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Everything posted by venthos

  1. venthos

    Ok I have had enough....

    At no point did I imply you can't be rich and write like an idiot. In fact, I don't think anyone would ever try to make that point. But, I don't care how much money you have. If you write like a three year old, then I treat your opinions like that of a three year old. It's pretty funny you missed this basic concept. I like how that's the only straw you could grasp at before dismissing me with "lol, not worth it" ;)
  2. Profiles do nothing other than retain certain ARMA2 settings and your name. DayZ cares not what profile you use and identifies you through your GUID (essentially your CD Key). Changing your profile does nothing for new/unique DayZ characters.
  3. I never react at all. I just quietly ban them from the server and move along. That's one of the reasons they hack in the first place, to get a reaction. Whether you try and run from them or talk back to them, that's what they want. Not reacting to them at all and then banning them is the best way to ruin their fun.
  4. There is no solution to this, as the fault is of the humans downloading cd key stealers/key loggers. Just like how WoW accounts are rampantly stolen because people download keyloggers despite that there is no CD Key stored in a registry for WoW. Once you figure out how to solve human stupidity, you'll solve the stolen account problem and inadvertently solve the identity theft problem world wide ;)
  5. venthos

    Ok I have had enough....

    I have to chime in on the grammar stuff, because it is quite hilarious. Yes, it is your right to misspell and use horrific grammar. You can make as much excuses as you want about why you don't understand the grammar or why you will never make the effort to learn the grammar. I know the most popular excuse is "LOL I R NOT IN SKOOL, WHY MATTAR?". But, this thread is a perfect demonstration of why it matters. When you use poor spelling and grammar, your argument (regardless of its validity) comes off less strong and convincing. This applies to all facets of communication. If you want to be taken seriously, take the time to proofread your writing. You certainly don't have to, but be prepared for the thread/conversation to be derailed and your argument lost in a sea of "Oh god, learn to spell/write properly!" and "fuck you, grammar nazi!". I still haven't even read the OP's argument in full because my eyes wanted to leap out of my head after reading a few sentences deep. In a previous job role of mine where I was responsible for hiring some folks, I would chuck resumes that had blatant grammar/spelling mistakes regardless of anything else. If they can't find the time to write properly, why should I take the time to read it and consider hiring them? A lot of people have this mentality. If you're posing the argument/point, be sure that you're communicating coherently. "oh my god this isn't a resume, it's a post on a gaming forum" Agreed. But that doesn't change how poor spelling/grammar makes ANY communication less convincing and seem more like someone mashing on a Fischer Price keyboard. You're taking the time to try and convince others of a viewpoint. Why not take a bit of extra time to write it correctly? Go ahead and rage at me. I await the large scale misuse of their/they're/there, its/it's, your/you're, and so forth!
  6. ARMA2's old style method of using a CD key stored in the registry means it's not easy to utilize two different copies. Basically, every time you wanted to switch characters you'd have to edit the registry entry accordingly to the appropriate CD Key. If you use Steam, Steam will automatically overwrite the registry to whatever key you had through Steam each time you start the game through Steam. So, you'd have to: [1] Make two .reg (registry) export files somewhere that would allow you to easily switch between what CD Key is in your registry [2] Not launch through Steam There's actually a lot of information on this process online because hackers need this information when they buy a new CD key because their old one got global banned ;P I, too, hope that DayZ standalone will go along with a modern means of identification like MMOs. You just use the CD Key to "create" an account, and then just login accordingly with said account. This would eliminate the whole "cd key stored in the registry" issue. I, however, do not want DayZ standalone to permit more than one character per account. This fosters using dummy characters as mobile tents that can "log off" and be immune to being raided. You'd also have people throw snipers on an otherwise naked character to sit outside cherno/elektro/etc. and just occasionally login every so often while they're bored/waiting on something without having to inconvenience them with the run to the coast and back. So on and so forth. It would just foster too much crappy things without risk/inconvenience to the player's main. At least force people to buy another copy of the game if they want to abuse things in that way. If someone were legitimately wanting a second character, then I doubt they'd have problems with forking another $15 or what not. But yeah, the easiest option is certainly private hives.
  7. venthos

