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Everything posted by c4r1b0u

  1. So now that some came through, when can I expect an instance id? I've been waiting a little short of 7 days.
  2. Im almost debating a refund. I've been waiting almost a week. This is ridiculous
  3. c4r1b0u

    Looking for group/clan.

    We are based in the US, but have players from all over the world. Both of you should go to the forums and post an application. We have a teamspeak and 2 servers. http://det0x.net
  4. We have a pretty active group going. If interested go to http://det0x.net register on the forums and throw in an application!
  5. Any suggestions on who to go through? Looking for a 30 man or 40 man server for our clan. Any suggestions welcome, thanks!