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Everything posted by TalonII

  1. TalonII

    Thus ends my DayZ Day.

    Yeah, I'm not attached, as I said, it's the real life time of walking to where I want to be that annoys me most. Also Vindicar. OMFGBBQ QUIET N00B (since this appears to be your most eloquent form of communication. Cretin.)
  2. TalonII

    Thus ends my DayZ Day.

    I'm in a similar situation Mozzy, sorry to hear about it. I'm currently around 500m in the air, after being transported 2km up with the rest of the server. I rejoined fell for a while then saw the ground rushing towards me and logged out. Still there, with all my stuff. I've seen admins take GUIDs and happily transport people from the wilderness (when that glitch was still around) to a spawn or somewhere on the map. I would hope these people would be able to see I'm not lying (I would assume they can see my vertical height or z-direction in some sort of server details) but so far I've had no reply from any of them. Sorry I couldn't be of much help, but I share your pain. I'm not particuarly attached to my gear, but I won't just "give up" and have to run for another hour in game to get back to where I was when there is a slightly remote chance of an admin moving me back to where I was. Tbh it's the travelling that gets to me. I've spent too many hours running because of hackers, not legitimate players that have killed me.
  3. I was playing on UK123 and around 20.45 BST a hacker must have spawn everyone into the air. I immediately logged out. I logged back in a few minutes later on UK 26. I spawned in the air, looked down and saw myself rushing towards the ground. I have the same weapons, health, equipment, etc. Is there any way someone can move me on the ground and back to my last position or nearby? It would be very much appreciated. Player name: Talon. Same happened with my friend Noise too.
  4. TalonII

    Server Hacker Tried to Kill Me

    Bump, can someone please help?
  5. TalonII

    Server Hacker Tried to Kill Me

    Yeah something like "One day Alice....to the moon". I've heard of peole being asked to be transported from the wilderness so surely an admin somewhere can move our characters to the ground using our GUID (should our names prove too generic)?