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Everything posted by venthos

  1. Yep. As expected, as midnight rolls around people are already starting the "how about now? now? maybe now?" Today will be filled with several new threads about "it's coming today!" "Man I hope it's today" "Rocket better release it today or else <something dumb>". Then, as midnight approaches tomorrow, people will start raging out about how the mods "lied" and Rocket "lied". All because they *demanded* an ETA that couldn't be given and are incapable of reading the response. Ugh. I guess this means we can expect "Really - Part 3" from Captain Self-Entitled himself later on.
  2. venthos

    Setting up a server, Need Donators.

    Right, which is a perfectly valid reason for you to want to have your own server. That's not what is at consideration though. You've just explained why YOU should pay money per-month for a server. Why should OTHER people pay for your server?
  3. venthos

    Setting up a server, Need Donators.

    Please understand what you're asking of people. There are plenty of open DayZ servers available for play. There is no shortage of such servers. Most have plenty of free slots open for play. You need to consider the following. Why should people pay for your server when they can go to others for free? Will the server be in an under serviced geographical location or run with less popular options set, making it a niche server? Note that since even the admin is unable to grant themselves any benefits, your donators wouldn't be able to gain anything in-game as a result either. Not even reserved slots. What incentive do they have to pay for a server vs. just playing on the many open and available ones? I mean you could have an answer to "why" they should donate, but you haven't advertised it in your original post. Giving random people who are willing to throw a few bucks at you admin access to your DayZ server is frightening. I would never play on such a server on the assumption admin abuse (kick/banning for illegitimate reasons) would be rampant. Your original post would more so act as a deterrent for people who might otherwise consider playing on the server. As it stands, your original post comes off as "I think it would be cool to be the admin of a server, but I do not have any money to do so. If I could get a half dozen people to foot the bill for me, then it would work!". That may not be your line of thinking, but that's exactly how this thread presents itself. As a server admin, you should expect to pay monthly out of pocket for the ability to host a server that nets you absolutely zero in-game benefit. That's just how you need to go into this thing. You'd be paying for a server out of pocket just because you enjoy the game. No expectations of returns on it. Once you build a community of regulars, then it may make sense to put up a donation link and ask for them to give back if they can. But, that's a ways off. You are unlikely to have success with having your server fully funded by donations right out of the gate, as there simply is no incentive for people to do so. If you can come up with some incentive that doesn't breach the DayZ Server Admin rules, more power to you. But, otherwise, this thread comes off as someone pan handling for money because they think being a server admin would be neat. Expect feedback like Jim Bean's. I was about to post a similar post, but thought I'd give a collected and coherent response a try. Let's see how this goes and how you reply.
  4. venthos

    A little Idea

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm with Hydra on this. It sounds like you're trying to play Vanilla ARMA2 through DayZ. Why not just play Vanilla ARMA2 directly? Chernarus is of course a regular ARMA2 map. It's not exclusive to DayZ. Create a custom mission in the mission editor, get some folks together, and have a blast. That way you can easily set teams, set guns, etc.
  5. venthos

    How get admin / own server in game?

    Oh snap. Google is buying people now? Eh, I guess it was inevitable. How much were you worth to them?
  6. venthos

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    Alright, it's been a fun thread. But, you've just tipped your hand with that comment. You had me going up until then that you were genuinely trying to argue. But, that just was way too obvious of a troll. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted!
  7. venthos

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    Agreed on the compound bow. Rocket has said he plans to add a quiver for thinks like the crossbow's bolts. I imagine it wouldn't be a stretch to think he may expand that out into arrows/compound bow. After all, he seems pretty set in on adding more civilian grade weaponry. That'd fit right in there.
  8. venthos

