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Everything posted by venthos

  1. The "death on login" bug is a bug that stems back to regular DayZ. I haven't been able to reliably reproduce it such as to identify what causes it and therefore try and fix it (if it can be fixed). If anyone knows how to reliably reproduce it, I'll take a look. EU server should be up within 24 hours. Characters will be transferred on request (killed off on the US box, copied to the EU box). They will not share a hive.
  2. Hahaha. Yeah, that was me alone in the UH60 blackhawk. I wanted to tease the rest of my squad (who LOVE choppers) by buzzing their location a few times at 350km/h in the UH60. I fully intended to crash/destroy it and not let anyone have it (a 350km/h chopper is ridiculous for DayZ)... but I didn't intend to crash it right at that particular time. The UH60 corners like a brick, not like the UH1H which is pretty damned nimble for its size. I cut a turn too sharp and couldn't compensate for the loss of altitude. Boom. I was amazed I didn't die, but then since my squad was nearby (and apparently at least two others) everyone converged on the crash. Good times. But, no, the UH60 won't be in the mod :P It's just too ridiculous for my tastes I think. Even the UH1H is pushing it as it is. The weapon thing is a possibility. I initially changed loot from 0-3 mags per gun spawn to 1-3 mags per gun spawn (Guaranteeing ammo w/gun spawn) because of the default loot system DayZ had in place. With the new server-side loot system, maybe it could stand to be tweaked. We'll see. For vehicles, my only concern is how fragile they are. No one will want to repair a vehicle if any guy with a shotgun can pop your tire like a balloon and render it useless because parts are so rare. Changing the FUEL mechanic, I think, would be a better choice. Make each fuel tank (not jerry can, actual fuel tanks) only give out 3-5 jerry cans of fuel per server restart (it's a zombie apocalypse... you're not the first one to the fuel tank). This means you'd have to constantly seek out fuel tanks with fuel left in them. "Hoarding" jerry cans becomes a real possibility with finite fuel per server restart. Maybe even randomize it so half of them are randomly empty outright. Each time you jumped in a vehicle you'd have to plan out fuel stops along the way or risk stranding your repaired vehicle out in the middle of nowhere. Get unlucky with already tapped fuel tanks, and you're screwed. Left to walk on foot jerry can in hand and hope your car is still there (or that someone isn't laying in wait to ambush). Thoughts? If by "fix" the flashlight you mean not shine it through building walls? Engine limitation. If you mean more ambient light and not this 'cone of light', I kind of like it that way. I am unsure how this works and would need to research it, but I'm not adverse to adding that in for military flashlights only.
  3. There is a reason I have not released the server code for my DayZ Redux mod. There's far too many people/companies out there who would just run it into the ground. My two biggest enemies, as a person who is generating a custom mod of DayZ, are: -Vilayer -Server Admins in general Both can and have shown a history of destroying good DayZ game experiences with their actions. Vilayer with their rabid mantra of quantity over quality (and shady practices at best in "acquiring" their content), and a significant portion of server admins (not all) for their rabid mantra of "But I'm paying MONEY for this, don't you understand?! Real money!". The level of self-entitlement from most server admins is palpable, and it translates into them abusing their role as server admin and ruining the game experience for their player base. It makes me upset that I don't feel comfortable releasing my mod's server code, because I'm now footing a bill of a few hundred dollars a month just to fund a recreational project of which I have no intent of trying to monetize. I'd much rather let people who have the infrastructure in place (gaming communities, etc) to run the servers. But, the track record of the greater community just shows me it's almost a guarantee that my work would be cannibalized by Vilayer and sys admins to the point that I would just lose all interest in working on my mod. I also agree that DayZ Commander's behavior in catering to Vilayer is pretty disheartening. Vilayer is one of the most destructive forces in the DayZ community at the moment with their behavior. But, DayZ Commander is still the best DayZ launcher out there,which is why he knows he can do what he's doing. It doesn't mean I have to like it, though. All I can do at this point is continue to huddle off in my little corner of the community and work on my mod and hope enough people enjoy it for me to play on the server and have fun when I can. If Vilayer ever even vaguely started copying my work, I'd just stop work on my mod immediately and abandon the project outright. It just wouldn't be worth the hassle and I would refuse to further contribute towards Vilayer's vampiric business model.
