker is bleeding, then the blood will also give him away. Don't try to hunt down an invisible hacker, since chances are godmode is also on. Log off. ESP - Yes, hackers have a working EPS which shows people's name tags around them up to 800m. Virtually all the hackers have this on, as such trying to hide from a hacker is pretty pointless. Often enough when you get ambushed despite taking every precautions, hacking may be involved. Map Markers - Currently hackers can mark players, vehicles, tents and helicopter crashes on both the map and their GPS. As such, always remember that your camp and car aren't safe. Since hackers didn't have to work hard to gather all the loot or repair a car, their actions are often destructive when they find tents and cars. Other hackers may pretend to have found the car/tents via normal means and lead their clans to them. Don't always blame server resets, sometimes it's simply hackers stealing your very well-hidden stuff. The only safe place to store any loot is on an alt character from a second copy of ARMA2. Teleport - Most people know that hackers can teleport, but people probably don't know that hackers can only teleport to the ground level. This means that if you are at the top of a building a hacker can't simply teleport right behind you. He'd have to teleport to the first floor and work his way up. Use this information how you will. If the hacker is in a vehicle, then the vehicle teleports with the hacker. Infinite Ammo - This is pretty self-explanatory. If you hear a DMR/AS50 being spammed without any interval for reload, then there is probably a hacker. The effect also covers satchel charges. Lock Man - This script locks a single player's, or the entire server's inputs. This means your camera will be frozen, and any key you press will have no effect. The effect expires upon relog, so most people may initially think that it's simply a DayZ bug. In any case it's definitely a very good idea to log out straight away. While you are trying to bash your keyboard a hacking sniper is probably zeroing his rifle on you. There are countless other scripts out there, but most of them are either too obvious or useless (e.g. parachuting cows). Remember, many of these scripts (after proper modification) can be applied to other players who aren't personally hacking (e.g. godmode and invisibility). To Kill a Hacker Generally speaking it's not plausible to try and kill a hacker, but sometimes it is not impossible. Unless you are a hacker yourself, you will be severely disadvantaged against a hacker. Contrary to popular belief, the most common godmode does not offer absolute protection. It doesn't provide "damage immunity", instead it provides the hacker heals to full blood at very quick intervals. This means that any attack which cannot instant kill is pointless, a whole clip to a hacker's chest won't even scratch them. This also means that hackers can die from a perfect headshot. It may not always work, since there may be, or may eventually be other forms of godmode. Think very very carefully about killing a hacker though. If a hacker is willing to resort to godmode, then chances are killing him would be like taking new toys from a little kid. You may very well doom your entire server to an imminent rage-nuke by pulling that trigger. Well, you can always be a bit selfish, but you don't want to be there when the kid throws a tantrum. Hackers Get Banned This is the eventual consequence of hacking. There is no exception to this, period. People may see a lot of hackers on servers and think that these hackers have never been banned. The truth is these hackers are constantly in the process of buying new copies of ARMA2 in order to continue their hacking spree. The hackers may not go away, but do you want to lose your copy? The only reason I'm using the kit myself is because I have literally nothing to lose. In a sense I have already stopped playing the game. If you are foolish enough to actually search up these hacks and use them, then you will lose your account. It may take a few days, it may take a couple weeks, but it will happen. PS: Please rely if you find this guide helpful, so that it stays on first page and gets to reach more people. Edited by Elenkel, 02 August 2012 - 05:07 AM.
  2. There is one principle that can keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That is contempt prior to investigation. - Herbert Spencer Keeping forums exist partially as a way to distribute knowledge. Even a little knowledge is the difference between having your house burn down, and staying warm through the winter. Some moderators on this forum, acting out of contempt for the members of this forum, prefer to take down information rather than trust people to gain understanding without harming each other. This blind, retching instinct to cast out any knowledge which requires responsibility and restraint from the beholder is nothing that belongs in a community of equals. This post is not a guide. This post is not an exploit. This post is information. On to the post: Often you hear people talking about item duplication as if it is a "hack," i.e. a script ran by a soon-to-be-banned client. While it is possible to create as many items as you want though scripting, that is likely to get you banned. There is a more common, accidental method of item duplication - Camping Tents. Each tent on a server has a running or "current" configuration, and a written, or "saved" configuration. Each time a server starts, all saved tents are recreated, then populated with loot from their saved configs. The problem lies in the fact that only the Tent Owner, (the person who placed the tent,) can actually save the tent. (Even though sometimes other players are presented with the "Save Tent" dialog.) This means that if you find another players tent, take a can of beans, and the server restarts, there will be more beans in the tent. Doh! Item duplication. You could even duplicate your own items by placing an item in a tent, saving it, removing the item, and waiting for the server to restart. This also makes robbing another players tent a more interesting affair, because the items will simply re-appear after a restart. They may never even know they were robbed. This information is available in not so many words on the Day-Z wiki: "If someone other than the owner of the tent places items in the tent, the owner of the tent must save the tent to prevent items from being deleted if the server is reset." http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Tent Comment if this cleared up wonky tent behavior for you.
  3. proxyguy

