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Everything posted by venthos

  1. venthos

    Cow Morphing 101

    Here it is. Go to 7:04.
  2. venthos

    Why Do Zombies Serpentine?

    Agreed. zigzagging should be kept. I don't see it as a "tactical move" so much as a zombie blindly chasing after its food with pure lust. It's not going to have peace of mind about anything. With his head bobbing up and down crazily, arms outreached, it would no doubt get a bit awkward up close and stumble around. To me, it seems authentic. To others, they read it as the zombies using military tactics. While the latter is literally true from an engine point of view, I still think it makes sense from a point of authentic raging zombies and comes off as something desperately trying to reach its "food". They don't care/understand fine motor control and just barrel up on their target haphazardly. I like that you can't just run a few dozen yards, turn, and dispatch them readily. They go ape all over the place and it causes you to panic, waste ammo, and potentially start bleeding. I hope it stays in standalone.
  3. venthos

    Cow Morphing 101

    I, too, love his videos. The good news is in a recent video he stated he plans to play more DayZ. Just when he made that declaration of "no more until standalone", private servers were almost nonexistent. He's asking for people to let him know of EU based private servers with a decent population. If he finds a solid one, videos will resume. There's hope! :D
  4. With adding a few snipers back into the game, players kind of need to be able to bag a gun or the snipers will be totally useless. At least in the way I've put snipers back. By this, I mean I've added in the CZ550 (Deer stands only, not a farm spawn anymore) and the M24 (heli crash only), but neither CZ550 or M24 mags spawn organically in the world. This means it's like the AS50 in stock DayZ. You get the mags you find with the gun (1 - 3, something I again modified from stock Day'z 0-3 mags) and that's all she wrote. The only way to get more mags is to find the gun spawn again and take its mags. With ammo this suitably rare (and with weapons that intentionally have small 5-bullet mags) no one would take up a sniper (max 15 shots if they got lucky on the rifle spawn) and drop their other rifle. I'm totally fine with people getting either of those snipers (quite rare) with 15 shots max and having to ration them out (I bet they won't spend those shots often in Elektro/Cherno). So, I've restored the "gun in bags" mechanic to stock. We can always revisit it later if it shows up as a problem. I'm just particularly miffed that the code to manage/block items being eaten is within the engine itself and not exposed via the scripting language. With that, I have some other great news. I've finally hammered out the Anti ALT-F4 mechanic. It works as intended! If someone ALT-F4s out while "in combat" (Abort is disabled in combat to prevent accidental disconnects), they are instantly killed. Eventually this will be hooked up to http:///dayz.dieinafire.com to publicly list all combat loggings that occurred (with the side benefit of being a resource for me to consider reimbursing gear if someone claims to have had connectivity issues/etc.) Oh, and I will be fully fixing "Study Body" as the above suggests so that it actually works. With this hurdle out of the way, I can spend time tonight fixing the other lesser things that shouldn't pose a problem and then ideally have a public test server up 24/7 for play tomorrow afternoon/evening. The server is based out of Dallas, TX. Anyone who wants in, please PM me or email me. (Below image is my email. In image form to try and hinder email scraping bots.) Be sure to include your PLAYER ID (Found from the ARMA 2 main menu under the profile options to adjust your character's face). This will be a whitelist only server until I can flesh out some reasonable anti-hack solutions. The only requirement I have for access to the box is that you have at least a few posts here demonstrating you didn't just make an account solely to PM me. I plan to have an updated changelog and additional demonstration video by tomorrow as well. I have another surprise mechanic that I think everyone is going to love using (bandits and heroes alike). Can anyone think of any high-profile bugs that I don't yet seem aware of? I'd like to tackle those as well before initial alpha release if at all possible.
  5. venthos

    Any host that has these things?

    You have such a weird way of presenting your argument... but yes, I totally agree that the best DayZ servers are those run by proper admins with full on Virtual/Dedicated boxes instead of the DayZ-in-a-box game server rentals.
  6. venthos

