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Everything posted by venthos

  1. venthos

    Your "hidden" camps.

    Because tents are bugged in if you're not aware. Therefore there's no reason to hide them. Either the contents guaranteed dupes on server restart and no one can stop it/alter the contents to prevent duping (not even smashing the tent affects it), or the tent won't save anything and is useless anyway. EDIT: Same with vehicles. But also what Lumberjack said. It's surprisingly hard to put a tent in a location that isn't well traveled. If anyone even goes remotely near where a tent/car is, they're ridiculously easy to spot.
  2. venthos

    own dedicated server

    I would imagine it has to do with the designers wanting to set a standard of quality for their players. This would be be requiring proper dedicated boxes hosted in proper data centers. In other words, temperature controlled rooms with multiple failover/redundancy provisions, and enterprise network equipment. You don't want people to constantly complain about how their favorite server went down because of a power outage or the server admin got bored. Sure there are exceptions both ways, but weeding out people who want to run servers from their home is a good first step. I would do the same if I were them. I would only want people hosting game servers who are serious enough to run it out of a proper data center.
  3. Thirdly, nobody here has the power to instantiate global bans. Only BattlEye does, and they don't accept ban submissions. The software automatically handles bans.
  4. venthos

    own dedicated server

    Because it's their mod and they get to decide? What more reason do you need?
  5. We don't need another cry thread. You are not entitled to a bug free alpha. There will be bugs. Constantly. Lots of them. Stop crying. If you can't handle this and you have to write "open letters" about how upset you are, maybe it's time you move along to another game.
  6. venthos


    Oh shit, are we waggling our e-peens now? Can I partake? I work in software development too, and I am judging you. It's painfully clear you don't know what you're talking about. Bahaha. This is where I call into question your credentials. Think about it. This isn't just a self contained package. He (Rocket) runs the hive. He would need to maintain a stable and nightly (or whatever) Hive since patch-to-patch they're not always compatible with all hive implementations. Sysadmins would then have to decide which "hive" they wanted to use (stable/nightly). Characters wouldn't go between the hives (withoutadding even more dev time for implementation). By waggling your e-peen around of "Well, I'm in development and "stable" is a cool word to use. Also, I know names of version control systems! Just make things stable, Rocket. Yeah, I know the solution!" you just look like an idiot. Rocket clearly is swamped as it is, let alone developing a two tiered release system with two different hives and doubling the maintenance work. And, QA? Hahaha. It's a free independent mod, dude. What QA? It looks like he can sometimes run it through some minor closed testing, but what do you want from Rocket? The amount of dev work you just described is many times over what Rocket has available right now based upon the state of affairs. Calm the hell down. It's an alpha mod. It's independently developed. It's free. You *can* wait. You *will* wait. Slink back down and stop trying to e-waggle your dev credentials, because I hereby revoke them. You must use logic to work in development, which you clearly lack.
  7. venthos

    Are they denying everyone?

    See, that's your problem. You're already looking at the issue through the eyes of a self-entitled "me me me" consumer. You are under the assumption that urbanfox was "rude" first. Wrong. Kynes was rude first by not taking the time to fill out a proper request by doing proper research beforehand. By doing that, he is essentially saying "Urbanfox, my time is worth more than yours. I know it would be logical to check the forum section "Sever General" for information about DayZ servers. But, I can't be bothered to do any research. Hell, I won't even post a thread asking for guidance. I'll even admit I don't know what the criteria are by saying "I can change the OS if it's not satisfactory" (implying I never read any server requirements, as they dictate windows server). After all, I am more important than you. I will just roll my face into this keyboard here and expect you to check my work for me. Whatever I did wrong, you let me know so I can just roll my face into the keyboard again and have do all the legwork for me." Coming from someone who has worked in an IT support capacity for years (before becoming a developer some years back), I can assure you this is how such submissions come across. For good reason, too. Such consumers are *actually* self-entitled jerks. Every time. Kynes has demonstrated in this very thread that that's EXACTLY how he was thinking. "I'm just a sysadmin. I didn't know the correct information, so I just guessed. I didn't know what OS is best, so I just guessed. Researching is beyond me. I can't be bothered. Do my work for me, urbanfox." I mean, shit, he didn't even have to search if he wanted since you seem to imply that searching forums is some insurmountable task that's unreasonable to ask of someone wanting to host a DayZ server (if searching forums is too hard, being a DayZ sysadmin would be too hard for them). He could've asked "Hey, anything I need to know?" to the forums. Granted people would've dog piled the thread (me included) and said "Hey, idiot, look at the stickies" he would've at least made an effort to research vs. abusing DayZ volunteers as research assistants. He would've also found out the answers. I don't mean to put words into urbanfox's mouth. I have no affiliation with ANYONE who works for or volunteers for DayZ. I'm just some random dude who decided to host a DayZ server. I just think it's hilarious how you're offended that urbanfox reciprocated the amount of effort Kynes put into his instance ID request. Such little effort *is* rude, isn't it? But you simply can't draw the parallel of how putting zero effort into an instance ID request is the same as putting little effort into a short and terse response. Kynes simply acted like a jerk first, and urbanfox likely didn't feel compelled to put anymore effort into his response than Kynes did into his instance request. At least, that would be my point of view (can't speak for urbanfox). To even further drill the point home, it's clear Kynes was doing this on a whim because it "sounded neat". The Win7 box was probably some workstation in his department and he thought "Hmm, a DayZ server would be neat" and just fat fingered in the instance ID request 2 minutes later. Like he says, he's consulted nobody at his institution that's responsible for maintaining the network about hosting a game server. He's just operating off of some ambiguous "implied" statement of "do whatever" from the institution's IT department. He's wasting everyone's time.
  8. venthos