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    No no no no no no no. If anything, DayZ needs less military grade weapons. I'll reserve judgment, though, until standalone releases and item duping is resolved so we can see the true drop rate/retention rate on these weapons. DayZ is focused around a survivor rummaging through the post-apocalyptic tattered remains of a country. It makes much more sense to have the majority of the players wielding civilian grade weaponry, which would be more prevalent. Rocket has already stated as much. He seems to have implied there are no plans to add much, if any, military grade weapons. I want to see the game where shotguns/enfields aren't seen as garbage weapons used before you run to the nearest airbase and get an assault rifle. They should be worthy guns. You do this by making those types of guns more prevalent and the military grade stuff exceptionally rare. So you've gone from goal post moving to complete lack of reading comprehension? I had said: "not limited by unified hardware" Unified hardware being the exact thing you said was "so great" about consoles. How could you miss a point that referenced your own argument? I was demonstrating how both unified hardware of consoles and greatly varied configurations in PCs both have pros/cons. You need to at least read and comprehend what I type if you're going to argue with me. Just like your statement about PC owners being upset about not having consoles complaining only applies to a few people. Most PC gamers have at least one current gen console. See how you walked right into that? :D Boom. Too easy. Nah, you don't see it. You're still too blind to the fact I've shot every argument you've had full of holes. Lastly, I'm genuinely curious at this point (since so many people have pointed it out) what language/dialect "counsoles" comes from. I'm not trying to rag on you for it, rather I am intrigued by a language that would spell that word that way. I'd appreciate if you take this question seriously and provide a straight forward answer.
  9. Sorry, but I have to laugh that you didn't copy/paste my quote and typed it out instead with typoing "ridiculous" as "rediculous" :P I'm not trying to be all "spelling police" and say "therefore your argument is invalid!". It just made me laugh and I had to mention it ;) But I digress! Not sure what to tell you then about performance, mine runs flawlessly for days on end without a dip in performance. Perhaps mine runs on magic and rainbows. I can't begin to guess why yours requires twice daily restarts, and I can't see how either of us are ever going to convince the other on this debate. You're welcome to join my server and witness the performance first hand, though. As for the delete button, there's a difference between. [ Hide Body ] Requires that you're AT the body and kneel over/wait several seconds to dispose of the body. -and- [ Delete Button ] Alway available in your UI allowing for on-the-fly disposal of anything. (ironically this does kind of exist with the bug of moving stuff into full packs) The hide body, while still "magically deletey" is a necessary departure from authentic play for game balance. The delete button would just be all too artificial. Plus, it's another UI element. Rocket aims to remove every UI element he can in its entirety if he's able to come up with a suitable alternative. This is why he aims to remove all HUD elements for standalone, the audible/visible indicators being the only thing he's not sure he has an alternative for at the time. So adding more UI elements wouldn't make sense anyway. The "Hide Body" makes sense for gameplay balance (removal of items) and the spirit of the game (brutal penalty for dying) while not being as free flowing delete-spam as a "Delete Button". Also, really? A dictionary link? I thought we were having a coherent discussion here. I'm honestly let down. Neither of us has resorted to baseless ranting and we were having a civil discussion. Don't take this down that path.
  10. venthos

    Things that SHOULD be in Dayz by tomorrow...

    But DayZ has enough guns. It certainly doesn't need new outfits. I mean, OMG dude. If anything, civilian guns would be best instead of military grade. But before any of that can be taken on, Rocket should fix bugs. I also am very afraid of change. I'm an avid lover of carrots, though. Don't you think hacking should be resolved first? Lastly, It's alpha, why are you asking for content? HERP DERP. (Did I cover it all? I think I did. I bet even with this comment people won't pick up on the facetious tone)
  11. venthos

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    You're correct in the sense the that customization/upgradability of PCs is a double edged sword. In some situations it's incredibly helpful. Developers can develop the game they want (not limited by unified hardware) and then allow users to scale back quality to console levels if they don't have a great PC. But, there's certainly the added disparity of the multitudes of hardware/drivers/etc. It is not universally bad like you seem to think, though. The end result of the extra work for a PC game is one that has more depth with better graphics. All console cames are capped from the get go with fixed hardware, limiting their graphics and capabilities. For the record, I own all 3 current gen consoles (PS3, XBox360, Wii). I use them as social gaming platforms for when friends come over. PCs are setup for a singular user, not a social gathering (although PCs' online play is superior). Console games are designed for short experiences/attention spans that are perfect for the social environment. They work great in that capacity. Other than that niche area, I just don't see the purpose of my consoles. They collect dust in the absence of company. So you can certainly retract your "so those who don't own the console won't cry a river". Any other arguments for me to shoot down?
  12. venthos

