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Trubs (DayZ)

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About Trubs (DayZ)

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  1. A better metaphor would have been "I've never seen a poor person, poor people don't exist". Yours was just stupid, irrelevant, and illogical. I obviously know hackers exist, but they aren't a HUGE problem like everyone is making them out to be. Unless me and my friends are just extremely lucky.
  2. Honestly, the hacking issue can't be a very big problem. Me and several of my friends have been playing consistently for about 3 months now and not one of us have encountered a hacker.
  3. Trubs (DayZ)

    Trading FN FAL for any sniper other than CZ 550

    dayZ wiki disagrees with you but i'll take your word for it :)
  4. Trubs (DayZ)

    Trading FN FAL for any sniper other than CZ 550

    I should have mentioned, I have 40 shots for it. It isn't bad when it is a 1 shot kill to survivors
  5. Hey guys i'm looking to trade my FN FAL which i got today from a heli crash site for a sniper rifle other than the CZ 550. Please post here and add me on steam as Trubs if you are interested! Thanks
  6. I'm obviously not logged in right now because i'm bleeding out so please post here when you get there. I'm in the hangar farthest to the south. When you walk into it make a left and i'm right there near the entrance
  7. I'm on US 1580 thank you so much
  8. I know! I had 3 when i went up north and I ended up using all of them without finding any more :(
  9. Hey guys. So after alt tabbing while I thought i was safe, I ended up getting down to 800 blood and stlil bleading with no bandages. I am in the southmost hangar in the northern military base. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me, thanks.