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About Erasus

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    Helicopter Repair
  1. No hack program = No ban A lot of people have the AS 50 TWS from the 1.5 version, after they were removed the spawn, so dont cry please.
  2. Erasus

    DayZ takistan opinion

    DayZ Chernarus = For New People DayZ Lingor = For bored People DayZ Takistan = For real Hardcore squads (since if you already have playing ArmA II: OA time ago) you know, North airfield of takistan a lot of barracks, a lot of pvp, a lot of sniper (they died instantly because is a fucking desert) Bazman and Razman funny pvp, Close quarter combat in the residentials, roofs... etc. If you want to enjoy the DayZ, play DayZ Takistan, is my advice.
  3. Erasus

    Underground bases?

    I hear that about of the underground bases idea for the standalone, meanwhile playing in takistan i see these edifications, like fallout 3? PD: sorry bad english.
  4. Erasus

    DayZ takistan opinion

    You know, Chernarus is a big map but with a lot of shitty towns with poor loot.
  5. Erasus

    who speak spanish to play?

    Pueden pasar por la comunidad hispana de DayZ, dónde hay gente de todos los países que hablen español, ahi por lo general somos varios y ya llevamos bastante tiempo jugando, siempre reparamos vehiculos y helicopteros, ahora estamos probando el lingor, tenemos raidcall para comunicarnos (similar al teamspeak) un saludo (: http://dayzhispano.com
  6. Erasus

    Day Z Chile

    Racism? and its not jungle. Climate of Chile ranges from the world's driest desert in the north "the Atacama" through a Mediterranean climate in the centre, humid subtropical in Easter Island, to an Oceanic climate, including alpine tundra and glaciers in the east and south. Southern Chile is rich in forests and grazing lands, and features a string of volcanoes and lakes. The southern coast is a labyrinth of fjords, inlets, canals, twisting peninsulas, and islands. Chile is a great country. And please, the topic is about from Chilean gamers, dont post innecesary.
  7. Erasus

    Day Z Chile

    Soy de Chile, aunque ya estaba jugando con una comunidad hispana/latina, juego desde abril casi 1 mes luego de la primera versión del mod. Cualquier cosa pueden agregarme a Steam ID: hcuellarc Saludos (:
  8. Yes, remove and goodbye glitches!
  9. Erasus

    =7Cav=.PVT.Ritchie.S commuinty band and y?

    Your clan have AS 50 TWS? probably ban?
  10. Erasus

    I found Portable Generator

    Thanks for the info, but the description says "Used to supply electrical power in places where utility (central station) power is not available, or where power is needed only temporarily" So, the central station is able to interact with this item? (i guess)
  11. So, what's the purpose of this item? Going to Central Station near the cherno and fix the city lights? PD: Sorry for my bad english.
  12. This happened to me too. I am at Skalisty Island, i connect another server and i get killed for nothing, respawn in the beach with ghillie suit and no gear =( Server: US 444 Note: if you see the island, you found a chopper in flames XD ... lol http://bit.ly/PpdXTh
  13. Erasus

    Skalisty Island Respawn Point

    Other near spawn is in Krutoy Cap, but i not sure. Hope i you help.
  14. Erasus

    Skalisty Island Respawn Point

    Only near spawn is in 111/122 coordinate, between Otmel and Drakon (Zelenaya Bay)
  15. Erasus

    Skalisty Island Respawn Point

    The Island is not a secure place, i find a lot of people trying to repair a helicopter when the loading brief screen (receiving data) show's survivors working near the chopper. A lot of Squad's want's to go too to the island with PBX, you know men. PD: Sorry my bad english (i am from the spanish community)