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    This is the scariest thing I've read today. This implies that people think it's a good idea to run DayZ servers off of their workstations on residential broadband. Do the player base a favor and at least let people know if the server is going to be inherently sub-par servers in the MOTD/Server Name. But, yeah, this is the nature of the private hive beast. You're going to have to wade through the shitty server admins and "basement server" boxes until you find a competent admin running DayZ on a proper box in a proper data center environment. Still, it'll be a self-solving problem and the shit boxes will fall to the wayside as time goes on. It's just scary to see the droves of bad decisions that is first going to come out of these mass private servers in the initial rush.
  7. Basically this. The only time you're going to see "CarHorn" show up in a publicvariable value is if someone is doing something wonky. Just by putting a name of something in quotes in publicvariableval.txt doesn't mean any time that text is mentioned anywhere in any code that you're booted out. I'm not at home to check the DayZ code to see if there's even a weapon/magazine of such name that could possibly be in a player's inventory. But, if so, it's worth blocking.
  8. It wouldn't be possible in the sense of the aesthetics. The game doesn't support having more than 1 primary, 1 launcher/backpack, and 1 handgun on your person (guns in backpacks not withstanding). To have a situation where you have two primary weapons (rifles) on you with neither of them in your backpack would mean picking between: [1] Making all primary weapons *also* act like "Launchers" (the M136). This way you could put a rifle in the primary or secondary slot. But, this means you'd have to drop the backpack to accommodate the second rifle. Kind of self-defeating. It would show the rifle on your back, though, as you're looking for. -or- [2] Add an action menu item to "Store Weapon On Back". This would store your primary weapon in a internal variable for your character to indicate that you "still have it", but the game (as far it knows) would consider the weapon as no longer on your person. This would allow you to pickup another primary weapon. Since the "weapon on your back" would be stored in just an arbitrary game variable, it wouldn't show as a model on your back. But, you would be able to consistently use the action menu "Store Weapon On Back" to swap between the hidden stored primary and your active primary. The caveat with this is it gives someone the option to have 2 primaries without having to spend the 10 backpack slots. It may be more realistic to have it "on your back" (even if it wouldn't show that way in game) but it'd throw things a bit out of balance for people to have a 24 slot pack + a free primary weapon "slot". Here's video of what the "store weapon on back" action menu item would work like (someone has a youtube video about it, neat).--- So to shorten my answer. It is possible to produce a mechanic like what you want through some scripting magic, but not the visuals of it (the "on your back" weapon wouldn't display on your back). But I'm not sure I'd like giving people a free additional primary weapon without having to eat the backpack slots, regardless of realism.
  9. venthos

    How does vehicle saving work?

    Objects (Tents, cat wire, hedgehogs, bear traps, vehicles, etc.) are saved to a particular server. Those items will not follow you cross-server no matter what. Your character, however, does follow you throughout the same hive (If you play on a public hive server, you'll persist with that character through all other public hive servers) Therefore once you establish yourself on a particular server (vehicle/tent) you will want to generally stay there. No servers (public or private) share their objects between one another. Vehicles/tents/etc never move servers.
  10. venthos

    Autoban for Teleporting ???

    No. It turns out setdamage.txt/.log and setpos.txt/.log are differently logged than the others. Despite what you do, it's a log-only mechanism. It's a shame.
  11. I'm aiming to have the server up and available for play this weekend. I'll continue to develop/test/add new stuff, but basically it should be in a form where people can start playing on it and giving me feedback and I can just release updates from there on. Unfortunately, it's looking like it's impossible to fix the "items destroy when moving from inventory -> gear and there's no room". This appears to be entirely a function of the engine that's not exposed through ARMA2's scripting logic. This is odd since the player's inventory is quite exposed through ARMA2 scripting. This has me rethinking the strictness of "no guns in bags" simply because I can otherwise see people constantly losing weaponry to not realizing that restriction is there (and me with no way to stop it). Hmm. Crappy. I'm also considering.. Remove: L85 entirely Add: M24 heli crash Add: CZ 550 deer stands M24 clips would only spawn with the gun at a heli crash (meaning you could only get more M24 ammo from other heli crashes) CZ 550 ammo would only spawn with the gun at the deer stand (meaning the same thing) By keeping sniper ammo rare, I don't think I'd mind that much about putting guns in bags when sniper ammo would be incredibly prohibitive that people wouldn't snipe for recreation as much. In fact, with sniper ammo that rare it's almost necessary to allow guns in bags since otherwise no one would even pickup a sniper rifle. I chose the M24 vs. another weapon simply for its small clips. Otherwise you'd possibly get a DMR/M14 AIM with up to 60 bullets (3 DMR mags), which is a bit too much ammo for my liking when I want sniping to be a luxury. I may consider adding some silenced weapons back in as well in similar concept (StanagSD wouldn't spawn independently, only with the gun). This would hopefully have the effect of people treating the sniper rifles and silenced weaponry with care. It also would make sense such high-end weapons and their ammo would be exceptionally rare like that anyway. Thoughts?
  12. As a modder who is already customizing DayZ/rewriting some mechanics/fixing Rocket's code (My Mod In Development), let me state fully and clearly that you are a colossal idiot. The portion of your post that I quoted is so wrong and stupid, that I sincerely hope that nobody reading your drivel thinks that you speak for anyone who is/will be contributing towards DayZ Mod. Please, don't "worry" about us modders. We don't need or want you to act and speak on our behalf. Any modder seeking money for working on/with DayZ mod is an idiot that you do not want working on DayZ Mod. Just stop posting. I promise you don't have to "worry" about modders like us being screwed. Why? Because it's impossible for us to be screwed. By very definition we'e volunteering our time and should have no expectations of entitlement. We wouldn't do it if we didn't just like the game. If I were asked to contribute to DayZ Mod, I would. But honestly I'm so tired of self entitled admins that I am in no rush to contribute my time to effect a positive result for them (I myself am a server admin who pays for a server before anyone gets in a huff. I know the "but I pay MONEY!" is the cornerstone of the self-entitled admin's excuse). By the weekend I plan to have my server up with my custom mod, we'll see whether or not people enjoy it. Hopefully so. It's primarily going to be lots of bug fixes and an ALT-F4 proof mechanic. The rest is up-in-the-air to constantly change and nothing is set in stone. TLDR: -I am an alpha tester (Player) -I have volunteered my money/time to be a server admin (Admin) -I am volunteering my time to write script/code to modify/fix DayZ Mod (Developer) Things I feel I am thusly entitled to (rights/money/etc): Nothing Please stop trying to speak on my behalf. Thanks.
  13. Noooo the forums ate my reply. Gah. Anyway, I love the way things are going in that thread. But, I don't think I've got the ArmA2 scripting experience yet to be of use to some (un)official bug fix team. I'm perfectly happy for the moment with developing my own "fork" of DayZ with mechanic tweaks/etc. in the interest of trying to foster more player interaction (and bug fixes!). It's almost in my best interest to keep bug fixes to myself so that people play on my custom mod server ;P But honestly, if someone asked me to participate in working on DayZ Mod for the community I would be happy to help. As for the axe/crowbar thing, I *think* I'd still want the 10 slot penalty of having your weapon in a bag vs. just giving a free "shouldered weapon"slot. Not sure.. I'll think on it. I need to get some other stuff out of the way first that I want done before I open the doors to the server. Once I feel comfortable with that, people can start playing on the box and giving me feedback.
  14. venthos

