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About illusiv3lion

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  • Location
    Upstate New York
  • Interests
  1. illusiv3lion

    Bus Near Church US 2191

    Maybe thats the point and I have a Sniper Rifle pointed at peoples heads
  2. illusiv3lion

    Bus Near Church US 2191

    I had been working on the bus for like 2 hours and not a soul bothered me
  3. There is a bus on Server US 2191 in Cherno by the church I need some help fixing it need Engine parts and 2 more wheels for the back I cant seem to get the option to come up to fix that part of the bus ive found like 6 wheels
  4. illusiv3lion

    uh... battle eye?

    so does than mean we can get back on at some point
  5. illusiv3lion

    uh... battle eye?

    Yeah I looted some guys dead body and I was kicked for the same reason saw a bunch of people kicked as well I was on US 1577 and now I cant get back in I was killed at the fire hall and I was on my way back to get my body I just found an AKM and an Alice pack that is so mean!
  6. illusiv3lion

    Hacker on US 1526

    Yup this server is just chuck full of hackers I was there earlier today and think there were atleast 4 or them on pretty funny all of electro or cherno cant remember was on fire kept spawning Dirt bikes, police cars, and boats didnt really kill anyone pretty funny really.
  7. After the update I logged in to go raid the Airfield and when I got in I was way out in the woods further then I was plus all my stuff was gone my backpack my weapons everything what happened. Nothing weird other then that happened no weird teleport or sound I just logged in and poof stuff isn't there.
  8. After the update I logged in to go raid the Airfield and when I got in I was way out in the woods further then I was plus all my stuff was gone my backpack my weapons everything what happened. Nothing weird other then that happened no weird teleport or sound I just logged in and poof stuff isn't there.
  9. Can anyone help me with what is going on every once in awhile my game Freezes goes to the desktop. I cant get the game to comeback up as the primary window its still running I can shoot move and such but I cant see the game so I have to shut it down thru task manager and I dont like haveing to do that.
  10. illusiv3lion

    Need help

    Dude I have like 3 or 4 blood packs and I need some to where do you want to meet?
  11. illusiv3lion

    Looking for group.

    I'm doing most of this board today from my iPad and I think steam isn't working right on it keeps saying no players by that name exist I'll have to wait to get home to check it out but I have excepted 2 friend requests from evilpookie and zeljkomage
  12. illusiv3lion

    Looking for group.

    I'm sorry you met me in the game? I haven't played today I have in over night trip and won't be back on till tomorrow. I think you met someone else. I think my steam name is actully Bluegrizzly wish I could change in but the avatar should look like the one here. Like I said I haven't met you in game I really think you met someone else. I still want to play with ya tho same with you boomer
  13. If you enable side chat count me in I'm just trying to find a server that's not a murder everyone fest
  14. illusiv3lion

    Need a little help here please.

    Hey I'm new to the game to and looking for some folks to team up with let me know if you're interested
  15. illusiv3lion

    Why does everyone want me dead?

    Hey man if you want to team up sometime I would be willing I don't Shoot on site it's got me killed a few times but hey that's not the way I want to play I like team work.