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DayZ Redux - DayZ purist focused custom DayZ Mod (Formerly DayZ DIAF)
venthos posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
This thread is now limited to posting changelog/version updates. The poor performance of dayzmod.com has rendered these forums a chore to post/reply to. DayZ Redux now has our own forums up just for this mod. Please try and shift all discussions related to DayZ Redux to that forums. Thanks! Forums: http://www.dayzredux.com DayZ Redux v0.4.0 DayZ DIAF (Die in a Fire) has been renamed! To what I randomly named under suspicion of nobody being interested in the mod, it now has a proper name that communicates the intentions/goals of the mod. It's the same mod, just renamed as a result of this patch. Please note that those who had played DayZ DIAF will need to make sure they setup/reference the new mod directory "@DayZRedux" instead of the old "@DayZ_DIAF" Before you read through the change log, I want to explain what DayZ Redux intends to be. It's goals are: [1] Fix bugs/exploits [2] Introduce and change mechanics/features to appeal to DayZ "purists". By this, I mean people looking to play in the spirit of "post-apocalyptic survival". You'll never see changes introduce things like "100 vehicles!", "golden weapons!", "tanks!" and other bullshit. I am to keep DayZ difficult and frustrating, if not more so! I love Rocket's design philosophy for DayZ and am attempting to stay reasonably close to it. All in all, this project *will* fork from vanilla DayZ and take its own direction (it won't just be a "bug fix" release for stock DayZ). But it will try and keep in the spirit of Rocket's design. If I ever start adding ridiculous things, please smack me! GETTING ACCESS: The server is now up and available for play! It is a WHITELIST only server based on GUID. To get access, you need to visit http://www.dayzredux.com and register on the forums. Then, follow the instructions in the "Whitelist" section. While this may be a bit of work, it's intended to be more work than the average hacker would bother with. INSTALLATION: http://forums.dayzre...um/4-downloads/ RECOMMENDED LAUNCH OPTIONS: Just set your launch options in Steam or make a shortcut with: TROUBLESHOOTING: - If you get an error about not having the proper Arma2 version, be sure that you have the latest Beta client (See install instruction for link) and that you've copied "Expansion/beta/arma2oa.exe" over top the regular arma2oa.exe in your main 'arma 2 operation arrowhead' directory. This will make sure Steam launches with the beta client. - If you get something like "ca_dubbing_counterattack" missing, you did not merge your ARMA2 and ARMA2:OA Addons. Launch "Combined Operations" through steam once to have Steam do it, or copy "Addons" from your regular "arma 2" directory to your "arma 2 operation arrowhead" diretory. - If you get something about keys not being approved by the server, you likely still launched the game with "@DayZ" as a mod (which the server won't allow). Make sure you're only loading "@DayZRedux" and nothing else. DayZ Commander seems to force load @DayZ no matter what :( AS OF 0.3.0 ALL RELEASE NOTES ARE JUST GOING TO BE ON THE MAIN SITE. PLEASE GO THERE: http://www.dayzredux.com/download * RELEASE v0.2.11 * Begrudgingly tuning back Zombie spawning mechanics closer to vanilla, as they seem to be the primary cause of all of the remaining lag/desync/redchain. We'll see how this goes. * RELEASE v0.2.10 * Fixed loot based logic mistake relating to checking if players are near/in a building during attempts to spawn loot. * RELEASE v0.2.9* The "improved performance" adjustments for loot seem to have made loot entirely too rare (this is different than the logic error before, loot was "working" here, it just was made too rare). Hopefully this should be last of this! So hard to test the effects of loots long-term with multiple players by my lonesome :( * RELEASE v0.2.8* Fixed stupid logic error that resulted in loot only spawning when the 6 moons of xarthos aligned. Which is to say, not very often. Loot should be spawning normally now. * RELEASE v0.2.7* Actually slightly increased the CZ 550's spawn rate this time (apparently last time I did not actually do it) Introduced basics of "Vehicle Inspect" action. *MORE INFORMATION* Repairing ANY vehicle now requires that you have a Toolbox Toolboxes are now more common in industrial spawns Fuel Tanks and Engine Parts have swapped rarities. The