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Everything posted by Sarissofoi

  1. Also lack of communication and lack of need to cooperation. There is no need to trade. There is plenty of stuff in well know places. People play with friends, in predefined groups, on voice communicators. DayZ lack good communication system ingame. There is no shouting or radio or notes even.
  2. Sarissofoi

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Ho. Recent - wait what? Not so recent patches were broken. Its a fact. It turn situation only for worse. Dunno if it was intentional or Rocket just can't handle this. Recently coming back looking for patch or fix and there is none. Surprise? No really. Population is dwindling and interest of players wavering. Now DayZ isn't synonymous of great zombie apocalypse mod but rather bug and hacker infested boring walking simulator with slow deathmatch type PvP.
  3. Sarissofoi

    I'm seriously done.

    So I decided to check forum again. Expecting new patch or at last fix. No? What a surprise. But wait the dogs are coming. Maybe some bugs fixing. Nope? Rocket too busy showing his shiny ass before cameras? Too bad that some guys on private servers fix it. Rocket is against a private servers? Where actually things works people have fun and hackers are under control(if admin know what to do and is not a dick). Oh wait isn't Rocket play only on his own private passworded server because he don't wanna that some kiddo spoil his fun? That is so brave. My group get some like 70 registered members. Too much but most come and go. At best times we have like 15-20 online. Now its like max 6 playing Lingor. Mostly the same 3-4 hardcores. Most just leave it for greener pastures. I really have low hopes that situation get better. It is rather clear that this mod was abandoned. At last Rocket should pass this mod to community but no. Sure. We can soon see disappearing servers.
  4. Sarissofoi

    I'm seriously done.

    Arma II. DayZ is a hacked game mod of Arma II. Anyone and his grandmother can hack Arma II. You can thank Rocket for that. Look for private servers with no dick admins. Private hives offer much more antihacker protection. Try some Lingor servers. I actually stop playing this mod some time ago, It lost its appeal to me. Not many things to do. Its buggy like hell and full of cheaters and hackers. Looking on forum if Rocket fix things but nothing really change for better. Nevermind. Farewall DayZ Welcome Guild Wars II
  5. Sarissofoi

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Its simple. Because Rocket don't care. He get his glory he gets his fame. He don't wanna share. Best thing now is to allow multiple hives exist and pass mod on community. Let people add more stuff and maps. It should revive DayZ at last little.
  6. Sarissofoi

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    I read the whole thread. I find that these "bronies" speak more calmly and more mature than guys who thrown names at them. So I watch few episodes. Expected some weird show about god know what. Find story about friendship, adventures, fights with evil, making friends and some other pretty decent stuff. Actually it was pretty good. Fun to watch, nice story and NO a Fucking grain of fanservice. Which were refreshing. After watching tons of anime(most of them being shit) and wester serials(animated or not) I find this show not so bad. Actually pretty good. Not really worth the affection for me but definitely with some charm. I can get that some people wanna watch this show.
  7. Sarissofoi

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    This topic should be called: Hotfix Build TROLLING Update. I wonder about Rocket ability to make a standalone. Mod was fun but there isn't many well done things - from technical side. If standalone gonna be the same bugfest like this I really don't think that will be worth money.
  8. Sarissofoi

    omg i have gear

    Hahahaha. Its so funny. Get over it. Gear come and go experience is the only thing you get forever.
  9. Sarissofoi

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So Rocket still show his shiny ass around the world when DayZ go more down? Great. I notice more empty and half empty servers than usual. Keep up the good work.
  10. Sarissofoi

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    So old bandit skin and humanity is back? I must check that. Any news about side chat or some other communication tools?
  11. Sarissofoi


    Mod is broken right now. Bug infested, And rocket is somewhere else showing his shiny ass to the cameras. New patches bring more bugs when failing to fix old. Where is the new content? Not here. Game is boring. Survival is easy like cake, high tech stuff is everywhere thanks to duping and cloning. Zombies are retarded. there is no communication between random players. I play this mod from the start but now its just tragic. I really can't see how Rocket can manage a release version when he can't manage mod.
  12. Fixed. If WarZ will be made faster and be good enough I will play it. I suppose many other people will do it to. I am customer and I will go where price and service is the best. If rocket fail I won't cry for him. For a survivor game DayZ is too less on trying to survive(which is easy like cake) and too much on killing other players(because its only thing that have some challenge in this mod).
  13. Sarissofoi

