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Everything posted by cianw1

  1. I was playing on UK124 today (21:14 GMT) I think it was roughly 5pm ingame time. Me and two friends where near black lake when all of a sudden someone logged and they shot my friend. He and I started returning fire and I can confirm I shot her multiple times with my winchester. She then killed my friend and after a few seconds of me continuing to shoot her she turned to me and shot me a few times which killed me. At first I was frustrated but I thought, "Ok it could have just been lagg". But then once I respawned everyone got teleported to a massive dome called the 'Thunderdrome' and had to fight to the death. I don't think that these two incidents are a coincidence. My ingame name: cianw1 and my friends ingame names: 'pablofrindo' and 'phiseb'. Im not sure if we can have our deaths 'reset' or anything but I wanted to report this anyway,