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Posts posted by illusiv3lion

  1. Yeah I looted some guys dead body and I was kicked for the same reason saw a bunch of people kicked as well

    I was on US 1577 and now I cant get back in I was killed at the fire hall and I was on my way back to get my body I just found an AKM and an Alice pack that is so mean!

  2. Yup this server is just chuck full of hackers I was there earlier today and think there were atleast 4 or them on pretty funny all of electro or cherno cant remember was on fire kept spawning Dirt bikes, police cars, and boats didnt really kill anyone pretty funny really.

  3. I'm doing most of this board today from my iPad and I think steam isn't working right on it keeps saying no players by that name exist I'll have to wait to get home to check it out but I have excepted 2 friend requests from evilpookie and zeljkomage

  4. I'm sorry you met me in the game? I haven't played today I have in over night trip and won't be back on till tomorrow. I think you met someone else. I think my steam name is actully Bluegrizzly wish I could change in but the avatar should look like the one here. Like I said I haven't met you in game I really think you met someone else. I still want to play with ya tho same with you boomer