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    Just because you can pose a hypothetical doesn't make it valid. That's like saying "What if I write "orange" on this apple with a sharpie, huh? What now?" Sure, you could technically do the task. But how does it validate or mean *anything*? Simply declaring the alpha version "Release" with no changes would never happen, as it makes no sense. Perhaps what you meant to say is: "What if Rocket said he was ceasing development on DayZ Mod and that there would be no further versions beyond alpha?" In that case... so what? That's perfectly valid for Rocket to do. He won't, as he's already stated as much. But, so what if he did? It's his mod. No one has given him a dime for it. He's not obligated to continue to develop DayZ Mod. The tsunami of tears about "BUT I PAID $30 FOR ARMA2:CO" would be hilarious, though. To address your "point" more specifically, ceasing development of the mod would certainly end the "but it's alpha" chants. It would be replaced with "why cry about it? Development has ended. Go write your own mod if you want to see the bugs fixed". But it's pretty pointless to talk about something that clearly is not happening. DayZ Mod development is still in motion.
  9. venthos

    Stop fuel leak in helicopter?

    This is false. Thanks to vehicles not saving in and consistently respawning at their "initial" spawn location, I've easily been able to repair 3 helicopters in the past week. I can confirm that when you've repaired EVERYTHING, the fuel leak stops. This means: 1x Main Rotor Assembly 1x Engine Parts 4x Scrap Metal 8x Windscreen Glass Make sure you SCROLL DOWN on the repair menus for scrap/glass since there are more than what just shows up on the initial view of the action menu. The HUD in the helicopter DOES NOT show the status of all scrap metal repairable parts nor does it show the status of the windscreen repairs. So, the HUD showing "all green" means nothing at all when it comes to the helicopter being fully repaired to the point of no longer leaking fuel. Again, I've repaired 3 helicopters in the past week and can confirm they do leak like hell UNTIL fully repaired. Then, the fuel lasts forever it seems ;)
  10. I have absolutely zero performance issues with ARMA2/DayZ. I've never had any issues with it. It's run flawlessly for me since day 1. i7-3770K 16GB RAM GeForce GTX 680 I do have an SSD, but for the moment ARMA2/DayZ is running off of just a regular SATA3 7200rpm HDD. Sure my box isn't a slouch, but you can't blame ARMA2 as if it's just universally at fault. Your hardware is *slightly* important to getting the FPS you want. Rocket did say that folks could expect better performance in the standalone release since the engine could be tailored for what DayZ will be doing.
  11. venthos

    Are they denying everyone?

    And I have to refute your stance and say how unprofessional it is for the OP to flip the bird at DayZ's volunteer support by not taking the time to research what it takes to run a DayZ server (and your own damn network) before filing an instance ID request. The OP can't be bothered to search the forums for answers. Everything urbanfox has stated has already been covered on the forums. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79593-information-on-server-requests-082312/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55657-start-here-a-beginners-guide-to-dayz-servers-and-administration/ Read that first link to understand the DayZ volunteers' point of view and how a smug sysadmin who wants to setup a server who can't be "inconvenienced" to set things up right and submit a proper instance request is just a colossal waste of the volunteer's time. Time that could be spent addressing legitimate inquiries. Alright, this isn't my place to argue. I wasn't going to post anything further until you came in and got all "White Knight" about the smug OP, TheDesigner. I'm done now, though. I just hate seeing people gang up on the DayZ volunteers for not being at their beck and call. "But, I'm willing to contribute a server to the cause! Kiss my feet!". Bullshit.
  12. venthos