    The Truth - Tent Behavior Explained

    I really don't think learning about how tents work hurts anything. Do you also think we shouldn't teach chemistry in school in case people "try it out?"
  4. proxyguy

    The Truth - Tent Behavior Explained

    I never played, but I've personally confirmed that tents in save owner's content, and do not simply spawn empty. Tents are buggy as all hell, and dump their contents frequently.
  5. proxyguy

    The Truth - Tent Behavior Explained

    Are you seriously suggesting that we shouldn't discuss bugs in an Alpha version of software?
  6. proxyguy

    The Truth - Tent Behavior Explained

    No.. My first one got deleted and I slightly overreacted.. >_>
  7. proxyguy

    The Truth - Tent Behavior Explained

    I know that tents behave differently after their owners have died, needed to be accessed every 7 days, ect. The only thing I can guess is that after the owner is dead, the next person to "save" the tent becomes the new owner. Or perhaps anyone can save the tent after the owner has died. Its possible that the tent you used had a dead owner, and that affected its behavior, but I'm just speculating right now.
  8. proxyguy

    The Truth - Tent Behavior Explained

    There is one principle that can keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That is contempt prior to investigation. - Herbert Spencer Keeping forums exist partially as a way to distribute knowledge. Even a little knowledge is the difference between having your house burn down, and staying warm through the winter. Some moderators on this forum, acting out of contempt for the members of this forum, prefer to take down information rather than trust people to gain understanding without harming each other. This blind, retching instinct to cast out any knowledge which requires responsibility and restraint from the beholder is nothing that belongs in a community of equals. This post is not a guide. This post is not an exploit. This post is information. Being re posted because it was taken down after 5 mins. On to the post: Often you hear people talking about item duplication as if it is a "hack," i.e. a script ran by a soon-to-be-banned client. While it is possible to create as many items as you want though scripting, that is likely to get you banned. There is a more common, accidental method of item duplication - Camping Tents. Each tent on a server has a running or "current" configuration, and a written, or "saved" configuration. Each time a server starts, all saved tents are recreated, then populated with loot from their saved configs. The problem lies in the fact that only the Tent Owner, (the person who placed the tent,) can actually save the tent. (Even though sometimes other players are presented with the "Save Tent" dialog.) This means that if you find another players tent, take a can of beans, and the server restarts, there will be more beans in the tent. Doh! Item duplication. You could even duplicate your own items by placing an item in a tent, saving it, removing the item, and waiting for the server to restart. This also makes robbing another players tent a more interesting affair, because the items will simply re-appear after a restart. They may never even know they were robbed. This information is available in not so many words on the Day-Z wiki: "If someone other than the owner of the tent places items in the tent, the owner of the tent must save the tent to prevent items from being deleted if the server is reset." http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Tent Comment if this cleared up wonky tent behavior for you. [user warned. -Max]
  9. proxyguy