Fuel Tank is now the most rare part instead of an engine. (Vehicles can't move without an engine, you'll just burn through fuel quicker without a fuel tank. I like the rare fuel tank situation better) SuperMarket loot pile chances reduced to be in line with regular residential chance. Parts only display in the repair action menu if they're not already 100% repaired (if it lets you try and repair it, it's not 100%!) Damage to players is now logged server-side. This should help significantly in investigating hack reports. The origin unit who ultimately caused you damage will always be reported in logs. The creation of ChernarusRedux buildings are no longer done like trash/garbage/barricades, but spawned by the server. This should resolve all oddities reported with multiple buildings/loot/buildings not showing/etc Loot spawning has been optimized a bit to improve overall performance and fix the performance problem when in towns Loot no longer despawns in spite of a player being near the pile at the time [ Vehicle Inspection ] Shows up in the same situations "Save Vehicle" shows up. Displays a break down of ANY part that is not 100% repaired. (Individual part damage) Displays the damage value of the vehicles itself (vehicles maintain a separate damage value from parts) If the vehicle's general health is 61% - 100%, the picture is green. If the vehicle's general health is 31% - 60%, the picture is yellow If the vehicle's general health is 1% - 30%, the picture is red. At this point you pretty much can just ignore the in-vehicle HUD green/yellow/red. If your helicopter is leaking fuel, use this tool. Anything that shows up is not 100% and therefore needs fixing! If you have 0.2.6, just get the hotfix patch: http://www.dayzredux....2.7-hotfix.zip * RELEASE v0.2.6* [CHANGE] Chloroform spawn chance increased slightly [CHANGE] CZ550 spawn chance increased slightly (There were 4x M24s in use, but 2x CZ 550s) [CHANGE] Guns now spawn with 1-2 mags instead of 1-3 mags. [NEW] Helicopter Crash weapons spawn with 2-3 mags [NEW] AKS 107 PSO introduced as Heli Crash only loot. [CHANGE] Loot spawning is back to being calculated 100% client side - BUT, it's still customized. *MORE DETAILS* [NEW] Initial preview/testing of ChernarusRedux concept and mechanics. *MORE DETAILS* [ Loot Spawning ] Long story short, ARMA2 can't handle the extra load of calculating loot server-side in spite of various methods/efforts on my part. I guess it's no surprise given that Rocket would've likely done this in the first place if it was feasible. However, the vanilla DayZ loot system wasn't just rolled back in place. I've customized it slightly to hopefully be more friendly/dynamic and less irritating than the bone stock mechanic. Please provide feedback on this. This should (hopefully) spell the end of the loot droughts and desync/redchain Note that there is a mechanic that rewards you for NOT loot piling/cycling buildings. If you don't want loot, LEAVE the pile. It will slightly increase the chances of goodness next loot cycle. If you clear buildings out of loot and pile it out, then you'll have LESS chance of goodness next cycle. [ Chernarus Redux ] The preview of Kamenka and North East Airfield have been placed in game. These are by no means the final product of the towns, and I already have plans for tweaks. But, my intent here is to [1] get things rolling [2] test for any oddities in the method used to add these additional buildings into the map. Please provide feedback on any oddities you see. * RELEASE v0.2.5 * [CHANGE] M240, M249, Mk48 removed from barracks loots. M249/Mk48 left as HeliCrash loot, M240 no longer in game (Reducing to 2 LMGs now bring it in line with the 2 snipers and 2 silenced weapons) [CHANGE] Guns with optics removed from military loot. Now only exist as Barracks loot * M4A1 CCO * M4A3 CCO * AKS 74 Kobra [CHANGE] Food is a bit more rare in Supermarkets [CHANGE] Tweaked drop rates of various items (numerous amount) [FiX] You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle (exploit related) [CHANGE] Very slight tweak to zombie spawn mechanic to further try and reduce chance of desync If you have 0.2.4, just get the hotfix patch: http://www.dayzredux....2.5-hotfix.zip * RELEASE v0.2.4 * [FIX] Made changes to eliminate chance of rapid-respawn zombies, also other changes to reduce/eliminate desync If you have 0.2.3, just get the hotfix patch: http://www.dayzredux....2.4-hotfix.zip * RELEASE v0.2.3 * [FIX] Add back in the zombie