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About Siorus

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    On the Coast
  1. Siorus

    Arming Bear Traps on Vehicle Seats

    And while we're at it- punji pits. I would also like to be able to place punji pits in cars.
  2. Thanks for the enjoyable read and keep them coming!
  3. Siorus

    Help me get started.

    In addition to what everyone else has already said (and repeating some of it)- Been watching all sorts of tutorial videos but still can ficure out this game/mod... Weapons: How or where do i get a gun? Is there a no-PVP-setting, everyone just wants to kill eachother, co-op? First, in my opinion, guns are more likely to get you killed as a new player than help you. The first gun I found was a Lee Enfield, which I happily regarded as the same as hitting in a code for Godmode. After my first shot alerted every zombie in the neighborhood that dinner was ready I had a far bleaker view of guns in the game. And that isn't to say that guns aren't great for killing zombies or bandits (or survivors!), but I would find one and then try to learn when to use it (which hopefully will be rare). Zombies are incredibly easy to out-maneuver in this game as long as you never run into a building with only one exit with zombies chasing you or if you don't get stuck on something. Also, going prone and crawling is your friend. Essentially you put on the one ring and will be practically invisible to everything except ringwraiths... oh, and other players. That said, if you're in a big city guns can be found in the pub/hotels, office buildings, fire stations, etc. Out in the country I like the large warehouses/barns as they offer a lot of loot spawns. At the very least you'll probably find a hatchet (or if you're me, go through 3 buildings finding nothing but hatchets in each before you find a gun). This map shows all the loot spawns. If you would prefer to just have a vague idea of what to look for and not specifically what areas have the desired loot spawns, I recommend not looking at it. http://db.dayzwiki.com/map/chernarus As for the no-pvp setting, no, pvp is always active. I wouldn't say everyone wants to kill each other, but lots of people will kill you whether they like it or not for fear that you will kill them. The consensus seems to be to find a group to play with, preferably with people you know from real life as they are less likely (I say less because manic moments of 'I wonder what it would be like to shoot him while he's looting that backpack' might happen) to backstab you. If you have a microphone, hold down caps to say that you're friendly if you're feeling lucky, and try not to take it too hard if they kill you and steal your hard-earned beans. Seem to find ammo there and here, but no guns. Axe i have found, does nothing to zombies seemingly... Guns are out there, but you need to learn the risk/reward ratio for certain spots. I recommend Zelenogorsk. Usually not that many people there and the supermarket is generally pretty accessible. If zombies chase you (which if you aren't patient enough to crawl or crouch run they probably will), lead them through the front, loot along the way, and run out the back. They'll be stuck having to walk inside while you make your get away. I usually find at least one pistol there. Zombies: How do you "lose em" if they find you. Even if i go prone some zed just runs up to me and starts bashing. They dont seem to "use" doors, they just no-clip thru em. Is there any other "way to travel" then going prone and crawling around? If i stand up, everything within a mile comes running at me. Going prone after they see you is useless, you have to have been crawling beforehand. If you don't want to crawl everywhere then run in crouch mode (hit X). If you want to move a little slower (for example, across roads, which makes your visibility shoot up), hold shift while you move. Lose zombies by running up super steep hills, running through dense trees (making sure not to get stuck yourself), running around fences, and best of all- through long buildings. They have to go slow when they go into a building. And yeah, doors won't help you. Spawning: Can i respawn faster somehow? These loading-times are killing me. The only solution I have found is looking for different servers. I am on the east coast of the US and for some reason German servers run incredibly fast for me in terms of loading time. Find good servers and write them down somewhere so you know which ones to go back to later to avoid the loading nightmares. First time ever playing the mod. Kinda like the idea and its impressive thats it built on ARMA-engine and all, it does have some issues tho... Yep.
  4. Siorus

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    Could have it as an option in the scroll down menu. Something like... Search ALICE Backpack Fist 'Em Give Morphine
  5. Siorus

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    I somehow feel like fisting zombies would change the entire mood of the game... but I guess it would make it more of a sandbox. Gritty.
  6. OP- I got the joke and liked it. Around 17 seconds into this Rocket spitballs a figure of 15 Euros (about $19 right now) for the stand-alone, stating that he doesn't really feel that the game should have a full retail price. Take that for what you will.