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Lingor island you say? I gonna switch too. Side chat and bandit skin. Also new place for explore. Gonna check that.
  14. Sarissofoi

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Sure you can send your friend who have survivor skin to infiltrate them. Its even easier for well organized group of bandits. They will just use baits to lure poor survivors for trap.
  15. Sarissofoi

    Attention Dobryy Hill snipers on US 1325

    Fun video. Make me laugh. keep up the good work.
  16. Sarissofoi

    Trading FN FAL ANPV S4 + 5 Mags

    Its good gun but useless in the day. If they make it possible to turn off night vision. WoW. Then i will throw everything for that gun. But now? Meh.
  17. Sarissofoi

    The best MOD/GAME going down the drain

    Ignoring are his bad words and long rants I will say it short: This guy have some points. First Hackers roam free and nobody cares. Private non hive servers will be answer for that. Passworded with their own community and no dick admin. With factions and PvP even with bandits and crazy survivalist. We can get a RP servers this way. Impossible now. Do you guys notice that rocket play only on PRIVATE PASSWORDED server with only his friends? Ho ho I see double standards here. This mod is great sheningan for BI. It boost their sales for no cost. Also it throw a light on ARMA 3. Brilliant. I don't really believe that rocket can handle this. Patches broke this game ever more, new bugs, no new content. He try to get a total control or all modding attempts. So no for new maps or other stuff. So even if this OP guy start his rant he has a point. This mod is going to fall. Doomed by rocket and his community.
  18. Sarissofoi

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    So hats and bandannas. Not bad.
  19. Never ride on ATV on bridges. NEVER.
  20. Sarissofoi

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    "Zombies and loot spawning from thin air - totally legit and realistic. Morphing skin - OMG so unrealistic." This game mod is unrealistic. Deal with it. It only engine give you that military Sim feeling. Bandit skin/morphing isn't new. It is just old player killer mark/flag for PvP used in MMOs for long time. It work well before. If you decide to choose banditry way you just get marked. Banditry offer quick profit but also risk. There were little honor among thieves so one can risk being hunted by survivors and bandits alike. Only problem in DayZ were selfdefence banditry. Mostly because if some wanna be bandit shoot at you and missed and you return fire and kill him you get marked as aggressor. Still it wasn't bad system. Old humanity system need little polish and balancing also some variety. Also fixing exploits. So you can choose multiply path and your choices in game how you play affect your character skin. It can propably be done that some path have multiple customizable skins like few skins for bandits(based on one wrongdoings and lootable) and survivors. Instead we get KoS and deathmatches. Not really fun especially that there is little to do in this game if you reduce human interaction to shooting in the face.
  21. Sarissofoi

    What do you think about non-hive servers?

    Private servers are OK for me. After playing hundreds of hours on public servers I will happily join some private RPG servers with some merry bandits crazy survivalist and helpful survivors. And without hackers cheaters and DC cowards. Mod in current state is a total mess not so fun and boring. It become a bloody mess. Recently I play on some private server with side chats and some modifications and it was more fun. So if somebody can point me in direction of some nice RPG server I will appreciate this. PM me if you can and want help.
  22. ... I burned more than 300 hours on this mod. I had fun times or sometimes rage times. Still it was the best walking simulator ever. I don't meet a single hacker over long period. Some dupers or exploiters with cloned gear or using glitches to save their asses. Sure I run into them but no hackers. Until recently. Now it is fucking mayhem. I rarely play now. Mod lost his appeal in my eyes(KoS, duped items, little communication between players, no humanity system, boredom). But I hear stories from my clanmates and there is total rampage now.
  23. Sarissofoi

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    NO. Humanity always were permanent . It make sense. If you behave like jerk backstab other players kills them for beans when you die and it is easy to die in DayZ your karma follow you. Reset on death were to easy way out. It is your humanity level not your character. That was the whole humanity point. Edited.
  24. Hello proud bandits and other backstabing scumbags I wanna ask you what weapon you would take if you can take ONLY ONE. Thats right. Only one primary weapon. No second in the back. No secondary. Never switch, never drop and never change. You and this gun until you died. So tell me what weapon you would choose. REMEMBER THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!!