    The Truth - Tent Behavior Explained

    There is one principle that can keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That is contempt prior to investigation. - Herbert Spencer Keeping forums exist partially as a way to distribute knowledge. Even a little knowledge is the difference between having your house burn down, and staying warm through the winter. Some moderators on this forum, acting out of contempt for the members of this forum, prefer to take down information rather than trust people to gain understanding without harming each other. This blind, retching instinct to cast out any knowledge which requires responsibility and restraint from the beholder is nothing that belongs in a community of equals. This post is not a guide. This post is not an exploit. This post is information. On to the post: Often you hear people talking about item duplication as if it is a "hack," i.e. a script ran by a soon-to-be-banned client. While it is possible to create as many items as you want though scripting, that is likely to get you banned. There is a more common, accidental method of item duplication - Camping Tents. Each tent on a server has a running or "current" configuration, and a written, or "saved" configuration. Each time a server starts, all saved tents are recreated, then populated with loot from their saved configs. The problem lies in the fact that only the Tent Owner, (the person who placed the tent,) can actually save the tent. (Even though sometimes other players are presented with the "Save Tent" dialog.) This means that if you find another players tent, take a can of beans, and the server restarts, there will be more beans in the tent. Doh! Item duplication. You could even duplicate your own items by placing an item in a tent, saving it, removing the item, and waiting for the server to restart. This also makes robbing another players tent a more interesting affair, because the items will simply re-appear after a restart. They may never even know they were robbed. This information is available in not so many words on the Day-Z wiki: "If someone other than the owner of the tent places items in the tent, the owner of the tent must save the tent to prevent items from being deleted if the server is reset." http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Tent Comment if this cleared up wonky tent behavior for you.
  10. proxyguy

    The Truth - Tent Behavior Explained

    There is one principle that can keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That is contempt prior to investigation. - Herbert Spencer Keeping forums exist partially as a way to distribute knowledge. Even a little knowledge is the difference between having your house burn down, and staying warm through the winter. Some moderators on this forum, acting out of contempt for the members of this forum, prefer to take down information rather than trust people to gain understanding without harming each other. This blind, retching instinct to cast out any knowledge which requires responsibility and restraint from the beholder is nothing that belongs in a community of equals. This post is not a guide. This post is not an exploit. This post is information. On to the post: Often you hear people talking about item duplication as if it is a "hack," i.e. a script ran by a soon-to-be-banned client. While it is possible to create as many items as you want though scripting, that is likely to get you banned. There is a more common, accidental method of item duplication - Camping Tents. Each tent on a server has a running or "current" configuration, and a written, or "saved" configuration. Each time a server starts, all saved tents are recreated, then populated with loot from their saved configs. The problem lies in the fact that only the Tent Owner, (the person who placed the tent,) can actually save the tent. (Even though sometimes other players are presented with the "Save Tent" dialog.) This means that if you find another players tent, take a can of beans, and the server restarts, there will be more beans in the tent. Doh! Item duplication. You could even duplicate your own items by placing an item in a tent, saving it, removing the item, and waiting for the server to restart. This also makes robbing another players tent a more interesting affair, because the items will simply re-appear after a restart. They may never even know they were robbed. This information is available in not so many words on the Day-Z wiki: "If someone other than the owner of the tent places items in the tent, the owner of the tent must save the tent to prevent items from being deleted if the server is reset." http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Tent Comment if this cleared up wonky tent behavior for you.
  11. proxyguy

