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Everything posted by SmokeyFTM

  1. SmokeyFTM

    How do I use textchat?

    How do i turn off predictive text on my iphone 5?
  2. SmokeyFTM

    Optimization and FPS Problem

    What system are you running it on? you can find the config file and change max frames ahead lines both to 1 and try changing your view distance to 1600 see if that helps. You might have to right click the DayZ folder go to properties and untick the read only bit first to be able to edit the config
  3. SmokeyFTM

    Push patch notes through Steam! :)

    Yep unless you were in a server before the problems started you can't get in until steam fixes it, just do what i do when i can't play DayZ and watch someone else play it http://www.twitch.tv/sacriel
  4. SmokeyFTM


    I had the same issue and also used disinfectant a few times, after 10 minutes i was healthy again, i think it just takes time to work I have been having trouble getting into servers the las half hour the same reason as others keeps saying server full click restart and connection failed hope the team can get it fixed soon here's some :beans: Ok so if you cant get in a server keep trying looks like were just waiting on steams authentication https://twitter.com/rocket2guns
  5. SmokeyFTM

    Invisible mouse pointer

    Yep same problem here, although my brother has also bought the game and his cursor moves with the mouse but with mine i have to hold down the left mouse button to move the cursor which disappears from the screen until i leave go of left mouse click, its made it a pain in the arse to change my settings and move or use items in my inventory as i keep clicking the wrong shit. That being said im still having a laugh been waiting ages for this and am more than happy to support it in the early stages as i was with the mod.
  6. SmokeyFTM

    Sa Graphics

    Each to his own i think, everyone likes different shit and most get comfy with a certain thing and wont change no matter what, ive tried all 3 and IMHO Dxtory is only a lil better than fraps because it doesn't hog the pc as much, and shadowplay is great if you leave it on manual otherwise it constantly records and can slow shit down just as much as fraps.
  7. If you were ever lucky enough to play this server back when it was up its back now only a few dayz i think but its the same setup as before, PvP start with the M4A3 CCO. End message
  8. I've updated to 1.7.3 joined a server (GB500 1up-gamers) and in the lobby ive got that annoying steam message blocking my join option where it says press shift + tab to discard the message, so i did that and its still there so i pressed enter instead... BOOM, you have been kicked by battleye script restriction #67 i think it was. no problem i havnt done anything wrong i'll rejoin, straight in no steam related nonsense but after 2 minutes i see a message on side from admin "not going to run any scripts"? i asked who? he said i had just triggered a script restriction so reply or be kicked, i explained what just happened as i 1st joined and got kicked when i hit enter in lobby then he kicked me? wtf did i do wrong please anyone?
  9. SmokeyFTM

    DayZ Walking dead prison

    I thought the first season was really good, but lately there's 2 many pointless conversations and not enough action or any progression with the story
  10. SmokeyFTM

    DayZ SA NEEDS basements (seriously)

    leave the bright ideas to this man
  11. SmokeyFTM

    Am I dying?

    I think its easier to tell the temp than the last yellow to white one, red hot blue cold. Bro tip - Sprint to warm up
  12. SmokeyFTM

    [Daizy] No guns at heli crash site

    Sounds like Daizys a bitch, stick to DayZ mate she wont let you down
  13. Yep you can play on all the different DayZ maps any day of the week, you could try a few hours of each all in 1 day if you wanted . A really easy way to install them all is DayZ commander if you havn't already got it. Remember the standalone ( DayZ game) when its finished and released will be on the Chernarus ( just DayZ) map but with extra buildings, areas, Weapons, vehicles and all that good stuff. So it would be a good idea to spend some time getting to know your way around that one
  14. SmokeyFTM

    is 1.7.5 out?

    Ive been surviving present day DayZ for ages just taking each day as it comes, of course i'd love to be able to grab a piece of the future, see what lies ahead, but i dont. I'm sure whatever it is will be the dogs hairy nutsackI can understand why people would want to jump straight into the new versions to see whats what, with dogs and such being talked about for a while, after 6 months travelling Chernarus i just hope i get to take a well earned shit soon, is that in for 1.7.5?
  15. I think the owner waits until he knows the patch is working and there are no bugs. DayZ Commander wont bring out new maps straight away either until a few servers have had them up and running and the community is behind it on DayZ commander forums asking for the new maps etc. A good way to go imo
  16. SmokeyFTM

    What server ?

    DayZ Commander will help you out mate, its got a filter so you can take out non official (private) servers, the official servers will start you with the proper DayZ gear but you will encounter hackers unless you find a decent private server with good admins or a whitelisted server will probably be your best option
  17. SmokeyFTM

    dayz still wont work! :( (pictures)

    It always says a file or 2 failed to accuire or something with steam everytime i've validated i wouldn't worry about that bit. Have you started operation arrowhead to the main menu after validating? In DayZ commander have a look in the settings at the boxes for the steam version about replacing files you might have to check that box or not, mine doesnt work when i check it for some reason i just start it with DayZ commander
  18. SmokeyFTM

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Quality news, finally. Im expecting to see the average life expectancy to drop on the home page now their characters must be on some long dayz, but may their names forever remain at the top of the survival list, eye of the tiger fella's
  19. SmokeyFTM

    Buying new PC, need help!

    No problems im running it on the i5 3450 and gtx 650 so you should be good, make sure to have a look at the fps help posts on here and reddit. Video Memory - Default Textures - High Terrain detail - Nomal Object detail - Normal or low (see what works best) HDR - disabled Vsync - Disabled All the above options are what i turned mine down to so my graphics card wasn't heating up too much, since i downloaded MSI afterburner i can run DayZ on higher settings than what i've listed as that programme turns the gfx fan speed up to keep it cool. So, you should be able to run it on medium settings with what you were going to buy, but if you upgrade your graphics card you could get better quality at a higher frame rate.
  20. Getting killed at Fallujah airfield then finding a bicycle peddling back onto the airfield blasting bad to the bone through direct comms, killed 2 bandits in the bunker and 1 on the firehouse before i was dropped.
  21. SmokeyFTM

    Make zombies better

    You should try DayZ+ for a more hardcore experience untill the standalone comes out, the zombies are a lot harder you can be killed in 6 hits from one. Also some features in DayZ+ that the majority of the community like could be in the standalone such as the construction of bases/defensive positions and the extra weapons. Theres no AS50 or M107 there either and i think the CZ 550 has a higher chance of spawning
  22. You should have to bag it then i could sly it in my mates backpack, can't believe some don't think this should be a feature i see only good times ahead. How someone could of thought of this in the first place is genious
  23. EVERYWHERE!!! (insert Gary oldman clip from Leon)
  24. Intel i5 3450 does a good job, isn't too expensive.