  4. I plan to add at least one more barracks to the game. That being at NEAF. But, otherwise, I kind of want it to make the barracks a death trap. I want the 'standard issue' gun for people around the map to be iron sight AKs/M4s/M16s. If you want optics, I want you to have to have noticeably more risk to get it. Having another barracks out in NEAF will help, I think, though. At least it will push people off to the NE as well as the NW. But I'm trying to remove the expectations formulated in vanilla DayZ of getting really effective guns really easily. Some people may decide it's simply not worth the risk to go for guns with optics at the barracks and opt to simply kill the people who try and/or wait to try and find guns at heli crashes. We'll see how it plays out. I understand the concern about helicopters. They're a lot of fun, so I don't want to remove them entirely. But I certainly understand how they make locating camps a trivial aspect. Now that the company conference is over I have time to try and put out some more patches with changes that are more than just small tweaks. I'm not entirely sure what I'll do yet, but increasing the ability to hide your camp is one of them. I'm also pretty sure that I want to rewrite the vehicle spawn script that comes with the private server that I based this mod off of so that I can substantially delay helicopter spawns but allow car spawns to be more frequent. We'll see. I agree that something needs to be done, but I will try and avoid having to remove them entirely. I may have it in my hands today and be able to turn it up for tonight. But, yes, it's planned. I really dislike sidechat with a passion. It degrades pretty quickly into a "Who was the asshole who killed me?!" "You dick" "I hate you" "Blargh you're mean" "mean people, on the internet?! *scream*" etc. etc. ad nauseum. One of my hopes was the integrate something like ACRE into DayZ and let the server decide on a universal channel for "side chat". But, I had never looked into ACRE before and didn't realize it's just an integration mode for TeamSpeak3 an would require everyone to run TeamSpeak3/connect/etc. Seems like not a lot of people in DayZ would commit to that level of installation/management. Part of the charm, in my opinion, of DayZ is the unknown of not knowing who is where in game and having no easy way to try and find out. Like last night when me and two others helped out a guy in Cherno with a ride, only to have him sneak two of his buddies around to flank us, turn on us, stab us in the back and steal our UAZ. I was furious and wanted to murder the hell out of those people for taking advantage of my kindness, but even I have no idea who they were aside from one guy who spoke in direct chat text. Despite that I got frustrated, I like the fact that it's a bit authentic there in that I may never know who did it, and I have no recourse. I've shot at people I'm friendly to before because the situation was so tense and we couldn't get to identifying ourselves quickly enough before gunfire was exchanged. I don't want to remove that nervous aspect from the game. Sidechat makes even a map as big as Chernarus seem as small as a 10x10 room.
  5. So, let's see how this goes. As a bit of further 'optimization' to reduce the impact on the server from server-side loot generation, I've modified its spawning a bit. This may turn out for the better as well as I think it's the direction I want to take loot anyway. You should be finding noticeably less loot piles per building. As in, you may think loot is broken when you login now. However, loot map-wide should be cycling fairly quickly (if you're not trying to camp/farm buildings and trip the detection). This means that you may go into a big building and be lucky to find 3 loot piles, even luckier to not find garbage/generic. But, by the time the next survivor gets there they should have a chance at all new cycling of loot (which should be just as rare spawning for them). The concept being that loot should be more rare now game wide, but that no building is a "dead building" that no one should bother entering until next server restart (like often occurs on vanilla DayZ). I really want to shift things away from the expectation of lots of loot piles. I'm guilty of it myself, but people just end up figuring out the "best" buildings per city and ignoring the rest. I want people to check most buildings simply because they have to in order to get geared up. I want you to get excited about every firearm you find, when you get a lucky string of food/drink, ammo, whatever. I want it to be a huge deal to get a good gun out of the barracks (and "good" being any gun with optics like a CCO or Kobra). But, I don't want loot to be too rare. In short, if you're seeing a distinct lack of loot pile density tomorrow know that it's intended. If you find a town devoid of ANY loot piles, this is not intended. If you're not at least finding the occasional garbage/generic pile in a few houses then either something is wrong or I need to dial up loot a hair.
  6. Make sure you are only using @DayZRedux mod and not @DayZ (the regular DayZ). If you use DayZCommander, you have to override the DayZ path from @DayZ to @DayZRedux to make sure it only loads my mod and not default DayZ To prevent easy-mode farming of choppers, they are randomly spawned throughout the life of the server. The goal is to make it so that any given time is no more advantageous that another time to go look for choppers. You could find them any time. This means chopper loot is no longer easy pickings for anyone with a helicopter or the playtime that centers around server restarts.
  7. DayZ's weather system is set to randomize between no moon and full moon nights. It's just luck of the draw. Don't be a wet blanket, bust out those flares and chem lights :D I am.
  8. Hmm. Not sure what to tell you. I just looked at the database on the original server (which was simply shut down normally and left as is) and it's showing no data for you in those slots as well. That's why it was migrated that way. I guess we'll see if anyone else experienced this problem, but it's not like I can "re-transfer" you since you're also that way on the original server.
