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Everything posted by InflatedLyric

  1. InflatedLyric

    The lack of food

    Unless something has changed, there was no difference between sprint, jog, or walk with regard to calories burned.
  2. InflatedLyric

    Fists/melee weapons making bullet ricochet sounds

    If it is a clean hit it should not produce the gunshot sounds, but with desync that is not always 100% accurate. If the server thinks it was a miss or that you hit something other than the infected that is when the gunshot sound is heard. With desync one could hear the gunshot sound and kill the infected all from one swing. I would advise avoiding the infected and killing only if they agro. Also be aware that an infected that has agro on someone is a clear indication that there is someone there to get agro. Therefore, if you get agro, avoid running out into the open to kill it.
  3. InflatedLyric

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    There is not enough cheese to go with all the whine in this thread. My ability to change servers has been hindered since the beginning of the SA. I hate server restarts, they force d/c me from a server when I would otherwise remain on the server happily collecting the spoils that are "too far" for others to run to because there is no auto-run for them to employ while they hop in the preferred fps lobby on their gaming console. After a server restart, I can expect to see a partial server list with none of those servers even being an option to connect to. I must wait 5-10 mins just for the server list to fill out, then if I want to get back on the server that just restarted, I will have to refresh the list at least once it never shows up in the list the first time. Not only does this happen the majority of the time I am disconnected from a server, it happens when the game is first opened too. I am reading all the discontent and I am smiling. How long have you had to deal with it? One gaming session, that was only an hour because you have a life and no one else does? However, suddenly the game is unplayable! I played a few hours yesterday, I must have no job and I certainly do not babysit my nephew, I ran into a server restart with the glitch I always have; I noticed absolutely no difference from the 300 second timer. I am lead to believe it is working as intended, if there are this many people having issue with it in such a short period of time.
  4. InflatedLyric

    M4 in your hands and Mosin on your back, or visa versa?

    when logging back in use your hotbar, I usually move mosin to my hands the fnx45. The M4 drops to the ground. If I hit mosin hotkey and then the M4 hotkey, the M4 shows in my hands and on the ground. So I end up dropping it to pick it up off the ground anyway.
  5. InflatedLyric

    Fists/melee weapons making bullet ricochet sounds

    Fireaxe'd an infected and ran like hell because it sounded like I was getting shot at.
  6. InflatedLyric

    DayZ Standalone Mythbusters -- EP1

    I have seen it done on youtube vids, but I emptied an entire coupled mag into the pump from about 100 ft (for safety) and nothing happened. I then took a few shots at the same pump at the same with a mosin and still nada. I walked away severely disappointed.
  7. InflatedLyric

    Ever did something in dayZ you regret?

    When I was figuring out how to play, I got extremely frustrated with infected a couple times. I had not quite got the hang of running/sprinting and toggle walk key plus knowing that my hands needed to be empty to run faster. To get rid of them I combat logged twice. I died a bunch of times trying to figure it out too, but these were like wtf rage quit moments that I was going to die if I did not log out. I make plenty of mistakes that lead to my death by other players, but do I really regret those? Not really, I can easily get gear again and hopefully learn from my mistakes. I hung around the shipwreck after getting shot at, I was trapped up top and moaning. The alternative was combat logging, I do not do that now and have never done it against a player. I let a guy live that I had an easy shot on and then he found me while I was preoccupied with a glitch in the controls, he apparently played by KoS mentality. I got axed in the back after spawning, I am pretty sure I was in the process of picking up a backpack, but I was running around without looking around. I got bored and ran through Cherno until I was spotted and a firefight ensued, I did poorly. He shot first, I lived, bandaged and barely saw him again, I heard him start shooting so I just sprayed and prayed through a bush, but his bullets found me. I tried to flank a sniper and panicked when I got close. The best poor decision, I ever made (only because I did not die) was climbing to the top of the firestation in Elektro with 40 people on the server. I had a decent view on a pair of snipers and they appeared to be getting some heat from a pair of guys with M4s, this is probably the only reason it worked out for me, nearly perfect timing. Climbing down those ladders knowing there are snipers right there is pretty intense. However, I climbed up knowing they were likely there, I was in a effit kind of mood.
  8. InflatedLyric

    Where to find SKS Rifle ?

    Ammo can be found in grocery store. I thought it was going to be butter or something, it is in a green package with a bear on it. Not practical at all. I just dropped a shotgun, because of this. I am carrying a mosin with LRS and have plenty of ammo. I just saw the shotgun and picked it up for the hell of it. Found a snap loader shortly after that, but I have to have the mosin to scope out a town, I typically drop something and make sure it will appear on the ground before switching weapons/dropping the one in my hand. I decided, I was not even worried if I lost it. Scoped out a town and then looked for the shotgun, it was gone. Good riddance! Server restarted as I was checking a barn, wish me luck!
  9. InflatedLyric

    DayZ Standalone Mythbusters -- EP1

    Myth: shooting lootable propane tanks, aeresol spray cans, and sodas all explode! amirite? ;)
  10. InflatedLyric

    Are people opting to play SA more than the mod?