    So.. do you just fail to comprehend even the most remedial logic? Did you seriously just try and imply that you feel Rocket has a "verbal contract" with the community? I know you stepped around it with "voiced promise", but we know what you were trying to smugly say. I think I even heard you sniffing your own farts from over here. Ho-lee shit, sir. You are even more self-entitled than I previously thought. You know that for a contract to be valid (and there isn't one, of course) BOTH parties have to benefit from the agreement. Let's look at it. Rocket: Paid $0. Gained nothing directly. Community: "promised" updates See how that just falls flat when it's one sided? I put "promised" in quotes because Rocket absolutely has no commitment to anyone. It's an Alpha project that was free. You choosing to take a risk on a free alpha mod is YOUR financial risk and burden. Not his. You can try and twist words by saying "Well this 3rd party (Bohemia) got money indirectly and Rocket may have indirectly gotten money through that so kind of sort of indirectly he did get money". But, damn, that just sounds retarded doesn't it? It is, I assure you. And let 's say that you're right, that if they drop the project now ARMA sales drop to 0. So what? Sure I'm bet Rocket thought it was neat the company he worked for benefited from his mod. But.. what of it? Is Bohemia going to scold Rocket for not continuing his independent free mod that net them sales? "Bad Rocket, continue to work for free so we get sales!" Christ, dude. I don't know if I can handle the self-entitlement and smug emanating from your posts.
  13. venthos


    Right... from a self-entitled player. Did you think I was agreeing with the OP? Hahaha. EDIT: Oh, ahaha. Yeah, you're the OP. No, sir. I don't agree with you at all. my post was directed at players like you specifically.
  14. venthos


    The self-entitlement that runs rampant on these forums is astounding. You're lucky that Rocket largely seems to ignore the ocean of tears and tornadoes of entitlement that comes spewing forth from these forums. If I were Rocket, I'd just as soon start DB banning the self entitled players and blacklisting servers with whiny admins. If they want to cry non-stop about how entitled they are, that'd help them go find a new game and not have to worry about "how terrible" <x> and <y> are. But, I'm not Rocket. So, all I can do is yell at those people and have the response from those folks be "OH YEAH? WELL, <reasons they feel they're entitled to everything ever>". Note that I operate a DayZ server myself, so no crying about "Well we're paying $xx for a server and we feel we're thusly entitled to <list of bullshit>". Paying money to host a DayZ server entitles you to nothing from anybody. It just means you like the game enough to spend money on it. That's it. Even if 1.7.3 never were to come out (it is coming out), no one gets to bitch. Rocket owes you nothing. Stop crying. *shakes finger and scolds* I said stop it! Sigh... continue on, folks. Rage forth and don thy angry panties!
  15. Yet another thread that blames the "nefarious admin" who is itching to scare everyone away from their server. No, it wasn't the admin. At least, not directly. Vehicles don't save in Well, I should say sporadic behavior occurs. When a server restarts, 1 of 3 things can happen to your vehicle. 1) It stays where it was saved (VERY rare) 2) A different vehicle of some random type appears where your vehicle had been 3) It's just gone entirely. In all cases, the gear inside is deleted and reset to whatever that vehicle spawns with (if any). In cases 1 & 2, the vehicle seems to inherit the repair state of whatever vehicle was there previously. There is no way that I can tell to influence whether 1, 2, or 3 occurs. Just that #3 is the most frequent result. Stop blaming admins anytime something odd occurs. Admins have no more power than you do to affect the in game world.
  16. venthos

    Is V now a kill key? POLL

    Yeah I've never had anything bad happen to me while vaulting. One of the few things in DayZ that hasn't been dangerous.
  17. venthos

    Are they denying everyone?

    One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is just not the same! To be less subtle, though, you tipped your hand that you are an inexperienced server admin by proclaiming Win7 as your OS of choice. I'm still trying to reconcile your claim of well experienced admin and choice of Win7 myself :P I don't understand, good sir! But yes, they made a thread explicitly itemizing what criteria will guarantee denial of instance ID. One such thing was an OS other than Windows Server. You may have a hard time convincing them now, though, since they'll simply match your email and/or requested server IP to your previous denied request and think you're just adjusting your submission to placate them and get an ID.
  18. venthos

    DayZ full release (suggestions)

    Right. But, you actually have to AIM those guns. You want something you can just mouse-wheel scroll and select "kill person" from a menu if you're close enough. No, that's terrible. Stop it. If you're dead set on a knife, then sure I have no problems with them adding a knife into the game that you can utilize as a weapon. Maybe turn the hunting knife into a hatchet-style weapon. Meaning, click to remove from toolbelt into primary weapon slot and hack'n'slash you go. But, any weapon you use should require you consume a weapon slot to wield and also that you "aim" it at the player and swing/fire it. No "menu select" kills. That's just terrible.
  19. venthos

