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Everything posted by Thasik

  1. Thasik

    Getting off on the right foot

    Thanks man you're a true bro.
  2. Thasik

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    Release content updates until the standalone comes out. Bug fixes should continue if necessary but actual content shouldn't come out after standalone is released. The best sounding thing is to let both go with continued updates, but in all honesty I want the money I'm going to pay to go to content for the game I purchased, not a mod that others are getting for free.
  3. Seeing as how most of the graphical problems are caused by dead soldiers and barbed wire, why not just get rid of them? Barbed wire serves no purpose aside from trolling and dead soldiers only provide cosmetics. I know the game has the problem with looking "too clean" but in all honesty I could care less about that until standalone.