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Everything posted by Uriel99

  1. Ahahaha! I managed to walk OUT of debug plains. Or at least I think so, there is some kind of forest here. I will look for civilization now. Edit: I found zombies. Got my respawn after all :/
  2. This is the first time I actually beg to be killed in any Bohemia game. Once I crawled for hours with broken legs in OFP and got to the tent in the end. Does anyone know if it's possible to walk from debug fields to actual play area? Yesterday I tried to run for half an hour to die of thirst but to no effect. I met cow. We travelled together for a while but I lost her. And is anyone reading this? I haven't seen any mod post here for a few pages. An in-game option to commit suicide would be nice and would take a lot of overhead from mods.
  3. I think I'm in debug fields too - lost my gear and there is only sea of grass and hills everywhere. Like a bad dream, I wandered this landscape for hour but found nothing. Please take me behind barn and do it quickly so I can start fresh. edit:: Nevermind