code that I commented out during internal testing at 5AM last night and forgot that I did so... If you have 0.2.2, just get the hotfix patch: http://www.dayzredux....2.3-hotfix.zip * RELEASE v0.2.2 * [CHANGE] Adjusting some zombie mechanics in efforts to reduce desyncing If you have 0.2.1, just get the hotfix patch: http://www.dayzredux....2.2-hotfix.zip * RELEASE v0.2.1 * [FIX] Woops. The unload patient fix bungled refueling vehicles. Reverted it. If you have 0.2.0, just get the hotfix patch: http://www.dayzredux....2.1-hotfix.zip * RELEASE v0.2.0 * [NEW] DayZ Die in a Fire Edition has now gone with a more serious title given people seem to actually like the mod. It is now dubbed "DayZ Redux" in honor of the mod's goals. [NEW] Combat Status icon introduced to indicate combat status. Combat Status text indicator will eventually be removed entirely. [FIX] "Unload patient" action no longer permanently sticks in the action menu (Untested fix. Please confirm) [NEW] Zombies will still spawn even if you're on/in a vehicle. [NEW] Zombie spawn mechanics heavily modified. *MORE DETAILS BELOW* [NEW] Heli Crashes spawn mechanics revamped entirely. *MORE DETAILS BELOW* [FIX] Heli Crash smoke is *actually* removed now (I confirmed it this time :D) [NEW] Reduced amount of possible loot piles per heli crash. (This will be watched closely for loot table and/or loot pile tweaking) [NEW] Ghillie and Camo no longer spawns at Residential. Moved to military/barracks instead (still spawns at heli crash). [NEW] GPS removed from Military spawn, remains at Barracks and Heli crash [NEW] "Assorted" loot piles will have 1 less item per pile. Weapons/etc. are unaffected [NEW] M240/M249 belts no longer spawn outside of with the gun itself. [NEW] M9 SD/ MP5 SD added to Heli Crash. Just like snipers/LMGs, ammo only spawns with the gun itself. [NEW] Loot spawning system moved server-side and spawning algorithm redone. *MORE DETAILS BELOW* [NEW] 4 new vehicles. They're not particular fancy/game changing, but add some nice change to the existing loadout. [NEW] This is technically not a mod change, but the official DayZ Redux server no longer has waypoints enabled. [ Zombies Mechanics ] Most folks, when modding DayZ, immediately take to the "Dial the zombie spawning to 11" approach and quickly run into mass lag/desync issues. I've taken a different approach. The avenue taken hopefully will make it SEEM like the towns are much more congested and busy while you're in the town itself, but the actual number of zombies will remain virtually unchanged. Please please report back your assessment of this new mechanic. It is stage one in what I plan to be a two stage process to make zombies matter more and less able to run around town balls out. [ Heli Crash Mechanics ] No longer do heli crashes spawn immediately on server up, allowing those who can login at that time to scoop up the loot. Instead, heli crashes are now completely randomized over the life of the server (as configured by me). Heli crashes are intentionally spawned in such a random fashion that no singular point in time is more advantageous than another to go look for them. You could look for a heli crash and have one spawn at a place you just visited 5 minutes ago. The only way to catch all the heli crashes now is if you scan the entire region 24/7. This should allow more variety of people to find them and no singular person to be able to farm them all unless they dedicate their entire 24 hour day to scanning for them. [ Loot Spawn Mechanics ] Loot spawning is now exclusively handled server-side. No longer do players handle the spawning mechanism. I will *NOT* explain the intricacies of the mechanic to minimize people "gaming" the system. However, loot now spawns 24/7 regardless of players being near a town or not. There are still anti-farm mechanics involved to prevent someone from sitting on a building. "Cycling" loot is significantly less effective than moving on to a new house. Less frequently looted locations have a higher chance of containing more loot. In other words, it is more effective to "loot a town" and move on to another town than it is to stay in town and try and farm respawns. Please note due to the nature of loot being completely redone, it may be too rare or too frequently spawning. Only so much testing can be done alone on a test box and checking only a few towns over the course of 30-60 minutes. PLEASE REPORT BACK ANY FEEDBACK. [ SERVER CHANGE ] Waypoints disabled [ MORE CHANGES ] Added 4 vehicle types. They're rare though! HMMWV_Ambulance (2-seater medical vehicle) GAZ_Vodnik_MedEvac (basically a Ural grade truck that's amphibious) Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1 (Same as the other bikes, just looks different) VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1 (Same as the GAZ, just looks pretty bad ass) * RELEASE v0.1.2 * [CHANGE] Spawn rate of Chloroform reduced [NEW] Chance of loot piles spawning per cycle has been universally reduced by a slight amount. (This will be watched closely. Please send feedback) [NEW] "Special" Heli Crash gun/tool loot made exceptionally more rare. More common to find lots of ammo/supplies than amazing guns/NVG/etc. [FIX] Removed the AKM's second spawn entry in the "Military" and "Barracks" loot table so that it only has a single entry. Consequently, it will be slightly more rare. [NEW] The crowbar now spawns in its "Toolbelt" form vs. its "Primary Weapon" form (just like the Hatchet) [FIX] Removed CZ550 Ammo from 'hunter' zombie loot table (missed it from before) [NEW] Loot cleanup logic should now clean backpacks/boxes in addition to loot piles [NEW] Loot spawn logic should no longer spawn a backpack/box/ammobox if a backpack/box/ammobox already exists at that spawn point [NEW] Medical Box contents have been halved. [NEw] Medical boxes will spawn less frequently (but still spawn independently of loot piles existing or not) [FIX] Players who decide to try and crawl inside a vehicle before flipping it right side up should be less likely to K.O.d by said vehicle [FIX] You can no longer cook infinite free meat from camp fires [FIX] Survivors should no longer pickup a single item at the same time and both receive it. [CHANGE] Heli Crash smoke has been removed (should be, at least). It made it ridiculously easy to spot crashed helis. [CHANGE] Loot tables have been adjusted to make generic type loot piles more common and 'specific' items more rare. Trying to make it take longer to gear up. [FIX] You can no longer generate multiple tents while packing up a deployed tent. * RELEASE v0.1.1 * [FIX] No longer possible to drink/eat without consuming the food item [FIX] No longer possible to pitch a tent without consuming the tent [FIX] No longer possible to put on clothes without consuming the clothing [FIX] No longer possible to build sand bags/cat wire/hedgehogs without consuming the itme [FIX] No longer possible to consume medical supplies (bandages/etc) without consuming them [FIX] No longer possible to generate free filled water bottles with an unfilled water bottle [FIX] No longer possible to create axes out of thin air if you already have one [FIX] Switching skins no longer repairs pain shakes/broken legs [FIX] Switching skins no longer resets/dupes/screws with your backpack [FIX] Switching skins no longer resets ammo [NEW] Switching skins now properly remembers your chosen weapon vs. switching to the first 'weapon' item you ever obtained [NEW] Picking up a "weapon" form of a crowbar/axe no longer switches you to the first 'weapon' item you ever obtained [FIX] Duping no longer possible through zombie corpses/backpacks/etc [FIX] Vehicles save fuel properly [NEW] Getting in or out of a vehicle auto-saves everything about it [NEW] Adjusting gear contents of a vehicle or tent auto-saves it (Prevents duping) [NEW] Vehicles now save upon taking damage and take proper damage (no insta-repair on getting out/in) [FIX] uicontrol UI error fixed [NEW] Debug Menu removed entirely from game. Not even a toggle. [NEW] Weapons now spawn with 1-3 mags vs. previous 0-3 mags [NEW] The crowbar can be placed on your toolbelt just like your axe. [NEW] Disabled automatic player body cleanup (will leave this to scheduled restarts to give players a chance to get their stuff) [NEW] You no longer start with any backpack [NEW] MH-6J Helicopter added to vehicle spawn table. Non-combat vehicle with flares removed. Seats 6. Very vulnerable! [NEW] "Map" will no longer spawn by its lonesome, but with other residential goodies (just like other tools already do) [NEW] Ability to flip vehicles right side up (MORE DETAILS BELOW) [NEW] Combat system introduced as Anti ALT-F4 mechanic (MORE DETAILS BELOW) [NEW] Many loot/item spawn changes modified (MORE DETAILS BELOW) [NEW] Added new item/mechanic "Chloroform" (MORE DETAILS BELOW) [NEW] It should now be impossible for a new spawn to spawn unconscious (wasn't too uncommon when dying/respawning in stock DayZ). [ DETAILS ] * Ability