  9. Took this opportunity for a small patch to tweak some things. RELEASE 0.2.5 [CHANGE] M240, M249, Mk48 removed from barracks loots. M249/Mk48 left as HeliCrash loot, M240 no longer in game (Reducing to 2 LMGs now bring it in line with the 2 snipers and 2 silenced weapons) [CHANGE] Guns with optics removed from military loot. Now only exist as Barracks loot * M4A1 CCO * M4A3 CCO * AKS 74 Kobra [CHANGE] Food is a bit more rare in Supermarkets [CHANGE] Tweaked drop rates of various items (numerous amount) [FiX] You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle (exploit related) [CHANGE] Very slight tweak to zombie spawn mechanic to further try and reduce chance of desync Hotfix from 0.2.4 to 0.2.5: http://www.dayzredux.com/download/DayZRedux-0.2.4_0.2.5-hotfix.zip Full patch: http://www.dayzredux.com/download/DayZRedux-0.2.5.zip The current server is being TURNED OFF permanently as of 8:30pm CDT tonight. The new server: / port 2302 The server name is virtually identical as before, just look for "DayZ Redux" the entire database is being migrated, hence there will be a bit of downtime (15 min or so) between switchovers. Everyone will login just as they were on the old machine, all vehicles/tents/etc. brought over. I'll post back once the new server is officially up. I'll also resume whitelisting people when it's up.
  10. Solider1_DZ is a soldier skin Rocket coded in, but did not put anywhere in game as a legitimate drop. If anyone has this, it was ultimately hacked in at some point. Just like a hacked weapon, the person may not know it had to have been hacked in when they got it from a tent/whatever. But, there's no legit way to get the soldier skin currently.
  11. I've repopulated some more vehicles for next server restart in about 40 minutes. One such vehicle is an MH-6J that will be spawning in the middle of NWAF air strip next restart. Again, that's in 40 minutes (8am CDT). Enjoy :P Hopefully someone gets it in the air vs. blowing it up.
  12. M4A1_Aim is the legit version (M4A1 CCO) M4A1_Aim_Camo is not legit (M4A1 CCO w/camo paint) M4A1_HWS_GWL_camo (M4A1 HOLO w/camo paint) is the only valid M4 with the "_Camo" designation in the class name.
  13. Some updates to share. On Friday, I should have my hands on the EU based server to start getting that going. Just now, I placed an order for a relatively cheap ($135/mo) US based server to replace the struggling/wheezing US based server. I suspect I should have that in my hands by Thursday afternoon to start work on that. Barring any obstruction, I may just have the new US server live and playable by the end of Thursday night.
  14. The server seems to be bouncing off the 30 slot cap. Hopefully most if you who are trying to get in will be on in short order. Loot spawning (since it's server-side) seems to be cycling longer the more people are on the server. Therefore until I get a new box up the more people on the server, the rarer loot spawns will be (only seems to start around 23-25 people). This is NOT intentional, but just demonstrates why I am needing a more robust server. But, as mentioned, I just hope you guys can bear with me a bit longer. The EU server is potentially set to be up this weekend, and I will be working on looking for a US one later today/tomorrow pending available time. The conference is wrapping up tonight, so that'll free some time up.
  15. Yes, plans to make toolboxes useful. Requiring them to do any vehicle repairs is one idea for sure. I periodically run a script (which eventually will be run every restart) that destroys any tents/vehicles outside the normal boundaries of the map. If someone parks it there, it will simply get destroyed in the database within (currently) 8 hours.
  16. This is partly my fault. It's the group that I hang out with when I play (I think my group and BSB/AOD have had helis the most). They know (because they've been playing the longest) that right now the only spawn locations configured for the littlebirds are at NWAF. This is just because I haven't had time to plot out additional spawn points for them. I've scolded them for hoarding helis and was even planning on giving out 2 of the 3 to random coastal people until it turns out parking all 3 on top of the hotel (just to see if we could fit them without crashing) resulted in them all burning up on next server restart. As it stands they only have 1 heli now, and I think another group has a Huey. I plan on spawning new helis much less frequently than new cars. I'm also holding my group I hang with to a 1 heli max. Like you say, it just gets silly otherwise and pretty unfair. Although, the littlebirds are ridiculously easy to shoot down when compared to the hueys. Someone knocked one out of the air the other night with an enfield. If you see one, don't hesitate to fire. I'm not ENTIRELY sure how to combat camp spotting with Helis, but it may just be finding better/alternate ways to store gear than the big tent graphic and then vehicles just being the wildcard that you have to park away from your camp and hope no one grabs it. It's definitely something that needs to at least be thought about and considered.
