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About aradriel

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. yay! it worked. dunno what caused this but using your server.cfg fixed it. have some beans and my thanks :)) and of course, thanks for the tutorial you guide me through along the way :) have a good time!
  2. ups, fixed the launch params ^^... yeah i loaded the mission file via rcon, cause otherwise no mission will load at all. all players will just see the (black background) "waiting for host" screen with the red colored player list in the upper right. server has been running for hours without loading the mission file automatically. btw, if i just do a rcon restart, the mission is loaded (or still loaded). but i dont think thats the kind of restart you should do "for stability reasons".
  3. ok ive got the logs, the rpt: http://pastebin.ca/2210562 and the server log: 12:37:37 Dedicated host created. 12:37:38 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.164) 12:37:38 Host identity created. 12:40:52 aradriel uses modified data file 12:40:52 Player aradriel connecting. 12:40:53 Player aradriel connected (id=*). 12:40:53 BattlEye Server: Player #0 aradriel (*:2304) connected 12:40:53 BattlEye Server: Player #0 aradriel - GUID:* (unverified) 12:40:54 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (*) of player #0 aradriel 12:41:02 BattlEye Server: Server admins are urged to start using the new public variable logging/blocking feature to protect against remote code execution exploits. More information: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138736-Introducing-Server-side-Event-Logging-Blocking. 12:41:42 BattlEye Server: RCon admin #0 *:55305) logged in 12:41:48 Mission DayZ read from bank. 12:42:24 Roles assigned. 12:42:24 Reading mission ... 12:42:35 Mission read. 12:42:52 Game started. 12:43:55 Player aradriel kicked off by BattlEye: Client not responding 12:43:55 Player aradriel disconnected. cant get any hint from the logs :( thanks for posting your startup script, i will move the profiles out of the OA folder.
  4. ok wasnt aware of the rpt file, thanks for the hint. i crawling through it but until now i havent found any correspoending error/logentry, also no loading message mentioned the mission file.
  5. arma2oa console show no errors. after a restart this is all i get: 16:55:26 Dedicated host created. 16:55:27 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.164) 16:55:27 Host identity created. erm. but i cant find server_console.log, its not it \cfgdayz as mentioned in the server.cfg
  6. Cheers, ive got a problem with our (self managed) dayz server. Everything is running fine, beside one issue: After a regular shutdown and restart with server_start.bat, the server WONT load the mission file automatically. But i CAN load the mission via rcon, this only works if somebody is connected to the server, waiting in the lobby and press continune after the mission has loaded. So, the server should load the mission file automatically if its correct listed in the server_*.cfg? Maybe the mission start must still be confirmed by the first player who connects after restarts, thats not a deal. the pitty is the fact that the mission must be loaded manual via rcon to get it started. somebody got a hint for me? ive got BEC up and running, maybe it matters. Heres is my server config: http://pastebin.ca/2207569 (i must use the local ip here, thats some issue with our firewall appliance. but it works fine) Here is my server_start.bat: http://pastebin.ca/2207568 (ive blacked things like pass, instance id and mission file number. i have tripple checked this on the server. it fits) thanks and best wishes ara
  7. Everyday iam getting more servers listed in dayzcommander. Currently 4335. Three Weeks ago there were only the half of them.