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About InflatedLyric

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    Las Vegas, NV
  1. InflatedLyric

    limbo state; unable to interact at login, possibly desync

    Well I just logged in and it did happen again, but it only lasted several seconds. Compared to 1 hour 45 mins, I consider that to be solved. edit: and the server restarted 2 minutes later and I picked a 3rd server and it is just fine again after about 1m desync red chain pops up and everything functions normally shortly after. I just lost my replacement M4, lol
  2. InflatedLyric

    limbo state; unable to interact at login, possibly desync

    It looks like it was a container bug after all. I have had other container issues previously and this did not seem to be the same thing. After what happened above, I decided to test it one day. I logged in and stayed in the same spot for an hour, never improved. So I started running, after about 45 minutes of this, I ran from near green mountain west into debug fields then ran back to the map and made my way NW of Lopatino, again never improving. This left me perplexed, both times before the issue seemed to correct itself. Of course, I may not have been active enough trying to interact with inventory. During all this time testing I realized I could use food and drinks if they were visually accessible in my inventory (or inspect items, such as a compass). Right click the item and wait 2 mins for option menus to come up, click eat/drink wait several minutes and the sound would be heard -- nothing ever showed up in the GUI as in my hands, but after having moved something to hands by using it the scroll wheel option would be available to use that item for a brief time. The energized/hydrated/healthy indicators seemed to function normally. If I moused over my mosin attachments, they showed Pristine, but my LRS is worn and bipod was badly damaged. These could be inspected to show the correct item condition. All my clothes seemed to display the correct condition on mouseover. The containers I carried were: Yellow raincoat UK camo vest Green cargo pants --ammo box Hunting pack --Yellow prot. Box (x3) --medkit I also had items with attachments: Mosin (on back; hotbar) -- LRS --bipod FNX45 (in yellow prot. Box; hotbar) --silencer --mag M4 optic (yellow raincoat) --battery weapon flashlight (yellow prot. Box) --battery I logged in today with the thought that I would drop containers and check to see if there was any improvement. I ran to a road to pick up the item later if nothing was fixed (despite never picking anything up while glitching, I had seen loot appear in a hangar). I performed the actions of dropping the ammo box (it was full of ammo [pistol, mosin, and sks] and I even had about 60 rounds for mosin not inside it). It remained in my inventory. Checked the player screen and I am alone with all zeroes. I walk to a nearby water pump, about 1km. I was going to attempt to fill an empty water bottle that I had drank using the method described above during my testin session. I move it to my hands, it does not show up. I try to use scroll wheel to Fill bottle, it works, but it also seems to fix everything. I am met with the red desync chain, I hit the player key and suddenly 4 people appear on the list, but I appear at the top like they connected after I did. No problems since then, I went to Lopatino, NWAF, and Gvodnoz. I did not watch the time, but I crouch walked a good 5km leaving NWAF so it had to take quite a while. This is speculation that everything will still be good next time I log in, I rarely change servers and did not realize I should have tested it until typing this up.
  3. InflatedLyric

