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Everything posted by Lopine

  1. Lopine

    PVE Server

    Btw "player interaction" is NOT shooting. Interacting is when you talk, trade and that social stuff that to me is interacting with somebody. And everybody is to busy shooting peopel on sight to really bother with anything.
  2. Lopine

    Blood Regeneration

    I was low on blood and ate some caned food and it heald regend a bit of blood. Was around 2k gaind about 1k from eatin and drinking stuff.
  3. I recently found a set of camo clothes and thought that it was cool to have found them but i couldent put them on due to i play as and generaly prefer to play as a femela character. But at time of this posting women cant use "advanced" clothing like camo, ghillie suts. In general cant use clothing other then the one thay start with. Im sure im not the only one that prefers or likes to play as a female character. So if this whould be made posible for female characters to use this "advanced" clothing then that whould be grate and much apriciated. :) And Fyi i did search the forums as sugested but did not find a topic on this based on what i searched for based on the "keep topics short and on topic" And further more i will have to admit that male bandit's clothes look alot beter then standard clothes. Which reminded me of can a bandid swap bandit clothes for cevilian clothes? And will thay be labeld as "bandit clothes" if thay do drop them? Whould suck if you as a non bandit picked up a bandit clothing and was then stuck with it. Or can you switch back ones swaped clothing?
  4. Lopine

    Adv Clothing for Women

    Ok haivng dresses and all that stuff for women in DayZ isent my point with this forum post. I just want the women of DayZ to have the same clothing options as the men of DayZ have. Like why seperate the two? If i play as a man or a woman then why should one get to have adv clothing like ghillie and camo clothes? And why not a female bandit clothes? Equalety peopel! Its 2012 going into 2013 treating genders and peopel difrently is lame and stupid and doing to in a game is just as stupid and lame imo.
  5. Lopine

    PVE Server

    And a PVE server could be as a "traning server" for new players wanting to play the game and get to know the game on more friendlier terms. That in tern whould make intergating new players into the world of DayZ alot beter and whouldent scare so many peopel of. Because right new players are probebly scared of from this game sins it is very hardcore and very puneshing when it comes to permadeath and start from scratch.
  6. Lopine

    PVE Server

    I want to play DayZ and i want to enjoy it and to just have a good time and i whould actualy like to get a chanse to actualy play and enjoy the damn game without being killed for the 80th time buy some damn bandit and player like them thay just run around killing peopel for no damn reason all the time. Right now i dont get the chanse to enjoy the game because the damn bandits and hackers. And i feel that i shouldent have to hack the game and make a private server to actualy get a chanse to enjoy the game. I want the updates and i like geting updates for my games hacking and makin a private server or downloading stuff that i shouldent isent fun.
  7. Lopine

    Adv Clothing for Women

    Hahaa! :D That made me laugh and put me in alot beter mood. :thumbsup: :beans:
  8. Lopine

    PVE Server

    I know, but if i make a private server can i still get the updates? Because the way i know and i might be wrong is that i make a copy of the game the way it is now and run that as a private thing. Or how do that part work? Anyway i have like 3 houers and 40 min free time so i will investigate the private server thing this weekend when i have time for it.
  9. Lopine

    PVE Server

    I dont mean to be rude when i say this but this is probebly the first most inteligent comment on this forum topic. And yes i agree with you. And i know alot of the time alot of peopel seam to want a bigger chalenge and to reall test them selfs and there skill. And right now everybody is shooting everybody on sight reguardles of thay are new spawns or not. And there is no reason thay shouldent. Even if thay did thay just go back at it next life. And im honestly sick and tierd of geting killed all the time for no damn reason what so ever. I just want to enjoy the damn game, get my gear and survive best i can without getting killed all the time for no reason. I shouldent have to hack the game to actualy be able to enjoy the damn game. And imho having two types of "hives" one for PVP and one for PVE whould give players the option to just enjoy the game OR play the more chalenging version in PVP. A PVE server could also be a good way to learn the game, the weapons, whare the gear spawn and so on without the geting killed every damn time.
  10. Lopine

    PVE Server

    I enjoy DayZ and i want to play it but i dont enjoy the peopel who keep killing me all the time for no damn reason what so ever.
  11. Lopine

    Adv Clothing for Women

    Lol ever heard of killin with style? :P Anyway that was just the first thought that enterd my mind when i read his coment. But i always do enjoy stoping zombie heads with high heals lol. :D And some women are more cumfy in a dress and some in pants. So its difrent from person to person. And why not play the "maiden in distres" card as a women? Alot of men fals for the "dumb blond" card. And all a woman have to do is show some skin and alot of men and womans brians turn them selfs off and thay try staring at the woman to death like supermans heatvision.
  12. Lopine

    Adv Clothing for Women

    I thought it was something like that. I just got really disapointed when i stumbled onto camo clothing and couldent use it because im playing a female character.
  13. Lopine

    PVE Server

    Well then i gues im not goin to play this game anymore. Becaue im tierd of playing a game whare i have to shoot everything on sight and being shot on sight.
  14. Lopine

    PVE Server

    Yeah right now there is no reason or anything other then killing peopel on sight reguadles if thay survived a cuple of days or recently spawned. And being the one thats constantly killed on sight this is making the game really suck for me.
  15. Lopine

    PVE Server

    Is that legal as far as DayZ rules go?
  16. Lopine

    PVE Server

    So whats a private hive?
  17. Lopine

    PVE Server

    I agree with that. At this point im geting more and more sick and tierd of constantly geting killed all the time. And thay dont care if i have weapons or not or if i just spawned like 2 seconds ago. Thay just want to kill and thay do. And that is ruening the game for me. I whould anjoy the game alot more if i could play on a NON PVP server and just trying to survive and fighting the zombies is dificult enough. As the game is now there is now way in hell im buying that stand alone game because i just whouldent enjoy it.
  18. Lopine

    PVE Server

    Maby but playing the game as it is now is making it boring for me constantly geting killed on sight and it makes it imposible to actualy enjoy.
  19. Lopine

    Adv Clothing for Women

    You joke about it but Ada Wong from Resident Evil had a sexy dress so why not? I just mean the clothing optons men hare as in camo and thos types that women in DayZ cant use. And why not some female NPC zombies?
  20. Lopine

    Adv Clothing for Women

    I just did a short game with a male character. So its not a big deal if i play male or female. I just prefer female characters sins the majority of all chracters will be male. I think there should be an option for peopel to play as who thay want and in what way thay want male or female.
  21. Lopine

    Adv Clothing for Women

    Well because its "easier on the eyes" and i just prefer that. Its not that i dont play as male characters. Idk its just a personal preference sins the game industry is to male focused. like have you noticed that the majority of game characters both playable and non playable are male only? Take DayZ for example. The world of DayZ is populated with only men, there are no female zombies. And that almost every game are male only and thats why i prefer playing as a female character. And there are women who play games.
  22. Lopine

    Adv Clothing for Women

    Awsome tks for the heads up! :) And its good to know how the bandit clothing works.
  23. OMG yes! Having it in the game only allow peopel to use it in an unfair way to block peopel from geting sertin gear or reaching a an area allowing peopel to play in an very unfair way giving then an unfair advantage.