    Graphical Glitches or Dogs

    I don't experience the glitches, so definitely dogs. I can't wait for dogs. Why? It's going to be ridiculously hilarious to snipe survivor's dogs from afar and leave the survivor intact to witness and grieve over their dog. All day long, baby. That's the goal in 1.7.3. I won't fire on survivors, but all dogs will be KOS for hilarity.
  13. venthos

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    Agreed. I've been coherently shutting down every one of his "points" that it's caused him to blatantly play a game of "goal post moving" with each reply instead of trying to refute my response itself. I can go on forever making calm and collected responses to his irrational claims. It's quite funny.
  14. venthos

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    Even if what you said was true (and it's not) due to the velocity of the IT industry it would be a matter of 3 months before the console was outpaced and you'd be stuck for 7 years and counting on inferior hardware you can't upgrade. Check the stats. Consoles were either worse or evenly matched for enthusiast computers on release. The only thing it's hard to gauge a 1:1 comparison for at release time is Sony's proprietary cell processor. About 3 months later, PCs were clearly ahead. Consoles are the Fischer Price of gaming. The graphics look like shit, the controllers are garbage, but it's cheap and easy for kiddies to play on. PCs allow for unparalleled customization of the games you play as well as the ability to upgrade. Superior input methods (keyboard/mouse) allow for a much more precise gaming experience. The graphics by far outpace anything consoles have ever been able to muster, even on release. PC gaming is hurting for sure. Most developers seem to have noticed it's more profitable to push out a game for a console. They therefore develop on the console and push a garbage port to PC that looks terrible (because it's XBOX/PS3 level graphics). There is an uprising, though, in the PC world. Dean is a part of that. PC gaming is making headway finally thanks in large part to indie devs. Consoles will always be a major component in the gaming industry.
  15. venthos

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    Well, actually a general 3.2 GHz PowerPC core and 8 SPE cores. Er, one SPE is actually forcibly disabled, leaving only 7. Actually, one of those SPEs is reserved entirely for the OS and off limits for games.. so this leaves 6 SPEs for the developers plus the general core. Most PC enthusiasts will have 8 cores, so if you want to e-peen waggle on pure core amount. PCs still win. But... Let alone that pure core count means nothing. The SPEs are specialized cores, leaving only one generalized purpose core (the 3.2GHz PowerPC) in its wake. The SPEs are *terrible* for certain types of instructions yet superior for other types of instructions, unlike PCs which are all around good at everything. It's difficult to directly compare them. Your "amazing architecture" is also being abandoned entirely by Sony. Maybe it's "too" great? Yeah that's probably it. http://www.ign.com/a...-cell-processor
  16. venthos