    limbo state; unable to interact at login, possibly desync

    I do not think so. PST is GMT -8 so it was 16:00 on Tuesday afternoon.
  4. I am not quite sure how to describe my problem briefly, so I will just explain what happened. I played on stable branch Tuesday morning at approx. 10:15 am PST. I logged into a low pop server regular hive. I had last played a full week before, but I was disconnected at a restart in the middle of cherno and never logged back in. After logging in, carrying two primary guns, I tried to put the M4 in my hands like it should have been. Two or three minutes later (forever standing in the middle of cherno, even on low pop) my screen flashes black/grey and white. I remember thinking it was probably an infected hitting me, but since I could not pull a weapon to my hands, I just ran. While running, I looked behind me and could see no infected, I thought maybe I got shot by a player. I continued running in relative circles around the same block in cherno (I thought when my weapon finally did show up in my hands, it would be easier to spot my dropped M4 on the street). After a good 5 minutes and beginning to doubt I was even being chased by infected, although surely a player would have killed me by now, but something was not the same from my previous encounters with infected. Sounds were off and it really did not seem I was being chased either. Finally everything changes, my fire axe comes to my hands, there are infected running at me, and the game sounds of this situation are familiar again; I think I even heard the reload like I was logging in at this point. I killed 3 infected with my axe then retraced my steps looking for my M4. I killed several more infected before I found the M4 where I logged in, then I started taking them out with the gun (out of spite). From this point on everything seemed normal. I made my way, looting as I went, from the main part of the city near the firehouse up to the high rise apartments, side by side grocery stores, and the office facing a hospital. I made my way to an electrical substation just North of the city. Here I decided to eat and regain healthy status and reload my coupled mag, toss out a 20 round mag after emptying the ammo. All of that is relatively pointless to mention, except to say as I walked away just after completing these actions the server restarted. When I log back in I am still at the substation, but clearly rolled back to a point when my gun would have still been on the ground. Oh well, easily replaceable I still have 2 coupled mags and a decent scope the attachments and rds are the toughest lose, but the M4 will be replaced soon enough I am sure of it. I also notice the same thing is happening this time, I cannot pull a weapon up. I decide to go to Balota to hopefully replace my lost M4. Same problem is happening where I cannot pull out a weapon, I have a mosin and a pistol so I should not feel defenseless. I take the long way to Balpta, running all the way to the coastal highway before going west. I am just trying to kill time for the game to start working right again. I did not expect it to take too long to fix, but I am now at Balota and not wanting to run toward the hangars and prison without a weapon. I stick next to the exterior wall and decide to look at the barracks. I try to look in the windows, I have decided I cannot ooen doors until this desync like problem fixes, but I am not sure I even tried. Standing there looking in the barracks my screen starts flashing grey and white. No sound. I take off across the airfield, this time my screen keeps flashing grey and white like I cannot escape my attacker (I am thinking maybe it was a player this time). I start to wonder if I am invincible in this state, I sure hope so since it is not like I am actually able to play like this. I am too afraid to test standing still. I decide my best bet is to run and not stop until I can play. My main objective is still get an M4 when I can. I run west thinking I am more likely to find Zelenogorsk without a compass than anywhere else. I manage to run right into the Pavlovo military base. I kept checking the player screen and every person shows all 0's. I ran right through the military base not comfortable enough to stop. I ran east of Pavlovo and straight to Zelenogorsk. Still not fixed, I decide I will just run around Zeleno and head to NWAF. At this point thoughts like "unplayable" are creeping into my head. Running, even sprinting, from cherno to zeleno is not quick and I have been stuck in a state of limbo between actually playing and just able to explore. If you know Zeleno, there are 4 barns each one on the outskirts of the city and situated at a cardinal direction. I was just making my way around the west barn, then the game starts to go normal. The red chain link desync indicator shows up, I hit p, to check the player screen. I have like 60k desync everyone else looks fine. The desync is very bad for a good bit of time. I assume it has something to do with the distance travelled while in limbo. After that game acts normal. I have 350, or nearly, hours in SA and this stable branch is the first I have noticed this happen. I now recall after these incidents today, the same thing happening on Wednesday last week (last time I played), but it was much shorter time frame, much closer to a minute. I usually play more and read the forums more than I was able to this week. I checked the bug reports and I used the search function, plus manually reading the topic titles over the last 5 pages. I am seeing nothing like this problem anywhere. Has anyone else had this happen, ever?
  5. InflatedLyric

    Moving out people when they log out/in towns/airports

    After this idea is implemented: Player A (does everything that is socially unacceptable, server hopping, combat logging, ghosting, pinching babies) is in the barracks hoping to grab some shiny new hardware to pwn some newbs with, when he spots Player B and C heading his way. Feeling trapped, he goes with his (go-to and probably) best move and logs off (or he just ends process if the devs have disabled manually logging off in airfield barracks at this point). He sends up a prayer, that they will not get to his lifeless body before it vanishes in thin air; however, he is quite confident he gave himself sufficient time, he is now an expert at knowing how much time/space he needs, to combat log safely. Now either there are no timers or the current timers are still implemented, he waits those out theoretically they could be at the minimum. Log back in to the same server, and instead of needing to run a safe distance and find cover and then disconnect and wait out the now increased timer, he only needs to figure out where he is and head toward a point where he has LoS on the barracks point of entry (because given this scenario ghosting is now essentially a function of the game). The game has saved him a substantial amount of time, he can now use that to find his bearings and prepare a strategic assault. Players B and C are ambushed, despite being very skilled and putting up a good fight, the game rewards cheaters, and now cheaters can indeed prosper.
  6. InflatedLyric

    My first brushfire (and combat log)...

    That can be a very dangerous attitude as some exploits can get an account perma-banned. It really depends on the developers and the exploit on a case-by-case basis. Besides, your argument that since it is not being prevented it is allowed until it is no longer functional, does not hold water. Seriously if we are going to get technical one could theoretically start exploiting until they find themselves in real legal trouble by their government for breaking actual laws. Therefore, where do you (and even the rest of us) draw the line, because government laws are simply another socially arbitrary set of rules that are exploitable.
  7. InflatedLyric

    My first brushfire (and combat log)...