    Stuck in the water :(

    When the same thing happened to me, I abused the port-to-coast bug. [1] Downgrade DayZ to [2] Locate a server (may be harder now since when I did this, was out and some people refused to run it with the vehicle save bug) [3] Login to said server [4] You'll instantly be ported to the coast [5] Logout [6] Return to DayZ and enjoy Note that doing this, for whatever reason, destroyed all items in my 'primary' inventory slots (my sidearm mags, tools, equipped weapons, backpack, backpack contents were untouched). It's worth a try if you can find a server.
  8. Good news, because it requires SEVERAL independent incidents from independent "butt hurt admins" with convincing log data to get you on the list. Further, since it's community run you have a better shot at being able to get someone's ear (vs. global bans) and trying to get a second chance. I see the OP has already posted to the CBL literally saying "fuck you" to its maintainers with the excuse that they paid $30 therefore they should never be banned ever. This should be interesting to see how it pans out.
  9. Yay another person who hates using the search function. Here, let me spoon feed you and let you suckle on my teat. The Bug: When your skin changes (be it to bandit/normal/hero or to camo/ghillie) the game sets your backpack to whatever you had when you last logged in. If it was no backpack, it wipes your backpack. If it was a different pack type from what you have on, it'll set it to that one.' The Solution: As you might surmise from the bug, the solution is to just logout to the lobby and back in again the moment you get a new pack type. Then, you never have to worry about your pack being destroyed/set to a worse pack again! ZOMG ZOMG ZOM GOZMG OZMG ZOGMZ Now I'll just go ahead and wait 2 hours for someone else to refuse to search because they are lazy and far more important than time spent searching for answers.
  10. Impossible, since ARMA2 will be a separate game from DayZ. You'd basically have to "require" that people own ARMA2 to play DayZ standalone then so you can make sure their GUID is "okay". If you don't require they own ARMA2, then they just wouldn't volunteer their banned GUID or any GUID at all. Just trying to explain how awkward it would be to try and even translate those bans over. I'm not sure how much Rocket is going into changing the engine, but I would rather see DayZ go to an account based system vs. registry CD key system. By this, I mean like any MMO where you "open" an account with your CD/Account Key, but then never need the key again. It's now just "your account" that required a key to initially open. This would also solve the problems of multiple people trying to play DayZ using one workstation, and would at least change how abusers compromise accounts from grabbing a registry entry to needing to keylog the persons user/pass. Not fool proof by any means, but at least anti-virus software is more used to scanning for keyloggers given how many people tend to download keyloggers with WoW.
  11. I wholeheartedly disagree that my option is represented. I already stated that I am excited to shoot everyone's dogs. I *want* the content patch, therefore I *want* dogs added as it is content for me. Just because I am not taking a dog companion doesn't mean that I am not benefiting from the content patch. It gives me additional targets to shoot at and additional ways to screw with survivors. The poll is "How long would you wait for dogs?", and I certainly still want dogs in the game for the aforementioned reasons.
  12. Didn't vote, because I was not represented. Please add: "Holy shit, stop crying. DayZ has EXPLODED over the past 2 months not even counting that fact that Rocket suddenly reached the goal he wanted and was offered a means of getting standalone to market and has had to be in constant meetings, PR campaigns, and other responsibilities (plus his non-DayZ life). Give the man some leeway about your damn dogs/1.7.3" Personally, I will be sniping peoples dogs (and leaving the survivors unharmed to grieve) all day long. I have little interest in dogs themselves, but I welcome this open sandbox approach that will allow everyone to play their own way with the structure and tools that Rocket sets up for us. For my playstyle, I won't nab a dog myself. Trying to maintain a vehicle is hard enough and a liability. Having to feed/heal said companion would just put me at risk all the more. But I will be one of the people causing others to cry post on the forums about "REALLY?! Shoot my dog and drive off laughing?!". Be on the lookout.
  13. This would explain your point of view, then. You've effectively demonstrated you know nothing about DayZ's development track and the how/why behind the cheating problem. This greatly explains your mammoth sized self-entitlement, but certainly doesn't excuse it. Ignorance is no reason for acting like a douche waffle, which you've so aptly done across the board to everyone who has responded to you. It is presently impossible to eliminate cheating (at least the degree that other popular titles have curbed it to) without ARMA2 core engine changes. Such changes would quite literally destroy ARMA2 itself as a standalone and render the game and all of its mods (other than DayZ) unusable. You'd basically be destroying an entire game to accommodate for one single mod. Why? This has to do with the ARMA2 scripting engine which is vital for ARMA2 itself. Rocket and many others have explained this time and time again, you must have not searched hard. What's the solution? Well, DayZ Standalone. Because Rocket can do *exactly* that and "destroy" the ARMA2 engine and tear out the scripting engine in its entirety. In its place, hard coded logic will provide the functionality that DayZ was extrapolating through the scripting engine. End result? scripting doesn't exist, DayZ works a treat! So, your snide remark about DayZ team finding the "time" or "ambition" is Grade A proof of your smug self-entitled behavior. See what I mean here? You're uninformed, ignorant, and rage filled about the situation. Perfect recipe for self-entitlement. I don't know if you're suffering from a case of selective reading/comprehension, but the majority of the replies you've received in this thread (including my own) have addressed this very question. They DO let you lock your servers if you want... by making a private hive! You just can't lock it on the public hive. Letting people lock or otherwise change the risk/reward effect of a server on the public hive is ridiculous. You can't have that. That's why even Vilayer, who runs a multi-server private hive of their own, doesn't permit locking servers on their multi-server private hive. Seems curious that an independent company whose only goal is to sell you a DayZ server is refusing to let you to lock servers on their private hive, no? That's because it doesn't make sense to permit locking on a multi-server hive. It creates save-havens where people can farm NWAF with 0 risk and the like. It's the same reason MMOs separate PvE and PvP servers and don't permit transferring from a PvE to a PvP server. You need collective servers of similar risk/reward. Mixing them is stupid and unbalanced beyond all logic and reason. I still don't know why you're whining in this thread, as the solution to your angst has been provided to you post after post. Make a private hive! This thread is pretty much over. I also feel the need to circle on back to this. I regret to inform you that you have been swindled/cheated of your money if you've paid even a single cent for DayZ. You'll want to identify whoever charged you for downloading DayZ and pursue them legally to the fullest extent of the law. For future reference, DayZ is available free of charge right on this very site you're posting on. Just go to http://www.dayzmod.com and download the DayZ Alpha Mod absolutely free. Now, being a facetious dick to you aside, paying for a standalone game that is a pre-requisite for a mod is not "paying for the mod". That is further self-entitled thinking. Rocket saw $0 from your sale, how is it fair to pin it on him? ARMA2 is its own game that you don't need DayZ to play. I love analogies, because it lets people see how dumb they are. Let's go for one, shall we? Using your logic, I can do the following: [1] Say "Mmm, this new burger recipe sounds awesome. But I don't have a grill to do it proper." [2] Buy a $200 grill [3] Download free recipe [4] Make burger on fancy grill [5] Realize burger tastes like garbage [6] Go to website that has the burger and complain to them about how shitty their burger is and that you demand they compensate you. After all, you certainly did spend $200 to use their recipe! You wouldn't have bought that grill if it weren't for their recipe sounding so good! [7] Act smug, self-entitled, and rage about how you're a paying recipe customer See how that's dumb? Probably not, but that's how dumb you look to us. Rocket doesn't see a dime from your ARMA2 purchase. You didn't pay anything for DayZ mod. You can't just claim whatever pre-requisites were needed to play the mod are your "payment" for the mod. Where would it end? What if you needed a graphics card upgrade to play it? Is Rocket now responsible for that cost as well? Nah, you don't see the connection. Continue on.
  14. venthos

