So another survivor and I randomly met, and were traveling about. A player called out in the chat to us, and asked if we wanted to join a group. We agreed as we were both fairly new, and set off to meet up with his group. When we met him, we saw he was labeled as a bandit. We asked about this, and he gave us a long story about self defense, blah blah blah, he didn't deserve the title, etc. We decided to trust him, and we started killing some zeds. About 5 minutes later, his group shot us in the back and killed us. This player claimed to just be "smarter" than us and that he was a nice guy. I understand the mechanics of the game, and that you have to kill to survive, but you could understand why I would be a bit upset. Players in the server tell me that I should never trust bandits, it's my fault for dying, etc. I think to myself: Okay! I just won't trust bandits since they are labeled killers. Even though it may have been self defense, that's how the cookie crumbles I guess. I respawned and started making my way towards the survivor I was teamed up with previously, before we were both killed. On my way, I saw a player labeled as 'BANDIT', so I shot at him and killed him. I then started getting flamed from half the people on the server about how I should have asked the bandit if he was friendly, and to trust what he says. I am extremely confused! Should I trust bandits? Should I kill them on sight? Should I sit down with a killer and ask them about their life story?