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    I honestly think that would be amazing. Having to FIND a radio in the first place; changing frequencies and constantly trying to feel out if someone else is out there by broadcasting yourself. Trying to communicate with friends while all the while knowing someone could have found your frequency and is listening the whole time (or doing the same to others). Sadly, I think people will always use an external voice chat like TeamSpeak/etc. and such immersion will never come to fruition. But, a man can dream!
  20. venthos

    DayZ full release (suggestions)

    I am not being facetious here when I say I genuinely do not understand what that sentence says. It seems like you were going to ask a question but changed halfway through the sentence. I am genuinely curious what "normal" controls are to you that I genuinely want to understand. Please be descriptive in what the control scheme you're looking for is like and how it differs from ARMA2. Hey look at that, a mechanic that makes you weigh the pros and cons of a silent one-shot instant kill "infinite use" melee weapon. Excellent! Sounds like working as intended to me! Yeah, you want an always-on instant-kill option if you barrel up to someone and scroll/click fast enough. At best, I imagine you'd settle for a "Tool" item that goes on the belt vs. your inventory. No, that's exactly what would be terrible and CoD-like. Stop it. STOP IT.
  21. venthos

    daytime/night time

    DayZ Commander relies on assumptions that it has to make about server time. ARMA2 servers don't report their in game clocks via server queries. As such, DayZ Commander can never be guaranteed accurate. I'm not entirely sure how it assesses the time. I imagine it could be from reading the time offsets from the server's description. In such a case, if the server's admin is lazy and didn't keep it accurate then DayZ Commander will be wrong. DayZ Commander can never know for sure. Sorry.
  22. venthos

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    Yes, his time working on Bohemia projects, not DayZ. How is this a hard concept to understand? DayZ was a personal project Rocket made independent of Bohemia entirely. You don't get to personally decide "well, some portion of my $30 probably made it some how into Rocket's wallet. Therefore, I shouldn't have to pay at all or pay less for DayZ!". What flawed, ridiculous, and self-entitled bullshit logic. Who cares if Bohemia decided "Rocket, we love you so hard. We're giving you 100% of the profits that we feel DayZ brought to ARMA2". EVEN IF that happened, no one has a right to personally decide "Well, then DayZ standalone should be free/reduced cost to me then!". You've got some pretty flawed sense of logic if you think you can work that out to some reasonable conclusion. Whether or not Rocket indirectly profited from DayZ (which I would guess he has not) is irrelevant to whether or not you should pay "full price" for DayZ standalone. You're paying full price. It's going to happen. You're also going to love it since you'll be supporting a developer who independently created an amazing mod. Face it, your $10 or less will go into Rocket's pocket (lawl.. that made me giggle). And you're going to say "THANK YOU ROCKET, MAY I HAVE ANOTHER (patch!)"
  23. venthos

    DayZ full release (suggestions)

    Skyl1n3, the broken bone stuff has already been confirmed by Rocket as being nowhere near intended design. I imagine it will be WAY different in standalone. Excellent! Then do I have exciting news for you. This mechanic already exists! Just grab a hatchet and enjoy a one-shot kill to a player if you pop'em in the head. No need for console style ninja attack 'be within 5m of person, press button, receive bacon' abilities. Sure it can be a bad thing. Rocket calls this the anti-game for a reason. Fine tuned balance and hand holding have no place here. It can detract from the gaming experience to have stupid console mechanics like a ninja attack throat slice move CoD-style. Sounds like console games are designed specifically for you in mind, though.
  24. venthos

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    The community is never going to agree on it. Each side claims it makes the game better by being enabled/disabled. I say side-chat destroys the game, others say it gives them a 6 foot erection that they can promptly e-waggle in side chat with gusto. No one is going to convince the other side. The only comfort I have is that I agree with virtually all of Rocket's visions of the game, which means the banishment of anything resembling side-channel. So, I can only hope that he sticks to the original design for standalone.
  25. venthos

    DayZ full release (suggestions)

    This is a troll thread... right? Against my better judgment, I'll bite. [battlEye] Clearly the fact that an anti-cheat system that has never been put through the paces to any fraction of an amount as DayZ has caused means we should just throw it out! No, BattlEye is getting better all the time and more effective. The biggest problem is ARMA2 limitations and how it almost "welcomes" exploitation. That will get addressed in standalone. [Dolby] Er, I have no complaints about the sound. But hey, better sound? Why not [Eating Noise] No problems with this. The sound should be loud/distinctive enough to perk up someone else's ears if they're near that player. It does its job. [Console Style Ninja Attack Move] No, just no. Go play CoD [CoD controls] Ah there it is. Console player. What the heck are "normal" FPS controls? ARMA2 combat seems wonky at first but quickly became one of the most natural feeling FPS controls I've played with. Anything "Twitch Shooter" style should be avoided at all costs here. [Ghillie] When duping goes by the wayside, these will be significantly more rare to come across. Stop crying that the game is hard.