    The Truth - A Guide to Surviving Hackers

    I found this on google cache, after it had been taken down off the forum. Withholding information from the community is not the answer to any problem, so I'm re-posting this. Introduction I originally posted this topic on the NZ server forums, since NZ servers were the ones most heavily plagued by hackers. As such a lot of the estimations won't be relevant, but I imagine everybody knows that hackers are still very much present on servers in other regions. Despite how many times people lie to themselves "it's impossible to avoid hacking in online games", there is no denying that compared to any other online game such as Battlefield 3 or WoW, hacking in DayZ is disturbingly more common. By my estimation, at least a quarter of the players on NZ servers are hackers. Where did I get this estimation? I didn't simply pull it out of nowhere, or somehow deduce a figure from deaths or hacker reports. I know this to be true, because as a hacker you can spot other hackers. That was my initial purpose when I decided to purchase a script kit, to see just how bad the situation truly is. I know there are still many honest players out there, and once in awhile I get to revert some of them who were turned into dogs by other hackers. I created this thread to provide the community with an overview on hackers' behaviours, their scripts, and how you should act to avoid personal losses. I'll be skipping anything that's overly obvious such as "server getting nuked, there must be a hacker". The Hackers Make no mistake. The hackers are at the very top of the food chain, and for some reason they are A LOT more common on NZ servers than any other region. If you can live with the ping, play on an US server and you will by default save yourself a lot of grief (from hacking at least). There are two extremes of hackers. On one end is the griefer, the typical kind that nukes servers, kill people while invisible, godmode, hack guns, fly jets, etc. On the other end is the regular, a hacker who plays the game like any other regular gamer, but gives himself an advantage of some sort via hacking. From what I've seen both types are equally common on the NZ servers. If you see someone who is geared to the teeth and acting recklessly, then it's probably too good to be true. There is nothing wrong with being a bandit, that's part of DayZ, but choose your targets carefully. The Scripts Hackers have a lot of powerful scripts, some of which are even quite useful against other hackers. I myself have used Lock Man repetitively on some other hackers (which even disables their ability to bring up the hack menu) and force them to rage quit. Some hacks are very noticeable, leaves traces on servers or has very devastating effects, I'll call them high-profile. Others are a lot less detectable, and often enough when you died to a hacker you might have thought that it was simply bad luck. High Profile Spawn Weapon Crate - Some hackers are bold enough to spawn large weapon crates in the middle of towns. These weapon crates generally contain 20 of every weapon in the game (ARMA 2), some of which not obtainable by normal means in DayZ. If you see one... well, I guess it's not your fault that the temptation is too great. You won't get into any trouble if you loot from it, but feel free to avoid the crates for moral reasons. If you do choose to pick up a weapon however, make sure that it officially exists in the DayZ universe. If it's a weapon that's only available in ARMA 2 then it will disappear upon relog. Thunderdome - Thunderdome is a script that teleports all players on a server to a deathmatch arena filled with guns. The only way to get out of this dome without logging off is to survive 5 minutes, and then secure the helicopter which will spawn at the centre of the arena. Technically hackers can actually desync the players before summoning them to the arena, so that even if you die in the arena you will still retain the gear you had prior to the teleport. Sadly most people who use this script are griefers who never cared about that. Oh, "illegal copies may degrade", so your chopper will disappear upon server restart. Teleport to Hacker - A simpler script than Thunderdome, hackers can teleport an entire server's population (or a single player in particular, e.g. a non-hacking friend) to where he is. In fact, as soon as you see your scenary change suddenly, abort asap. Don't bother shouting "WTF". This is no time to socialise when the hacker probably has something nasty (i.e. satchel charge) planned for the crowd, if he opted to use teleport instead of nuke. Remember, when in doubt, log out, or at least hit "z" key. Prone won't save you from explosives, but hiding in a large pile of corpses can at least prevent you from being killed by other nervous players. Jets/Choppers/Artillery - While choppers are in game, you probably won't see any legit chopper being used to solely show off in Cherno and grief people. Again, if you start hearing too many explosions, log off straight away. Explosions are good indicators for hackers intending to grief, so even if you manage to survive some carpet bombing, there is probably a nuke coming next. PlayerMorph - Remember those stories of players being turned into dogs and cows? If it happens, log out straight away. Even if the hacker doesn't kill you immediately, if you wait around a curious player may just decide to try get some dog meat. You should return to your human form upon relog, although your gear may or may not be lost. Bodyguards - A script very rarely used by hackers. This script summons half a dozen M4-wielding NPCs who will follow the hacker. These NPCs attract zombies, and attack zombies and other