to flip vehicles right side up * When any ground vehicle has been flipped over, it can now be flipped right side up by getting up next to you and using the new action menu "Flip <Vehicle Name>". -Vehicles can only be flipped when nobody is on the vehicle. -It takes 6 seconds to flip the vehicle. -If anyone is touching the vehicle other than the person flipping, they may take severe damage. Stand clear! * Combat system * As a means of eliminating ALT-F4 and force combat, this new mechanic has been introduced. If you are subject to ANY of the below criteria, you will be put in combat for 30 seconds. -If you fire a weapon/throw an object -If anyone else within 70m of you fires a weapon or throws an object -If any bullet or object impacts within 50m of you An indicator in the upper-right shows your combat status. The "Abort" button is disabled while in combat to prevent accidental logging. Any disconnect for any reason while in combat ensures the player is instantly killed and a body produced. This will be highly subjective to distance/duration tweaking. Eventually a DB will be setup to track combat logging for purposes of considering item reimbursal when a legit connectivity problem is implicated. * New Item: Chloroform * Rare item spawn. Find for yourself where it spawns (won't take you long to find out!). One use per item. Activates like giving someone a blood transfusion. Knocks the player unconscious for 3.5 minutes (subject to change). Useful for bandits looking to screw with people or survivors/heroes looking for non-violent ways to escape a situation. * Many loot changes * REMOVED FROM GAME: -FN FAL AN/PVS-4 -L85A2 AWS -M9 SD -MP5 SD -M4A1 CCO SD -Bizon SD -DMR -M14 AIM -SVD Camo -M107 -AS50 -Cat wire (was only really used for building griefing) -Hedgehogs (was only really used for building griefing) -Satchel Charges (so rare that they were only used by hackers/dupers for griefing) -Flashlight (removed from spawn tables, but everyone still starts with one!) Most of the snipers/all of the silenced weapons were removed to foster more squad interaction and less one-sided instant kills. Just because an item was left in or was taken out does NOT mean that's how it will stay. Community feedback/testing will help direct what goes on here. SPAWN MOVED: -M24 -> HeliCrash ONLY (Ammo only comes with the gun itself, doesn't spawn on its own anywhere!) -CZ550 -> Deer Stand ONLY (Ammo only comes with the gun itself, doesn't spawn on its own anywhere!) AMMO BOXES: -The two ammo boxes were removed and replaced with a single ammo box carrying (10x Stanag / 10x AK / 10x AKM) HELI CRASH LOOT: -With the weapon removals, you can now find Rangefinders, GPS, M4A1 Holo, M16A4 ACOG, and the M24 here. BACKPACK CHANGES: -As mentioned, you no longer start with a backpack. Backpack loot, in my opinion, was also jacked up. Bags have been relocated. + Residential bag spawns changed from Pouch(4), Czech(16), ALICE(20) TO Pouch(4), Patrol(8), Assault(12) + Military bag spawns changed from Assault(12), Patrol(8), Coyote(24) TO Czech(16), ALICE(20), Coyote(24) (The "best" pack from a supermarket is now the 12 slot Assault. You can only find an ALICE or better at military spawns!) SPAWN CHANCES: -Coupled with the item removals/changes, some loot was adjusted to spawn a bit more frequently/less frequently to try and keep high-end guns quite rare. Exact changes would be too numerous to enumerate, though.- 967 replies
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HOWTO: Use publicvariableval.txt to auto-kick players with hacked weapons
venthos posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Credit goes to the folks at Gotcha-Antihack for the list of 'Hacked in Weapons'. I basically look the list from the .ini file to use as the basis of my "hacked items list". I had initially tried Gotcha-Antihack, but the RCON spam and in-game global advertisements turned me away from it. One of the only things it seemed to do beyond the default filtering system and BEC was hacked weapon kicking. So, I decided to implement that in an alternative way once I realized it could be done. Using this method, you don't need anything other than your DayZ server out of the box. It's included functionality with the ARMA2 server with the latest betas. THE STEPS [1] Open (or create if it doesn't exist) "publicvariableval.txt" in your BattlEye directory. Note that this is DIFFERENT from "publicvariable.txt". publicvariable.txt = Checks against variable names publicvariableval.txt = Checks against the values of variables We want publicvariableval.txt However, both of these filter files log to publicvariable.log [2] Paste in the below: Run the "loadevents" command through rcon to read in the new filters. Or, worst case, just restart the server. When someone gets ejected for a hacked in weapon, you will see something like this in publicvariable.log The actual "Value Restriction #" will vary based on how many rules are in your publicvariableval.txt How effective is it? It's better than nothing. Basically, every time a player's information is saved to the hive this filter will have the opportunity to check for hacked weapons. So, every hive save is when the check goes off for a given player. You'll see the kicks fire off with two public variable names. "dayzPlayerSave" (the hive save) and "dayzCharDisco" (which I *think* is the final hive save on disconnect?). The latter obviously doesn't really do much when you're kicking someone who is already logging off. I don't see the hacked weapon in the publicvariable.log text As you'll quickly notice with all of the publicvariable.log logged lines, there seems to be a character limit on the log. After so many characters per line, it truncates the line. Note my example above, you don't actually see the G36SD weapon in the log line, but the ammo is there that makes it apparent he had one. Despite that the log line isn't conclusive, the filter actually seems to get to check against the full variable value and did in fact see the hacked weapon. Can I ban more stuff? Sure. You can kick for any item name at all from being on a player. It should be self apparent how to add new stuff in. Just make sure you enclose the item name in escaped quotations, otherwise you run the risk of matching more than you intended. In other words, make sure you match with: "\"GUNHERE\"" and not: "GUNHERE" But my name is AndreasB, and therefore I am already donning my angry pants about this. The only thing I don't like about filtering for hacked weapons this way is that it's not clear at all to the person being kicked as to why they're being kicked. They'll just see "You were kicked for: Value Restriction #". I wish you could customize the filter message kicks. However, on that same token this is purely a kick and not a ban. Hopefully if enough people filter for these hacked weapons it can become common forum knowledge to explain to people what the kick means and that they can happily play on that server once they drop the hacked weapons.- 220 replies
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The is a common misconception. The heli crash wasn't caused by the remote execution kick. The remote execution kick is caused by crashing the helicopter. Many people blame their piloting mistakes on that BattlEye kick claiming the kick is what made them crash. It's to the contrary. That kick is issued when a player executes the "create giant fireball at my location, because I've crashed a helicopter" code. It was a very common thing for hackers to disguise their nefarious code to look exactly like the explosion code call. This is why servers kick for it, since it's not possible within the context of that filter to determine if it's a legitimate heli crash or if it's someone trying to hack. So, the pilot has already crashed the heli and told the server "create a fireball at my location" when you get kicked for it. As for the GameHack kick in the original post, it can be a myriad of causes. Anything ranging from stock ArmA2 code being modified in a nefarious way to a generic hack program that's not necessarily ArmA/DayZ related running on the computer. There's no real way to find out precisely why, since BattlEye understandably keeps that information under wraps (otherwise hackers would be able to ask what mistakes they made and work around them). I would still recommend treating this seriously, though. Avid users of the "BEC" server tool make use of its optional centralized ban system, which submits all "Game Hack" kicks to their centralized ban database. Any server owners who also use the optional centralized ban list with BEC will then automatically inherit a ban for your GUID. Kind of an automated community level global ban. Not many server owners know about or care to create the requisite account for BEC, though, so it's often quite rare that you'll run into a server with the optional centralized ban list in place. My servers, though, are part of the list that partake in it.
