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CrazyJoe (DayZ)

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Everything posted by CrazyJoe (DayZ)

  1. But what do you do when you team up? Zombies are easy enough to kill on your own.
  2. Sorry but I don't understand how no PVP works, what do you do? Zombies aren't a challenge.
  3. You posted this yesterday, why post it again??????????? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/100521-gb-uk-new-server-calling-all-clanslonewolvessurvivors/
  4. If you put "GB-UK" in the filter you get one result and there's a guy called Optimus Prime on it, so that'll be it. I'm off to play on it now.
  5. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Jamming the Run "W" Button

    You guys are crazy. I hold down W, open the Steam overlay, then close the overlay and I keep running. simples
  6. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Purple monkey dishwasher.
  7. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    DE 845 Admin abuse

    LOLZ, teamkilling in DayZ.
  8. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Global Ban For No Reason. Admin Help required

    L2Read BRO! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10011-do-not-post-your-global-ban-appeals/
  9. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Green Mountain Announcement

  10. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Are custom skins illegal??

    Illegal? LOLZ, you need to look up what illegal means.
  11. CrazyJoe (DayZ)


    Erm, lolz, why you lie bro?
  12. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Please. Please. PLEASE reinstate kill display.

    You didn't read the thread did you? HERP DERP.
  13. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Don't tell me to "Chill"

    Chill your tits and kos.
  14. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    ***er on US 271

    It was probably ***er. EDIT: Yes, yes it was.
  15. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Military Spawns are Absurd

    Too much jizz will do that to you.
  16. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Spawning up North?

    I thought it was Novy, not Stary.
  17. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    You can spawn on the coast (wrongly) for 2 reasons. 1. You quit on a loading screen and your location got lost in the matrix. When you are loading you are placed in the debug plains then transported when you are loaded in. If you quit while your location is in the plains then you will spawn on the coast on the next successful load. 2. Server hopping. Which one was it?
  18. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    You quit on a loading screen, amirite?
  19. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Alt+F4 doesn't work?

    You just mad you got schooled bro. See, I can make stupid comments, just like you.
  20. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Alt+F4 doesn't work?

    Spamception. We know you like spam so we put some spam in your spam so you can spam while you spam.
  21. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Alt+F4 doesn't work?

    ESC + abort is a quick disconnect.
  22. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Why did I lose everything ?

    Wise words.
  23. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Alt+F4 whores

    Check out this crazy cat crying over the lack of Alt F4 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/78332-altf4-doesnt-work/
  24. CrazyJoe (DayZ)

    Alt+F4 doesn't work?

    It's a forum, what were you expecting? 90% of servers have 2+ hackers? LOLZ you talk shit bro. ESC and abort, just as quick. Stop crying, grow a pair and stop disconnecting when shit gets real.