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About Kogru

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  1. Kogru


    What you need to do is injure them to the point where they cant stand up anymore. Then drag their body to the edge of the roof and then drop them off. It works and its halarious.
  2. So if humans are so prone to killing eachother, how the fuck did we ever evolve to the point where we are today? reality is that we are not all psychopaths and our species actually enjoys playing nice in groups. FFA PVP games however tend to attract a certain type of retard.
  3. Kogru

    Dynamic loot drop rates dependent on Humanity

    I don't think this is a horrible idea to think about. It'd make being a bandit more hardcore and actually make bandits have to kill for food and supplies (rather than just killing for the sake of it). And any bandit that has a really low humanity rating will have killed alot of players and gathered alot of loot so it evens out. I don't think you should reduce the amount of ammo/weapons that spawn for bandits though as they need them to take out other players to survive. Having said that i think there are better ways to deal with the bandit issue.
  4. The problem your having is you use terms such as "nerf" and you think clearly defined play styles exist. First thing you need to do is get this shit out of your head, this isn't WoW, you don't become a bandit and play to a strict defined style and that's it. No one is trying to nerf bandits, as you say. Weapon damage on being shot is a gameplay suggestion that effects everyone and is trying to promote more diverse player interaction rather than people just shooting eachother, which many other games do infinitely better. Also current Dayz is piss easy. The average life expectancy thing is broken because most people suicide until they respawn in a preferable area. Or they just run into cherno guns blazing and die over and over again. Pretty easy to see how the stats are messed up isn't it?
  5. Right now, everyone who is half competent at the game is running around with an AK or better. Everyone has more than enough food, water and medical supplies. The only slight challenge to the game currently is getting a vehicle running and even then in a group its not to difficult. Dayz is no where near hard enough and because of that it is no longer a survival simulator its a deathmatch game in the arma2 engine, which is just bad. Here's a few ideas that i think would fix this. - New characters shouldn't start with a pistol or any type weapon. - All current powerfull guns (such as ak74kobra, silenced m4 CCO etc.) should have their spawn rate severely reduced to the point where they are incredibly rare. Same goes for all ammo in the game. - "Low tech" weapons should be emphasised more right down to the most basic weapon such as throwing a rock or bottle. Crossbows should stay as common as they are and i think bolts should actually be craftable. - On death, some items in your inventory should have a chance of being destroyed. So firstly these points raised above would force players to conserve ammo. Sneaking into a town would be a much better course of action rather than shooting zombies. Killing players would be much harder aswell and bandits would be forced to make quick clean kills using as little ammo as they can. It's even possible that bandits would actually start holding up players and robbing them rather than wasting precious ammo on a player kill. - More emphasis should be placed on items and tools rather than weapons. - Hunting should be made more difficult with animals actually hard to kill (like the rabbit). With the reduced amount of weapons and ammo in the game, player skill would be rewarded here. - All water in the game should have to be boiled before drinking or risk getting sick. - Players shouldn't start with a backpack, inventory space should be really important and harder decisions need to be made on what to carry. Finding a backpack should be a big deal. This would also force players to group together to accomplish the most basic of tasks. You couldn't carry a weapon, an animal, all the tools to cook it etc. by yourself. These are just a few suggestions that i think would make dayz alot harder. It would reduce the amount of distrust that currently exists between survivors whilst making bandit playstyle more of a challenge but possibly more rewarding with more player interaction other than killing.
  6. Kogru

    Cover at long range

    yes its true, been playing arma for a long time now. Go into the editor, place an enemy soldier in the distance. Fire some shots at him to make him go prone and then observe the sinking effect.
  7. Kogru

    Cover at long range

    Cover works at range, the grass might not be there but you will "sink" into the ground and be almost impossible to hit.