    Heli Crash Sites

    There are ALWAYS going to be 5 helicopter crashes up on a server at any given time. That's just how the DayZ server is setup to run. You will always find 5 crashes. It's just likely that you've gotten more accustom to the game and are staying more in the middle of the map which means you're exposing yourself to more potential heli crash locations. I whipped this up just for you guys in this thread. This was made by reading the exact coords and script logic out of the mission file and dayz_server.pbo
  15. venthos Bandit Skin vs. Backpack

    No, the contents will be kept and are unharmed. As long as you log out/back in immediately after changing back types (or when going from no pack to a pack) then you'll not have to worry about this bug.
  16. Dismantling/tying weapons aside, there's the weight issue. I'm not about to go all ACE mod on this and put all their in-depth weight/encumber system in. I just don't think it's entirely fun to have people running around being one-man ballistics carnival. The "dismantle" mechanic is interesting, though. --- As far as project updates, I'm up entirely later than I wanted to be tonight... but I ended up fixing something I started in on today that caused a lot of frustration. With my Arma2 scripting knowledge measurable in some short hours, it took a while to track down. But, the Crowbar is now able to be thrown on your tool belt. Having just bitched about weight in the above paragraph, I know this seems weird to now allow a hatchet and crowbar on your toolbelt. But the crowbar being incredibly week and almost useless I think makes up for the hypocrisy ;) I think I discovered *why* Rocket didn't do this. Most of the logic is already built-in for this feature, but the pieces weren't put together. It seems that the way Rocket went about making faux magazines for melee weapons throws a wrench in BIS_fnc_vectorAdd and causes zero division errors when polling open inventory slots when the crowbar or hatchet is in your rifle inventory slot. This meant you could unbelt the crowbar AND hatchet at the same time and they'd kind of occupy the same space... although only one would work. Perhaps this is why Rocket didn't fully implement it. With this now rectified, the crowbar/hatchet work properly in the inventory system. This should at least mean that new spawns will at least consider using the crowbar whereas before it was a garbage throwaway the second you found your first primary. It's not a "oooh ahhh" feature, but hey it's a feature. I needed a break from the headaches the combat system is giving me ;P
  17. Jesus christ. My retinas. It's like MS Paint threw up on my screen. CTRL + Z, CTRL + Z. Bail from thread!
  18. venthos

