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Everything posted by SmokeyFTM

  1. SmokeyFTM

    Whats your worst Dayz luck?

    1st downed heli i found camo clothing and decided to put it on before i start looting the weapons and ammo, less chance of being seen i thought. Booya.. spawned in the water swam to shore no equipment not even the camo i just put on that glitched me there, happy DayZ
  2. SmokeyFTM

    ghillie suit spawn locations

    found most of mine in the corner pub buildings in cherno
  3. Its a quality rifle for accuracy takes M24 and DMR mags, use the DMR mags they split into 4 M24 mags but make sure you have the space in your inventory before you convert the ammo, i used to keep it in my alice pack with 4 DMR mags to scope out a place before going in with the M4A3, i lost mine when i died from a hacker so i didnt bother going to look for my body to get it back. Found my first DMR tonight 10 minutes later while running up some stairs my bones broke then i died from another hacker i think. Next sniper i finds getting left where it is there f'n cursed
  4. SmokeyFTM

    The end of my 41 Days Character

    Same thing happened to me after 3 dayz, said i was killed straight after loading then spawned on beach with no equipment not even flashlight, bandage, painkillers or bag. Still had my kills, headshots ect. I had to run all the way to my body to get my stuff back Elektro to berezino
  5. SmokeyFTM

    What the Ef

    How many cans of beans had you eaten in the previous hour? Did you wash them down with mountain Dew?
  6. SmokeyFTM

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Finally got 95819 after an hour of looking through this post finding out which files go into what folder now everytime i try logging into a server with the same version i get kicked? my friends still runnin saying "see u should've waited" what happened? can i go back to the old version i was playing 2 hours ago I've went back to the stopped getting kicked but stuck at loading screen. had to edit file in Arma 2 OA adding ;@dayz thats sorted it out im back i wonder if adding the ;@dayz after i installed the hotfix wouldve worked? but er, Somehow i'm at the beach inbetween Cherno and Elektro when i was on a hill overlooking Stary, found a M24 at a deerstand east of green mountain edge of the tree line last night now im garuanteed to lose it i've never found nvg and im wearing a camo suit i might as well just drop it. Im just happy to be back on after the last 3 hours ive had i swear this game is too powerfull, ive went longer without a smoke and never swore so much Note to the newbies... if ur surrounded by bandits press . and see what happens when you sit down, 4 out of 5 times this has saved me after with the " haha your cool you can go on your way"
  7. SmokeyFTM

    Tents in

    i put all my goodies in a tent (left myself with just a hatchet) last night so WHEN i die i got my compass, map, ghillie suit etc safe in a tent. 10 seconds later i got kicked from game and my tents gone. i didnt even die and i jus had to start again :(
  8. theres a bandit nearby i can hear shooting and daniels keeps dying
  9. im dyin plz help, 200 metres northeast of the hopital at cherno, nxt to a pond i think. i have a blood bag and a spare ghillie suit in my bag for the 1st person to save my ass, i have 1 red smoke grenade ill throw in 5 minutes so u can find me