  17. I'm presently in talks with an EU based host to turn up an EU server for me to setup DayZ Redux EU. Tomorrow I'll also be hunting likewise for a new box for the USA machine. I'd go with my current host, but while their VPS pricing is competitive, they only have gigantic massive $300/month machines for dedicated servers. There's no middle-ground. When all is said and done, my costs are going to go up significantly from the $60/mo I'm paying now for a lil' VPS to get these two boxes going. But, they'll be proper boxes that should handle a full 40 slot load if not more each. While I have no desire to try and make money from this experiment, I am considering opening up donations towards the cost of operating these servers. I can't really justify ~$250-$300/mo for very long on a mod experiment like this ;) But it is, after all, a personal choice I am making to try and protect the quality of the experience versus unleashing the server code into the unruly hands of the average DayZ server admin. I consider self-entitled server admins second only to hackers in terms of things that destroy the DayZ experience most. Although with DayZ standalone around the corner, I may very well not have to worry much longer and people will bail for that. The short of it is, an EU box is actively being pursued (just got a quote on one today) as is an upgraded US box. Until/if such time that I open up monetary donations to soften the costs of the servers, if you guys want to "donate" to me I will gladly accept donations in the form of YouTube videos ;) . I have some footage of my own I've been meaning to put together. But, that's what is going to make working on this mod worthwhile to me. Playing it, and seeing videos of others enjoying it. I don't know about you guys, but the sheer rarity of snipers now has made the experience so much more fun. There's actual fire fights now, diving for cover, exchanging bullets/kills. It's a blast when I get the chance to play and we run into other people ;) I've had just as many friendly experiences as combat experiences. Then the one time I heard M24 shots from the tree line I nearly shit myself. If anything, snipers become so much more valuable now because of how no one will expect one being present. 4L4N: Er, what? What gaming sites? hehe
  18. I am civil when approached in a civil manner ;) The other individual who came out of the gate accusing me of stealing code, however, chose a different introduction for himself.
  19. How has desync been as of late, such as today (10/9)?
  20. It's now restarted and running on the proper port. Thanks again everyone for being patient with me on this. Gave my speech today at the conference. Things are moving along. But lots of conference stuff to do yet for the company before the week is out. The plan will be to have a robust US box up to replace this one as well as a robust EU box up. Then I will do another bugfix/tweak patch (I'm unhappy with how frequent the LMGs seem to be since they also spawn at barracks). When, and only when, I'm happy with the stability of the boxes and their ability to support a full compliment of players then I'll work on the next content patch. Assuming all goes to plan (and I do have a plan... a good one) then the content patch will be "CheranrusRedux". A redone Chernarus with, at the very least, all towns made to have reasonable amounts of enterable buildings such that it's always a good idea to stop by a town you're passing by. I've got the basis for how I'd go about doing this in my mind, but I may be able to extend it to the point of removing virtually all non-enterable buildings and replacing them with enterable ones. In short, I'm not sure about the specifics about ChernarusRedux, but it is the next planned content patch. It may end up being a long-term implementation though and I'll implement other stuff in between. I also want to hold some sort of "event" in game to thank you guys for being patient with these server/mod growing pains that has some item rewards or something. I know it's incredibly easy to just say "screw it" and go play on another private server/mod, so I appreciate that you guys have stuck it out (especially through the "loot drought").
  21. Something screwed with the restart at 8am server and the previous instance crashed/never exited. This caused the new instance to start up on another port and whitelisting wasn't enforced anymore. I'm restarting the server again in 15 minutes to get it back on the proper port and enforce whitelisting. But it's been up, 20 people are on now. I'll also be lowering the slot count to 30 until I can get the time to order up a more robust server to accommodate more people.
  22. Yeah, the little 3-core VPS can't cut it at that player count even if we were running vanilla DayZ. I just hadn't anticipated this getting so popular so quickly, and it's happening at the worst time when a 3-day company conference is starting up that I'm a part of/giving a speech at. Thu will be the earliest I can sit down and git a proper dedicated server setup for it. All I can ask is that folks have the patience to ride out this wave of terribleness until that can get sorted later this week, I may just have to temporary reduce the slot count as well. Then, we can get things going smoothly.
  23. Maybe this will make up for some of the period of time you guys couldn't login. A Heli Crash will be spawning at 7:03:58 game time. (just under an hour from now) according to the logs.
  24. Upgraded it from 97448 to 97771. I was going to do 97810, but DayZ Commander doesn't list that version yet and I didn't want tons of people getting "Bad Version" because DayZ commander wasn't completely up-to-date. Make sure you have 97771 or 97810 and you can connect. I have no idea what's going on with that, the logs even show zombies/etc. going around. Just restarted it now. Hopefully this resolves the issue. ...the hell is going on with this thing. Nothing has changed with the mod and the server is just hating life the past 24 hours.
  25. Sorry. Whitelisting people now. Been out all day/night at a convention, and will be similar Tue/Wed. Very inopportune timing for this to get so popular and detonate the srever. This will be fixed. I set the server to restart every 8 hours now and updated it to beta 97771. Please continue to email/contact me as issues arise. The problem may not be solvable unless I lower the slot cap or buy a more robust server in its current state. The 3-core VPS I have just doesn't seem to be able to take a full 40 slot load.