    Massive armory in Barrack

    So, you just don't understand the internals of the game at all? Once a loot pile is spawned, it's there indefinitely until someone cleans up ALL items from the pile or the server restarts. Yes, indefinitely. This means you're stating that once a loot pile happens to spawn as tin cans/bottles, then you're just screwed and have to move on to another location never being able to look for loot at that location again. To pick up the garbage and move it so new loot respawns would be "just as bad as duping" according to you. It's a good thing nobody who runs servers agrees with you, otherwise popular servers would be unplayable within just a few hours. There are only two ways to get new loot. [1] Pickup all items from a loot pile and wait for respawns -or- [2] Wait for server restart. It's pretty mean of you to say that people get 1 shot at loot after restart before they're not allowed to try and get loot to respawn. I'm glad that no server admins agree with you.
  19. I find it disturbing that you consider PvP something that's reserved for lone wolves. I PvP constantly... with my squad... who works together. In standalone we'll work together as well, have friendly squads, etc. But I'll raid/steal/kill everyone else's stuff. So, you're wrong again, base building/etc. is not mutually exclusive to PvP. It's indifferent to it, just like it's indifferent to PvE. Playing the money card here is pretty funny. That's the whole reason DayZ is what it is... because Rocket doesn't care about the money. Bohemia knows what they're getting by putting Rocket in charge and they're letting him stay in charge. You've spent too much time with EA games if you think DayZ standalone is going to be influenced by finances. Rocket has stated that he's only asking for as much money for the game as is needed to fund its development, and not a dime more. Rocket isn't out to make huge profits. He's out to make a game. BIS knows this. They'll make money, but Rocket isn't going to add/remove/change features based on what he thinks will sell. He's going to add/remove/change features based on his vision for what would make a damn cool game. Again, you've spent too much time with AAA titles from EA and other bullshit publishers. This is, as Rocket puts it, the anti-game. You can't apply EA financial logic to this situation. I would be perfectly happy if the kids who want fluffy time adventures boil away and DayZ is left to its core community that want to play a unique and punishing game. Kind of like how ARMA2 is its niche community. The key to Rocket's success is going to be ignoring posts from the community at large regarding game design decisions. Rocket's "against the grain" game design works, and most of us want more of the same cool stuff that's spewing from his mind. I would rather that folks like yourself who hate DayZ's core mechanics go check out WarZ and such. This isn't a dig on WarZ, but WarZ is definitely being marketed towards a more casual crowd. They're even going to have built-in "fluffy bunny character mode" to make dying a non-issue. I do not care if they don't go for DayZ standalone because they want more of the same tired old games.
  20. Nope, you're demonstrably wrong. As mentioned, Rocket has stated beyond numerous times on virtually every interview he's done that the core mechanic of the game at heart is that players will be the biggest threat. Therefore straight from the horse's mouth you've got "This is all about PvP". You can choose to run and hide and avoid players, but you'll be avoiding them *because* the game is so PvP focused. Remember, PvP doesn't mean "killing people". It means player VERSUS player. That player may just hold you up, steal your car, raid your camp, and/or kill you. But the biggest threat will always be players, never zombies/environment. So you can wish upon a star all you want, it's never going to have a "Cuddle Bunny Mode" like you want.
  21. It would never happen for the aforementioned reasons Rocket has stated with absolution. So, it's moot to discuss it.
  22. venthos

    So does this make me an asshole?

    Why does it matter to you? Since I don't talk to my kills the victim has no idea that's the only reason I killed them and that I would've let them continue to run along otherwise unharmed. Since they don't know, they don't care and they move on. Why are you getting so angry? Nobody has to get angry here. Although now that you know, just be careful if you see me on the server and you start talking in side chat. Like I said, I'll never reply/acknowledge side chat. But it's a free target list for me :D I just don't understand why you're upset when even my victims can't be upset (because they don't know).
  23. "By reading my post, you agree that if you work for Denny's or have brown hair I can take legal action against you" Just because you can state it/write it doesn't mean it is contractually legal.
  24. venthos

    So does this make me an asshole?

    No, you're not an asshole for killing someone who uses global comms. Quite the contrary. Any time I'm on a a private server that ends up having Side Chat enabled, I make it a point to slay anyone I can find who uses sidechat (text or voice). I never say that's why I kill them (I never talk to them in the first place), but it's my way of silently punishing people who think side chat is a good thing. They never know that's the only reason I shot them, but it's hilarious to me all the same. My own personal and silent enjoyment. I much prefer servers without side chat, but if I end up getting a hankering for Lingor/etc. and I happen to unwittingly hit one that has sidechat, it just becomes a personal game of "hunt the chatter queens" which is almost a bonus in of itself. What they don't know (that I only killed them for using sidenchat) doesn't bother them, and I get the satisfaction of killing idiots. Everybody wins.
  25. venthos

    Animals disappearing?

    Animals, just like Zombies, are spawned by the players themselves and owned/controlled by the players' workstations. Each player is allotted a certain number of zombies and a certain number of animals that they can spawn. When a player logs out, all entities that they were responsible for are removed from game. This is why when players log out you'll see zombies instantly despawn. Animals simply don't have the range limit that zombies do. So, that cow that disappeared could've been "owned" by a player 5km away who just logged out. Nothing you can do to stop it... just be quick when you see an animal.