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About Lopine

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    Fantasy, sci fi and Action and games of difrent variants and platforms.

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  • Bio
    I am who i am and i do what i can.
  1. Lopine


    If you want smoking then the character in the game that smokes should have 50% less stamina due to the cigarette/cigar smoke works like acid on your loungs which prevent your blood from geting the oxygen it needs.
  2. Lopine

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Here is the pic from when me i had found my then new friend and this is from our game together. And its to date the most fun i have had in DayZ. Here is a link --> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=108893326
  3. Lopine

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Awsome! You have my beans! LOVE this --> Machete. Cant wate to chop zombies with it so damn awsome!
  4. Lopine

    DayZ Screenshots!

    I have 2 screenshots so far from dayz. Both of them with a friend. But one of them is from when i had the most fun in dayz. Had Atv, good gear, camo clothing and a tent. I might be able to try and upload it later today. But not going to if I have to mess around with settings on steam or upload it someware else to be able to upload it here.
  5. Lopine

    DayZ Development Twitter

    I thought up a actual question: How many people are on the DayZ dev team?
  6. Lopine

    DayZ Development Twitter

    I for one is lookin forward to DayZ Standalone. The game looks cool, and the potential stuff thay might add sounded really cool from a rolplaying perspective. And to the peopel that have goten invited, have fun and happy testing. :)
  7. I sometimes prefer to play on official servers. And don't want to install something that could be mistaken for cheating or hack.
  8. I sometimes prefer to play on official servers. And don't want to install something that could be mistaken for cheating or hack.
  9. Nope, the only mod i have installed is dayz it self. What s that mod and what does it do? And im mot to keen instslling loads of mods. I prefer to just use dayz as it is. definetly dont want mods that can be mistaken for hacks.
  10. Yes I know how to update abd evetything id up to date. I also know that it takes time for the update to reach all the other private servers. So thats what im assuming you is the problem and should fix it self when the update hits the server like a ton of bricks lol. Otherwise we can sort this out over team speak or Skype. I will check the server tonight after work, should be home sometime around 5pm uk time sins swedrn us +1 on the time zone thing.
  11. Thanks, i found the server on DayZ commander. The player amount is grayed out and when i try to join the game i get kicked. I dont know why. As soon as i get in to the server i get kicked. I have no clue why and cant really see if there is any messages that tell the reason to why i get kicked. I dont use any mods other then the DayZ mod it self.
  12. Sweet, I will have a look tonight after work. That is asuming tge bugs bin fixed. Btw I do have skype incase ppl want to talk. I whould honestly just prefer to have a good group of ppl to play with. And hopefully avoid bandits.
  13. So how do I find this server in day z commander?
  14. Had to think what I ment. The same name on everything is kbe thing that I don't really like..
  15. Im not sure if i want to join the clan. But i whould like to play on your server. My prefered playstyle is friendly, 30 years old and from sweden. I prefer to use DayZ Commander and wondering whats the server name so i can favorite it?