    I enjoyed the read. I would also argue that after 5 mins and putting that much space between you and him, the engagement was over. He sounds like a server hopper, or maybe just as unfortunate as you and got restarted in the same area or d/c (truth is we will never know, unless he starts talking). I always try to log back into the same server that just restarted, usually should be somewhat safer, but there also seems to be more people hopping just after a restart too.
  8. InflatedLyric

    Moving out people when they log out/in towns/airports

    It would not nullify the timers at all. It would actually make them more crucial as this is essentially making ghosting a function of the game. I have also heard some suggest that what about when a survivor gets disconnected, but is with a group. The solution, imho, is more about making it so that players choose, with their own free-will, not to log off in these places (sometimes it cannot be helped, d/c or rl situations), because it is in the best interest of their survival.
  9. InflatedLyric

    What have you done?

    In my 320 hours I have barely lived... Been handcuffed/mugged never. Given out food one time. Been in a fist fight never. Fallen off a roof/upper floor and died 5x Met up with a friend never. Shot a man to death never. Killed another survivor, once. Been killed by zombies a handful of times. Starved to death one time. Read an entire book once. Died at NWAF, never. Died at Cherno, 3x. Died on the coast, approx. 10x Situations I have been shot at, but survived approx. 10x I have shot at another survivor once. Hid in a building or bush until another survivor left the area 5x Just run away to my safe places, everyday.
  10. I forgot the piano building. I am not quite sure what the glass terrace house is, almost sounds like apartments? I also have very little experience in factories, but I might have to check that out. I have seen videos that showed weapon spawn pointsof the multi level school or hotel like building the only one I "know" of is on southern part of Cherno near the docks. I have not been in there since we could spawn at Cherno, but it was good for melee weapons then. Actually, my hueristic involves leaving Cherno and Elektro quickly. Most of my experiences are from Gvozdoz (sp?) to Lopatino and from there to Zelenogorsk, very rarely do I go South of NWAF without being west of Lopatino. I did find myself at Vybor yesterday, but that was approaching from the South and I only looked at the residential part of town.
  11. InflatedLyric

    I dont need food

    I noticed this too. My hardcore char still has this problem. My regular fell from a building and he gets hungry again. Both chars were from before the energized and hydrated status patch. I was filling up mostly on food before being stuffed and taking a few sips until stuffed. I assumed it was a glitch that would work itself out as everyone died. If anyone can duplicate this on a new life, then there is an issue, otherwise it is just a super power on our current life!
  12. InflatedLyric

    Why loot is not full random?

    I was frustrated very little by that and a whole lot by my tablet allowing me to get halfway through making that post and reloading the page and deleting everything. Also, I am tired. Stop making me reply, damn it! Of course I saw all that after my post as I think it was happening while I was getting owned by my tablet.
  13. InflatedLyric

    Why loot is not full random?

    I completely agree with the content of the OP. I also agree with the idea that things are going to change, but I am cautious to point out it may never be fully randomized.
  14. InflatedLyric

    Why loot is not full random?

    Sum ppl jus dont no..... I love the irony, I did not see this until after my post.
  15. InflatedLyric

    Why loot is not full random?

    The comma goes before the word it. This was even stated incorrectly the reader cannot specifically decipher whether "it" refers to the word in the signature or "it" is a pronoun that references the signature.Do not start a sentence with "And." Contractions: if you must use them, they require an apostrophe. I believe you are trying to suggest "do not get too use to the current system." However, you used the wrong form of "too" and by adding a 'd' to the word use, you essentially used the wrong form of that word too. If I have deciphered your incoherent rambling correctly, then you would have been better served avoiding the statement altogether; to say "do not get too use to" is redundant, this is almost like saying: "do not get excessively familiarized to." Additionally, there is always the fact that two different forms of "to" separated by one word is reduntant. At this point, my tablet is ceasing to cooperate and it is nearly 2 A.M. Therefore, I am not in the mood to research whether the glaring idiosyncrasies in your final sentence are actually errors or just personal pet peeves and, well, I am not even sure my brain is functioning properly. This is rather peculiar; I am usually in bed by 10 P.M. Nevertheless, I give to you bullet points: 1.) Comma before the word "but" (yeah, like always) 2.) You used chance in regards to probability, but then made it plural. 3.) Everything after "but" just sounds redundant. (When it is finished, it will not be unfinished!) 4.) Do not bother correcting people, unless they specifically state they want that kind of help. First of all, it comes across in text as condescending and that will just reverberate and escalate. Secondly, there are some people that are never going to care (about grammer, punctuation, and spelling). Third, sometimes differences across countries means both people are correct, I am specifically thinking about spelling here. Fourth, typos are real. Finally, this is not the ideal setting for English language courses and this is well accepted, even celebrated. *insert language butchering meme here*