    US 1234 got mass kicked.

    Script Restriction #20, if they're using the latest CBL filters, is: 5 createTarget !"\"createTarget\"," I'm not an ARMA2 scripting wizard, but from what I understand this is basically like createVehicle but for creating houses/fences/any other "object" in game. If everyone got kicked in unison for it, probably a scripter abusing an ARMA2/DayZ publicvariable that let him tell everyone on the game to execute a script and get kicked. Before people start crying with false information, know that you CANNOT get globally banned if that's what happened. Rocket himself has stated this. It also makes a lot of sense since BattlEye doesn't ban for scripts, it bans for trying to bypass BattlEye's blocking of scripts. At worst, the admin of the server might ban you. But, no one would after seeing the ENTIRE server get kicked for it. You're safe.
  15. venthos

    Internet quota

    Unfortunately I can't think of anything to really help. Regardless of view distance, the ARMA2 engine always sends all object information game-wide and their movement packets to your client. Thus, regardless of view distance, you are constantly getting that data sent to you. I really can't think of anything client-side that would reduce bandwidth consumption. The only thing that might help would be making sure you play on the lowest ping server possible, reducing the chance of packet loss and therefore packets being resent. I'm not sure how much that would help, though. ARMA2 is a bandwidth heavy game since the server itself does very little other than act as a distribution service to let other clients talk to each other. It's a pretty unorthodox client/server method and is the primary reason that ARMA2 allows for the cheating it does.
  16. You've paid $0 for this mod, and you electing to pay monthly for a DayZ server (like I pay for my DayZ server) entitles you to nothing. You elected to pay for a server to host an Alpha Mod that you should have known going into it (assuming you played the game before buying a server) borderline encourages hacking with its engine. You can't just elect to pay for a server on your own and then complain about what you knew was going to happen. I'm sick of self-entitled server admins making us good admins look bad. As has been stated, just go make a private hive! Then no one gives two shits what you do with your server. Just do it, make a private hive. Stop the cry posts.
  17. venthos