players on sight. Low Profile AddItems - The most common hack used by all walks of hacking life. Unless the weapon is not a legit DayZ weapon, there is virtually no way of conclusively proving that someone is adding items. If you start seeing half the people on a server wearing ghillie suit (which is the "uniform" for 90% of the hackers, like the old bandit skin), wielding AS50 and spamming satchel charges, then the picture should be obvious. Godmode - Surprisingly many hackers don't actually use this script, since it takes too much away from the game (no hunger, thirst, disease, etc.). If you ever suspect that a hacker may have godmode on, and if your weapon and position don't offer a great aim, then your best course of action is to log off. Running is useless, if a hacker truly wants you die, you will die, whether that's by teleportation and bullets, dog-transformation, broken legs or a simple kill command. Hackers with godmode on can still bleed (animation only), and they can't remove the animation without first turning off godmode and bandage. If you see some guy in ghillie suit happily bleeding without a care, then you should probably avoid him. Invisibility - This is a very popular hack. Invisibility turns the hacker's skin invisible, however the hacker makes just as much noise (from moving, coughing, etc.), and the zombies can spot/hear the hacker just as well. Invisibility turns the gun invisible, but the smoke still appears. If the hacker is bleeding, then the blood will also give him away. Don't try to hunt down an invisible hacker, since chances are godmode is also on. Log off. ESP - Yes, hackers have a working EPS which shows people's name tags around them up to 800m. Virtually all the hackers have this on, as such trying to hide from a hacker is pretty pointless. Often enough when you get ambushed despite taking every precautions, hacking may be involved. Map Markers - Currently hackers can mark players, vehicles, tents and helicopter crashes on both the map and their GPS. As such, always remember that your camp and car aren't safe. Since hackers didn't have to work hard to gather all the loot or repair a car, their actions are often destructive when they find tents and cars. Other hackers may pretend to have found the car/tents via normal means and lead their clans to them. Don't always blame server resets, sometimes it's simply hackers stealing your very well-hidden stuff. The only safe place to store any loot is on an alt character from a second copy of ARMA2. Teleport - Most people know that hackers can teleport, but people probably don't know that hackers can only teleport to the ground level. This means that if you are at the top of a building a hacker can't simply teleport right behind you. He'd have to teleport to the first floor and work his way up. Use this information how you will. If the hacker is in a vehicle, then the vehicle teleports with the hacker. Infinite Ammo - This is pretty self-explanatory. If you hear a DMR/AS50 being spammed without any interval for reload, then there is probably a hacker. The effect also covers satchel charges. Lock Man - This script locks a single player's, or the entire server's inputs. This means your camera will be frozen, and any key you press will have no effect. The effect expires upon relog, so most people may initially think that it's simply a DayZ bug. In any case it's definitely a very good idea to log out straight away. While you are trying to bash your keyboard a hacking sniper is probably zeroing his rifle on you. There are countless other scripts out there, but most of them are either too obvious or useless (e.g. parachuting cows). Remember, many of these scripts (after proper modification) can be applied to other players who aren't personally hacking (e.g. godmode and invisibility). To Kill a Hacker Generally speaking it's not plausible to try and kill a hacker, but sometimes it is not impossible. Unless you are a hacker yourself, you will be severely disadvantaged against a hacker. Contrary to popular belief, the most common godmode does not offer absolute protection. It doesn't provide "damage immunity", instead it provides the hacker heals to full blood at very quick intervals. This means that any attack which cannot instant kill is pointless, a whole clip to a hacker's chest won't even scratch them. This also means that hackers can die from a perfect headshot. It may not always work, since there may be, or may eventually be other forms of godmode. Think very very carefully about killing a hacker though. If a hacker is willing to resort to godmode, then chances are killing him would be like taking new toys from a little kid. You may very well doom your entire server to an imminent rage-nuke by pulling that trigger. Well, you can always be a bit selfish, but you don't want to be there when the kid throws a tantrum. Hackers Get Banned This is the eventual consequence of hacking. There is no exception to this, period. People may see a lot of hackers on servers and think that these hackers have never been banned. The truth is these hackers are constantly in the process of buying new copies of ARMA2 in order to continue their hacking spree. The hackers may not go away, but do you want to lose your copy? The only reason I'm using the kit myself is because I have literally nothing to lose. In a sense I have already stopped playing the game. If you are foolish enough to actually search up these hacks and use them, then you will lose your account. It may take a few days, it may take a couple weeks, but it will happen. PS: Please rely if you find this guide helpful, so that it stays on first page and gets to reach more people. Edited by Elenkel, 02 August 2012 - 05:07 AM.