    Never personally played the mod, but I started watching videos on youtube in mid 2012. I really wanted to get it then, but I was broke and trying to ween myself off of gaming. I had just purchased an Xbox in 2011 and was playing Black Ops far too much. Then came Skyrim and it got worse between having the two to choose from. Finally I left my Xbox and moved away (Kentucky to Las Vegas) and when I heard the SA came out, I had to get it. Especially considering, the only thing I had been getting my gaming fix on was my phone. I will say those that got to play the early days of the mod were very lucky and seemed much better back then than the current state of the mod (as far as I have watched it anyway). I stopped watching the videos for the mod quite a while ago; the videos are no longer as interesting IMHO. If the SA can take the good from the mod, without going overboard then it will turn out much better for it. Edit: I only play 5 hours a day, but I spent a couple days recently reading (finished The Red Badge of Courage). It usually takes me 3 to 4 days to feel like I do not absolutely need upgrades. I could still use a pristine LRS and other attachments for that matter. I also play on Hardcore and Regular and usually pick the one that has more for me to find as the one I log in on, at this moment both are fairly well geared, while the Regular is just hoarding. On regular I am carrying a M4, mosin, ammo box, magnum with speed loader, fnx45 with red dot and flashlight, food, 4 or 5 canteens, and a couple of books. I have not played that guy in a week so it could be reset if I tried to log in. I would agree that it can be boring trying to find upgrades when there are not many to find. I get the urge to run around Cherno or Elektro and see what happens sometimes, especially before the Hardcore character was available (this usually happens around the time deciding whether to pick up a 3rd ammo box was a legitimate concern). I spend my time moving from NEAF to NWAF, to Zelenegorsk and going to the other military spawns near these areas. I do not go to Balota. I have only once been to the broken ship and the new town once, both recently. I have a lot to explore and there is plenty I have not become familiar with. I am currently logged out near a ghost town that last time I checked it seemed to not spawn anything despite having buildings that do spawn loot in other parts of Chernarus. I also play at night, you think you know the map pretty well? Playing at night is a test to see if you do. I like to use a flashlight at a minimum, I have even played at night when I had no flashlight. Feeling your way through the dark is the best and it really helps reinforce your understanding of the map. Can I find the opening in this fence with an infected chasing me?
  11. InflatedLyric

    How often do you die from glitches?

    I fell from the catwalk in a warehouse once, but it was really my fault for expecting the hand rail to keep me from falling. I also magically popped through a wall on the second story and died one time. Also, I mysteriously died once after reaching the top of a ladder in Cherno. Another time, I climbed a ladder with a M4A1 on my back and a mosin in my hands, then halfway up I realized I probably dropped the mosin and hit tab, this resulted in death. If you count character wipes, that may have happened 3 times. It is hard to blame deaths completely on a glitch, when there is poor decision making involved. You are extremely lucky even to have survived every time you break your legs. I have gotten broken legs and crawled for 20 minutes, but once an infected spotted me it was hard to survive with broken legs (once I had an axe and it took 3 to finally knock me out, but I have had a broken leg with no melee weapon and that ended with one infected. Also, it is fairly surprising you have "never had a character wipe" specially considering that the entire hive was wiped at one point either in late December or early January.
  12. Spent the majority of my time reading pristine The Red Badge of Courage. I did not loot at all today. I found myself outside NEAF, but I was checking it out with scope and it had been looted, so I decided it was not worth the risk to approach. I need to grab some more food, down to 3 cans of beans and a bag of rice. My best find on this life is either Art of War (not pristine) or a press vest.
  13. InflatedLyric

    Gamertags/In-game name

    Society has fallen apart; it is in chaos. I personally think that you are looking for the development of the game to solve a problem that should transcend the game and be addressed by players.
  14. InflatedLyric

    Possibilty to create a second character

    Never on the same hive. It would be abused and exploited by either scouting with the fresh spawn character or having two geared chars in the same general vicinity. One could revenge kill while they are picking up your gear. There would also be the possibility of using both chars in an attack creating confusion, disappearing (logging out) and popping up as the other character.
  15. InflatedLyric

    Can you have more than 1 toon at a time

    The alpha can also take everything it gave you in exchange for only a flashlight and a fresh outlook without reason or justification. Those are the dues that must be paid.
  16. InflatedLyric

    Longest Surviving Character?

    I just sat there reading for a few hours yesterday. The server was low pop, but I was between spawns and Rify. Still pretty well hidden, but there is always that chance someone finds me. If there were leaderboards for survival time, there would also need to be a survival rating. I play on West coast during late mornin to midday. The Hardcore servers that give me a low ping usually have less than 10 people, not quite as difficult as a full server at peak time. Also if running far west or north, like I sometimes do, it is not as difficult as being in high traffic corridors or major destinations.
  17. InflatedLyric

    Best Character Contest.