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    ...you... you do know that consoles are just very old/budget PC hardware, right? I feel like I'm telling a kid there's no santa. But, you need to know this. The truth might hurt, but damnit void_false I'm not letting you live a lie! Current gen consoles will always be substantially inferior to current gen PCs by their very design and nature. That design being "budget PC hardware that they can sell in a prepackaged box with minimal monetary losses" Also, did you read the link you sent? It says nothing about that consoles are "better" than PCs. Because, again, this makes no sense. Consoles *are* PCs... shitty PCs. It simply says that because of how CHEAP the PS3 is, it's more cost-effective to buy the budget hardware in console form for $300 than to buy the hardware piece meal for a proper box. This is because, as everyone knows (or maybe you don't?) that console manufacturers LOSE money on the console. They don't make a profit on it. They only make their money on the games. It's this marketing strategy that makes the PS3 so cost effective for the military to purchase. Why can they use a PS3 instead of a PC? Because, again, it's just a PC in a box. A shitty PC in a box that you can't customize that runs proprietary software. Which is fine for what they are using it for. You can cry all you want, but PCs will always be vastly superior to consoles. You guys can barely get games to run at 30fps in 1080p in consoles without making them look like a 5 year old PC game. I've been running 1440p for a long time on my PC with much higher quality and framerates.
  17. I run my DayZ server for days on end without a restart, I do not experience performance problems. The key is to not use a managed $30 "shared" DayZ server and instead throw a proper server at the thing (as well as administer the server itself to ensure all is running well). I end up having to restart the server due to hackers or updates (I keep the latest ARMA2:OA beta server exe in use on my box) versus for performance reasons. HOWEVER, there are legitimate reasons that necessitate server restarts. These reasons I'm guessing will be negated in the standalone when the engine can be adapted to DayZ's needs. [1] Crashed helicopters spawn *once* on server start. Their loot is a one-time only thing. Once someone has looted a helicopter crash, no more loot will come from it. It never respawns. Restarting a server generates all new randomized crash locations with new loot. [2] Player bodies continue to pile up without a restart. Even if you hide them, the fly sound effect persists. This can get annoying. [3] Loot piles never despawn on their own. Since most players are too lazy (understandably) to clear loot piles for respawns, this means eventually the popular areas will be reduced to loot piles of nearly 100% cans and bottles. [4] Vehicles only spawn on server restart. While has pooched vehicle saving, the effects on this would be that a crashed/exploded car would never respawn again if the server weren't restarted and you'd only have available what vehicles were "cleared" for your server at the time of its last restart. So, there are functional reasons that necessitate restarts due to the mod not affecting the ARMA2 engine and having to cope with its limitations. EDIT: I should add that I do plan to restart my server on a routine schedule (once per 24 hours) for the above 4 reasons once vehicle/tent saving is fixed. Until then, I avoid restarting the server to ensure people have more time to play with vehicles on the server.
  18. venthos


    Loot not existing in a building is NOT a bug or indicative of a server restarting being necessary. In fact, a server restart is what *caused* the empty building and would simply guarantee all buildings server-wide were empty of loot. Server restarts erase all loot from the world, hence how it got that way in the first place. Zombies spawn instantaneously upon a player being within distance of a town/zombie spawn location. They are not tied in anyway to loot piles. Their presence or spawning does not cause loot piles to spawn. As has been said, you must remain AWAY from loot pile spawn locations for them to spawn. A bit over 50 meters seems to be far enough, but no more than about 300 meters. That's the range in which loot will spawn. Spawning of loot piles can take seconds or several minutes (up to 10+ min). This is why buildings remain empty for hours after restart if no player ever gets within 300 meters of the loot pile spawn points. Barreling into town that no one has been in since the last restart almost guarantees you won't find loot in the first one or two buildings you enter as a result. You can even "farm" loot piles by picking up everything form a pile and moving it to different location and making a "fresh" loot pile. Then, move 50m+ away and wait for respawns. Note that most buildings have more spawn points for loot than the maximum permitted loot piles allowed to be up at any given time. Therefore it's unlikely you'll be able to farm a particular loot pile spawn point effectively. It works best to clear entire buildings/rooms of loot piles/garbage and then letting it all respawn back naturally.
  19. venthos

    Close range aiming is screwed up.

    I honestly have no idea what you're talking about and think ARMA2 is probably the best I've seen at authentic ballistics, especially as compared to the other games you mentioned. I think it's what others have pointed out already, that the crosshairs are giving you a false sense of "this is where the bullet will go". Like has been mentioned, the HUD "crosshairs" are kind of zeroed at a distance and start to mean very little up close.. If you're talking about the bullet going 10m off randomly from where your sights are when you have the gun pulled to your face, that's another story. So, I'm also in the camp of not knowing at all what you mean when you say things are weird/wonky. A video may best assist you in conveying your issue. Can you make one?
  20. venthos

