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About timmytom96

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. timmytom96

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    thankyou to the trusted medics they were veryhelpful and got me on my feet quickly, too bad i ran into a bandit and died but they were great in saving me before that
  2. timmytom96

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am in need of blood, can ayone help? I'm in novy sobor, message me and i will be more specific, i don't have much to trade but i can offer a magnum with six packs of bullets if you require payment I'm at about 4000 blood but i have patched myself up i just need a transfusion asap
  3. timmytom96

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am in desperate need of blood i have about 400 left but i have bandaged myself up, i got attacked by zombies but by the time i lost them i was nearly dead, i have nothing to pay you but any help would be much appreciated. i am on the road leading north from novy sobor at the first right turn near the deer stand. i have skype but no webcam or mic so chat only, or we could use the ingame chat (but from experiance it is unreliable) my skype name is timmytom96 message me if you can help :)
  4. timmytom96

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    just got a blood transfusion from Dutch Miller, thankyou very much
  5. timmytom96

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can't figure out how to talk to non-players on steam so I'll just post this here. can anyone help me , i am in one of the two large barns in novy sobor which is prettymuch slap bang in the middle of the map, i currently need blood desperatly and i am passing out periodically, i don't have a bloodpack for a transfusion so if you are so good you will need to bring one to help me. all i have on me are some drinks, a revolver and a crossbow. i will happily pay you with the crossbow or the revolver, whichever you choose but if you will do this for free all the better. you can choose the server but sorry i don't have a mic so the ingame chat is how we will communicate. PM me if you can help =D