  18. InflatedLyric

    long range scope for a mosin

    I would love to get the pristine scope, I have a worn scope on Hardcore and only a PU scope on Regular. However, I will not be playing again until Monday and only play around midday in PST. I run into the Mosin all the time. Sometimes you cannot see them, or at least not very well, in floor of the cement floor style barns. Then also check the school as stated, there is always one weapon up in that room, then check the bigger building with a kitchen (fridge is laying on the floor on its side), an office room, and a main hall with stairs leading up to a loot spot and inaccessible door (I took a screenshot of two mosin spawning side by side in the main hall of this building). I actually was carrying two mosin today and decided to drop one in a random building. It probably just sat there until restart, but I chuckled a little thinking someone might pick it up and then they would forever check that kind of building for a mosin in the future.
  19. I just highlight it, whenever this happens.
  20. Has he achieved healthy status? That does seem a bit odd and if that is a problem he is having, then that definitely sounds broken. However, we are getting hydration from most foods too, so if he is drinking before eating it may be that he is achieving stuffed status with an abundance of drink/hydration. There has to be balance to be healthy; on the other hand, one can be stuffed and still get hungry or thirsty.
  21. Some things cannot be realistic. The amount of time that one can survive on the heels of starvation is variable. If one were to attempt to survive 3 weeks without food, you might make it or you might not. However, seriously do we really want to survive 3 weeks in a game without food? I play about 5 hours a day, maybe five days a week if lucky. Three weeks is (24hours * 7days) * 3 weeks = 504 hours, we are talking about nearly 5 months of playing time that I would not have to take a bite of anything to survive and theoretically that could be extended depending on how full I was to start this hypothetical scenario. If you want to change this into a real-time strategy survival simulation then you alienate the casual gamer (those are the best gamers from a business standpoint, they generally pay the same amount [without taking into account those that pay hosting companies to have their own server] but create a much smaller footprint). Personally, I think the energy and hydration does drop rapidly; however, it is still not so challenging that it cannot be kept in check. If one takes the time to loot the majority of structures in one of the bigger towns, Zelenegorsk from personal experience, the amount of energy burnt is barely replenished by food that was looted, but the take consists of more than just the food. Therefore, it is not like it is just breaking even, and if one is looking only to pick up food then there is more than enough for replenishment and stocking up for the future.
  22. InflatedLyric

    I cannot get away from it.

    Everywhere I go there are people trying to kill me. Outside some apartments in Cherno, on snipers' hill in Elektro, the top deck of the ship. I thought if there was anywhere I would be safe, it was here. So, I opened the door and walked right in, but was careful to close it behind me. As I turned around, "bang" said my roommate holding his hand out like a gun. He did not understand why I kept saying, "That is not even funny, I have had people after me all day, holy shit man." It is already bad enough that I feel like I should sneak through the grocery while shopping. Now I cannot even walk in my own house without feeling jumpy. Edit for clarity: I was not playing DayZ when this happened. I was walking into my house, I had stopped playing some 45 mins earlier and it still scared the shi~! Out of me.
  23. InflatedLyric

    I cannot get away from it.

    I play from 9am - 2pm PST, I was on the lowest ping Hardcore server today. It was daytime, there was six people max, about 2 people on average. Playing at night it makes no difference if on reg or hard cannot see anything either way, of course my battery died on my flashlight so I just dropped it, last night time I was just feeling my way around in the dark. Run from zombies, they seem easier to lose at night, but impossible to kill without some sort of light or literally spray and pray.
  24. I do not like the idea of an island. I have seen the debug plains once, it was the first week and I never played the map before. I was heading north and doing a superb job of it. There is really no reason to go that far and it gets harder and harder to get that lost again. There is already enough bitching about where spawns are set with the coastline we have now, I definitely do not want to double the amount of coastline then we can hear people whining about reasons they should spawn right beside their favorite destination. The island idea is one step up from the unseen wall we are all familiar with known as the edge of the map. I feel like the island idea is meant to take away the opportunity to interject some imagination. Why the debug plains? We are under quarantine, for fear the virus would spread any living thing outside this border was torched one to make it impassable and two to destroy potential hosts. Or a massive disaster destroyed the world save for sporadic, oddly square, patches of eroding civilization. Why an Island? Cuz there's water all around us man! I do not mind the idea of climate zones, but the map is too small to really change substantially, especially multiple times. Then when you talk about taking clothes off or putting them on, an "outfit" requires a significant amount of space to store especially if we are talking about protective vests and taking them off takes away the inventory spaces they provide. If this were to actually happen, each survivor would need to be able to unequip their clothing without actually making space for it or dropping it, but at the same time the devs do not want to create a way to haul around extra gear without penalizing inventory. I kind of get the sense that you are saying debug fields are bad visually so let us do away with it and put water there. However, then adding desert landscaping to the middle of the map would somehow be better. Debug fields are pretty much a desert.
  25. InflatedLyric

    I cannot get away from it.

    I can neither confirm nor deny this. Just because you have sat on the ground does not make you as dumb as a rock. Likewise, just because one is a Psychology teacher does not mean they are some sort of genious. Theoretically, you could have a degree in education maybe a minor in psychology and you could teach at high school level. Completing an undergrad degree is more about doing what your told than an indication of your intelligence. Aside from the fact that I am not sure what the arbitrary bar you have set as "smart as a pschology teacher," I really have no measure of how smart you are.