    Vilayer logic

    You know as well as I do that's a straw man. I'm saying all servers should have the same risks and the same benefits. I believe I already stated that almost word for word. To do otherwise defeats the purpose of a multi-server hive and provide servers with higher risks/rewards than others. This sets things out of balance on the hive and results in a poor experience overall for everyone. Fantastic! Setup your OWN private hive for just you and your friends. This way it's literally impossible for you to inflict negative results on any other players. I also believe I've already stated this. Yes, because deviating from a hive-wide standard fosters cheating and unbalance, everyone on a given hive should keep uniform risks and rewards. If you want to just go PvE and wander around collecting shit, as stated, make your own private hive! I swear to you no one will give two shits what you do on your own hive. DayZ, Vilayer, or anyone here (including me). I don't even care what you do on Vilayer's hive since I'm not a part of it. I bet the other people on Vilayer's hive care, though. Again, the simple solution here is to just setup your very own private hive of hivey goodness. Then you can spawn 30 helicopters, 100 AS 50s, or just run around laughing in direct chat rolling in the grass. Nobody will care. Why? It's your OWN hive. Just save everyone the crying on the forums about how you have to abide by a given Hive's rules and make your own private hive for just you and your friends. Please. Again as previously stated (are you not reading my posts?) it doesn't matter what I think about Vilayer's hive rules. I don't participate in the hive and I couldn't care less what you do there. I'm just explaining to you why it's hilariously sad that you're upset about their rules despite that you elected to participate in their hive vs. making your own.
  18. The problem with this is that the tools most people request (ability to reset/teleport vehicles) is effectively giving the server admin hacker abilities. You think it's bad now with server admins restarting servers after they're stolen? They'd reset/teleport vehicles all day long to hoard them with such a "tool". You'll just have to wait for Standalone for any sort of viable solution.
  19. venthos

    Vilayer logic

    This is your flaw right there. This is like owning a toaster that has a defect in, but then calling the electric company to bitch about it and demand they "safen up" your toaster. You are entitled to a functional service daemon on a server, not a functional game experience. Vilayer has no say in how the ARMA2 engine is developed or the DayZ mod is developed. To expect them to be held responsible for a poor experience due to hackers is just as ridiculous as holding your electricity company responsible in the toaster analogy. Doesn't really matter how I feel about Vilayer's policies for their own hive. It's just that -- THEIR hive. You elected to participate in their hive instead of [A] DayZ hive -or- Your own personal hive. If you use anybody else's hive, you must abide by their rules. Kind of like the whole cliche "While you're under my house, you'll live by my rules! BUT DAD, THAT'S NOT FAIR!". You don't get to elect into a situation and then complain about it afterwards. You will not find me publicly advertising my server anywhere. Notice how you had to ask? ;) I've grown a very small population of people through receiving PMs on the forums or otherwise being nice to people on my server and them bringing their friends. That's the only way I want my server's population to grow. Is it really small? Sure. I wish more people would login. But, the few times it's suddenly had 30+ people on the box (for unknown reasons) hackers undoubtedly showed up. I'm in no hurry to max out my server (yet), but you also will *never* see a whine post from me about hackers. It's an Alpha mod for an engine that borderline encourages hacking. I knew the circumstances before I even entertained the idea of leasing a server to setup a DayZ server on. I knew going in that I could very well be paying to have people hack my server. I accepted those circumstances, because the vast majority of the servers out there are run on restricted shared gameservers services (like Vilayer) and/or have terrible admins who have no idea how to run a server. I would rather be able to play on a stable machine and get hacked vs. fight to get into a server in the first place and get hacked. At least I know when I get hacked it's because there was nothing I could do vs. some "set and forget" DayZ-in-a-box server whose admin is concerned about vehicle hoarding.
  20. venthos