    Direct chat: Always Toggled ON

    As has already been explained, most headsets/mics have a "mute" button allowing easy defeat of such. If not, a quick keyboard macro would accomplish it. You can't "force" it on as a result. Secondly, I would probably die much more often from laughter of hearing these survivors/bandits spew audio like dogs barking, moms saying "Jimmy, got off the computer and do your homework!" and other such hilarity. So, no.
  21. Yes, but only overtaxed servers or poorly administered servers require frequent restarts. Mine runs flawlessly for days on end. I usually have to restart it after a few days due to a hacker or some other non-performance issue. Also, I imagine server restarts will become a thing of the past in standalone and true persistent servers will exist. Server restarts being required to decay bodies/items is messy and not intentional by Rocket. Would take just as long if not longer than dragging due to limited bag space. Would have the same effect of almost all bodies being untouched. destroying items from a body has to be quick/near instant to make people do it and thus trim items from the ecosystem. Make sure you're thinking ahead to standalone where server restarts won't ever happen outside of DayZ updates. I agree a delete button is ridiculous, hence the facetious tone. The existing system is great. "Hide body". done.
  22. You effectively are, though. Getting your gear back would be substantially more probable if you had to drag a body off. You'd way more often than not get most of your gear back. Ever drag an unconscious person in the game? No one is going to do that and risk themselves just to hide some loot. I understand you're playing the realistic/authentic card. However, for the sake of the game design and mechanics sometimes something less authentic must prevail. This is one of those very rare cases. "Respawning" is not authentic either, but you don't see anyone demanding one life per-cd key. Some things must be bent in the spirit of the game. The ability to instantly hide a body and remove loot from the game is one of them. DayZ must have a method to remove items from the world that otherwise generate out of thin air. With the 'drag a body' method, loot couldn't be destroyed. Now if you want to make draggable bodies but give me a 'delete' button I can spam all their gear on, I'm fine with that. you can have your empty corpse to ply with. But, the ability to easily remove loot from the ecosystem is something that must stay in place to prevent item saturation. This is in addition to the emotional/risk reason I covered earlier.
  23. I genuinely get scared when I see these types of posts in that the game may cowtow to Fischer Price mechanics. We have a rare game that makes a game evoke genuine emotions about your decisions and what happens to you. Dying means a lot. Yes it's a different story when a hacker kills you. But, even if a sniper kills you, death is intentionally brutal. You think twice about even entering a popular town in the first place simply because one well placed shot can result in your work undone. You have to go on cautiously, invoke the help of overwatch, etc. It's AWESOME. If you make dying less of a factor (Face it, almost no one will spend the time/risk themselves to "drag" a body away into the bushes), then there's no reason to fear dying and the core of the game gets eaten away. Stop trying to make this a fluffy bunny game. Thankfully, Dean shows zero signs of bending to these types of Fischer Price ideals. Still, I get worried because many a game have been destroyed in this fashion by its player base. We have too many ez-mode games out. Let this one live. Based on WarZ's alpha gameplay video, WarZ is shaping up to be perfect for folks like you. I don't mean this as a dig on WarZ. DayZ/WarZ have different target markets. You seem more apt for WarZ's target audience.
  24. venthos

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    Rocket has since confirmed it's inevitable release on the console. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/09/01/command-prompt-10-dayz-standalone-version-details Go to: 5:40 Also more at: 44:15 I have been and am still against the console version. Console kiddies either will hate the fact that it's not a twitch shooter or it will have to be dumbed down heavily to accommodate lack of buttons/keys. The dumbing down of the game is what had me apprehensive that it would negatively affect the PC version. HOWEVER... Rocket has basically confirmed that the "true" DayZ will be for the PC. The console version will be an eviscerated version of DayZ that's cut away and trimmed down until it works for the console controllers and player base. So, this will be one of the few games that the console version is the port and the PC game is the true original design. PC always gets shafted with ports from console design. So, I'm fine with this. Console DayZ won't negatively affect PC DayZ, so they can just play with their crippled console version all they want. So, I'm totally fine with everything. As always, Rocket has proven he is about design and game quality for his original vision... not about marketing/finances. I love that guy.
  25. venthos

    Dear Snipers who interrupted our Trade.

    Surprise Factor: 0