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Everything posted by venthos

  1. I am wholly against any sort of skill point, experience, or any other 'character advancement' system. One of the major draws to DayZ is the fact that the only difference that separates your character's in-game power against another is what items you've found. Not how long you've played the game. This means that sniper who has lived for multiple days/weeks is just as vulnerable to a 15 minute old noob with a makarov/hatchet if that noob gets the jump on the sniper from behind. It's that fact that makes the frustrating part about dying something that's tolerable. All you need to do is re-gear and you're good again. Any suggestions that create 'character advancement' coincidentally increase the punishment for death and widen the gap between a new character and one who has survived for a long time. It makes it that much more difficult to survive as a new character and makes it that much more prudent and rewarding to be a kill-on-sight bandit to 'keep the other players down' at low advancement levels. This, and all other character advancement ideas, would be a negative impact to the DayZ experience as it stands. Unless, that is, your goal is to increase punishment for death and further encourage kill-on-sight bandit behavior.
  2. It doesn't really add anything. Sure it "sounds fun", but think about the mechanic at its core. [1] Rare occurrence on zombie hit [2] Very debilitating if it happens [3] Must consume an uncommon item to cure it You know what that sounds like to me? A broken leg paired with morphine. Why duplicate this same mechanic and artificially copy/paste another 'morphine' type item someone must also collect and jam into their inventory from, what I'm guessing, would be the same place -- a hospital? Adding this copy/pasted mechanic just for 'flavor' is just needlessly duplicating an existing mechanic. If you prefer the aesthetics of it being an 'infected bite' icon vs. a 'broken bone' icon, i guess so, but I'm not a fan of doing ctrl+c/ctrl+v to an existing mechanic just to add another item to the list of "must grab at least one of these to keep at all time" items.
  3. venthos

    Friendly mode

    As has been stated at least twice in this thread already, the creator of DayZ said PvE will not be happening. Quoted below... His right to dictate the parameters of the mod comes courtesy of the fact that it's literally his mod. I think that's justifiable claim to dictate how we play his mod, no? Heck, it's even in the FAQ: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11-faq/ The rest of us are just echoing the sentiment so that people don't get the erroneous idea that there's no opposition to the idea of PvE DayZ. Most of us love the concept of PvP only because it adds so much to the game, be it blatant or subtle. Most of the awesome effects of DayZ's PvP nature are when you aren't engaged in combat with a player. Just that looming threat and danger when going into a town or hearing a distant gun shot.
  4. venthos

    Friendly mode

    "Friendly mode" would be garbage. Zombies are only a major threat before you learn how to play the game well. From there, they are a non-issue by themselves. From there the PvP element causes the looming threat of a nearby player to potentially make you screw up sneaking around and/or zombies chasing you gives your position away and makes you easy pickings for a player. If there was a PvE mode to this game, you'd have to revamp the entire game and make the zombies substantially harder, unable to be outrun, etc. Why spend all that work to make a game mode that is arguably much less fun to the majority that play DayZ. The rampant emotions and sense of emergency cause by PvP is what draws the majority of people into DayZ. Also, how would you handle the hive? You'd literally have to make it two unique games with their own hives. Otherwise, people will go to a carebear server and load up on gear before switching back to PvP. If it's two hives, it's basically two games where you'd end up with certain mechanics for PvE and then for PvP. Two separate branches to alpha/beta test and patch. It'd slow down development. I'm also confident that it would make kittens explode and puppies thrown into blenders, all for the sake of saving a few tears from someone who got killed by a player. Not worth it.
  5. venthos

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    Simply stating an argument isn't valid doesn't invalidate it. Let's try an analogy. Spelling "consoles" like "counsoles" is stupid and therefore I clearly state that your entire thread is invalid! See how that doesn't work in the slightest and makes me seem like a douche bag? Much like you are asking for reasons why DayZ on console isn't justified, you have to provide an actual argument in return instead of outright declaring entire topics as inherently invalid arguments. Graz has already provided a wealth of arguments as to why porting DayZ to console right now simply doesn't make any sort of logical sense or is simply technically infeasible at this time. This includes the "hardcore" argument. To add some specificity to the blanket term "hardcore", I don't think that there would be enough console gamers who could tolerate DayZ's qualities to give DayZ on console reasonable numbers. Such qualities include (but not limited to): - Permadeath - Gigantic map that you are more often traversing on foot - Open persistent world I am not even personally aware of any open persistent world FPS games for the console. Please correct my ignorance if I am wrong. Googling for such turns up only a very recent title called "Hybrid" that is upcoming and not even yet released. It doesn't look anywhere near the caliber of persistent world of DayZ, but I'm curious to see how that's received. The very fact that Hybrid only now, many years later, seems to be pioneering the persistent world FPS concept to console gamers surely lends some credence to those of us saying console gamers generally dislike hardcore game mechanics like that. Console gamers tend to want 'matches' with finite blocks of time, things they can 'win' and get achievements for. Think of how a console gamer views a smartphone gamer. Smartphone people want a game they can pickup and start playing in seconds and accomplish things/beat levels in mere minutes. That's just the type of game they generally want. That's a similar type of view from PC gaming to console gaming. Smartphone gamers want more instant gratification than console gamers, and console gamers want more instant gratification than PC gamers. I would vehemently be against DayZ on console if for no other reason than it takes away creative/development time and just time in general from the current PC DayZ mod. Even if they somehow magically were to get the funds to get people exclusively to work on a console port, Rocket would still be inundated with design decisions and other executive role type responsibilities to watch over said team/etc. Let them work on DayZ proper and get an official public release out (we're still in Alpha!) before something like this is even vaguely entertained. I'd still be against it even then, though, so that they can focus purely on PC DayZ. Otherwise, they'd have to think about "well we need to make sure this new feature we introduce is also workable for a console environment" vs. just thinking about what cool features/mechanics they can implement period.