    Vilayer logic

    Smug self-entitled admins often come up with this argument because they disregard a key point. The question is answered by further extending up the ladder. "I am curious how the selfish opinion came around that server admins have a "right" to disregard the rules of participating on the public hive at their own discretion just because they've spent money?" The popular cry queen response is "Don't you understand?! I am paying MONEY for my server. Don't you hear that?! MONEY! REAL MONEY!" So what? The mod is plenty strong with admins like me who understand that the "OH GOD, REAL MONEY" I pay every month is an entertainment expense that I fully consider a throwaway amount. To expect any special privileges/treatment because you spent/spend money is laughably self-entitled and arrogant. You are participating as an alpha tester, just like the players. By paying money for a server (like I do, as a DayZ server admin) the only difference is that you make a statement saying you love the game enough to pay monthly for it. That's it. You are not a special snowflake who gets to cry and stomp their feet for special treatment just because you decided you wanted to pay money. If it's so much of a crisis for you to spend money every month and not get the exact experience you want, running a server for an alpha mod is not for you. Please turn down your server.
  21. venthos

    Vilayer logic

    I also want to directly address this point. I would argue that people who pay for the $20-$30 'budget' plans like Vilayer, HFB, and other "shared gameserver" plans are much more likely to be abusive admins who break rules for the advantage of themselves or their friends. I would also argue that those who spend the extra money for a proper VDS or Dedicated Server are much less likely to do that. I have no hard data to back this up, but from what I've seen on the forums and in-game, a lot of the Vilayer/budget server are run by kiddies or otherwise people who want a server to BE an Admin rather than spend the extra money to host a proper, stable, and reliable server for their players. There are, of course, exceptions both ways. But that's the trend I see.
  22. venthos

    Vilayer logic

    ...but it's effectively the same end result as hacking. It just takes a bit longer. If you password protect a server and only allow people you want onto it, you are artificially creating a safe haven for yourself with potentially zero risk of dying. Sure you may actually let random people on and try and harbor a "true" DayZ environment. But, most would just password lock the server and sit at NWAF clearing spawns until they had tents full of the best gear. No hacking required. Zero risk. Then they'd just head out to another server on the hive and bandit it up with their best gear. They get killed? No worries, retreat to their password protected safe haven and grab from their tents or re-farm gear in complete peace. You can't argue that such abuse would'nt be rampant if they allowed password protection. It already is a problem even WITH the rule. Just look at the server reporting forum for the volume of threads about "server password protected, only the admin and 1 other person are one" or whatever. All servers must allow for equal rewards AND equal risks. If you don't want to participate in an equal community that doesn't permit password protection, that's *fine*. Just create your OWN hive. Then it is "equal" because there isn't another server on the hive with different rules.
  23. venthos

    Vilayer logic

    Imagine the quality of service your friend could have, -HAWKEYE-, if he ponied up for a proper box and administered the server himself. :) If you buy a budget/value plan, get budget/value support/quality.
  24. venthos

    Publicvariable logs

    There's not much known about "proper' public variable behaviors yet. That's kind of why the "spam", as you put it, exists right now. Read the last few commit messages about publicvariable.txt for your answers: This exact process happened with all the other filter files a few weeks ago. [1] Log everything [2] Start making exemptions for known good behaviors [3] Continue to watch for patterns of good/bad behavior, exempting or adding kick rules accordingly [4] After several weeks of empirical data is under our belts, remove what is considered excess logging You'll just have to deal with the spamminess for now. No one really knows (yet) what kinds of crud will show up there when people are hacking. That's why more data is being logged so the maintainers can figure it out and adapt it accordingly. You seem angry/frustrated that people are working on trying to improve these filters through experimentation and testing vs. just instantly pulling out a completely accurate anti-hack filter from the ether. Calm it down a bit. As far as I can tell, the remExField stuff is normal behavior for normal players.
  25. venthos

    Vilayer logic

    I agree, this has the potential to be a fantastic thread. Yet another admin who wants to have his cake and eat it too. "I want the benefits of a multiple server hive AND the benefits of my server being exempt from community rules so I can just do what I want (like password protect it)". Sorry, sir. You must pick ONE. No rational person would ever allow passworded servers on a multi-server hive unless they ALL were password protected with the same password. Anything else creates servers that are safe havens for leveling/gearing up and then swapping to other servers for destruction. Make your own private server with your own hive and run it however you want. Nobody is stopping you from doing that. As long as you play on someone else's hive (be it DayZ's or Vilayer's) you must abide by their rules. Also, I still continue to laugh at the complaints and whines from people on shared hosting gameservers (as opposed to outright VPS or Dedicated Servers). It's like watching someone complain that their BestBuy e-Machine computer is shitty all the while demanding the quality of a custom built proper box. As far as I'm concerned, you have very little room to complain when you short change yourself (and your players) on a budget shared plan. Get a real box to admin yourself, rely on nobody else for your server's quality and setup. Do it yourself.