Nice 2 month old thread necromancy. That's definitely not an annoying thing to do. Why no fuel tank? You'd have to ask Bohemia Interactive's designers of their helicopters. The helicopters simply do not have a Hit Point defined in their model for a fuel tank. So, it's impossible for a "Fuel Tank" to be damaged in ARMA2 through normal means. Therefore, they do not spawn in DayZ with a fuel tanks broken.
DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!
venthos replied to mr_seacucumber's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I hope you can understand the sheer irony that your stance is "why didn't you just contact them personally and ask?" when that is quite literally my entire point and stance about Deathlyrage and James. They didn't take the common courtesy to ask me, yet somehow in your warped logic I am required to instead be courteous to them and not publicly expose their code theft when they otherwise have basically thumbed their nose at me by lifting my code? Amusing double-standard, sir. EDIT: Ahaha and here comes in Max with the same skewed double-standard. Nice job. -
DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!
venthos replied to mr_seacucumber's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Just relaying what I heard from Alby when your mod came up in discussion when I found out about all this myself. You'll have to take it up with him if you have questions, as I won't attempt to speak on his behalf. Regardless, I would appreciate you following through with your offer to me about removing all DayZ Redux code from your mod. That'll settle up things between us as far as I am concerned. -
DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!
venthos replied to mr_seacucumber's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Yes. I accept your offer. Please do remove all code in which you lifted from DayZ Redux. Surely when it's just 5-10 lines of code you can be bothered to take the 10 seconds to write your own code instead of copy/pasting mine. Then we're all happy. I appreciate your swift and simple solution. Thanks! Please let me know when you've done this. Also, I don't see any threats of legality or copyright. It's simply that if you can't be bothered to ask for permission and show a bit of courtesy, you can instead be bothered to write your own code. It's as simple as that. Asking first has such wondrous results versus outright copy/pasting code from others. Alby, the person you lifted all the dog fixes from, is none too happy about your behavior either. In the future, you might not want to be a dick about what you're doing. You an summarily avoid such situations like this in the future by showing a small amount of courtesy up front. I assure you it has impressive results. -
DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!
venthos replied to mr_seacucumber's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Yay, yet another custom DayZ mod that has 1:1 stolen entire chunks of code and entire .sqf files from DayZ Redux without providing any such credit to me let alone asking for permission to do so. Why is this becoming so frighteningly routine? I've only checked the "set tents on fire" and "flip vehicle" code so far and they're 1:1 entire .sqf script rips from DayZ Redux. Line for line, including my own code comments. I bet if I continue looking I'll find even more code rips. Why do people continue to do this? Sweet jesus. I have no problems with people taking from my ideas and implementing the same end result. But, please code the stuff yourself from scratch and don't just 1:1 rip my entire code base. It's insulting and downright quite a dick move. I'm beginning to think there are very very few custom coded DayZ mods around. They all seem to be mere rips of Stapo (from SuriveDayZ, now DayZ+) or my code with the only unique factor being that they customize the loot arrays and unban vehicles/weapons, something that requires no understanding of ARMA2 scripting. Stop... stealing... code. Ask and give credit. Or, just code it from scratch yourself and no one will be bothered. -
DayZ Redux - DayZ purist focused custom DayZ Mod (Formerly DayZ DIAF)
venthos replied to venthos's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
DayZ Redux 0.4.0 Download it here: http://www.dayzredux.com/download Reduced military general pile at Deer Stands further to make guns/tools more common at them. You can no longer force feed yourself. You must be at least 1/4 of the way to blinking food/drink before you can consume food/drink. The "bend down" animation will now only play when attempting to fill a water bottle if you are actually able to fill it. Slight improvement to player loading time Players can no longer take damage while they're still loading in (should stop the "<player> has been killed" while loading in that results in you being sent naked to debug) Bandit models should now show backpacks (Pulled from public DayZ). Can no longer abuse blood bags to spam infinite humanity Vehicle/Tent/Player action menu item should no longer seems to take a while to popup after a clothes change The last thing to damage you when you die should now be logged server-side for review (player + ammo used) Switching skins no longer sets you out of combat server-side. Syncing to the database is no longer possible if you're at the debug spawn location, meaning if you somehow go there a relog should address the problem. Firing at someone now instantly sets them into combat vs. the previous delay of up to 2 seconds. All newly placed tents will use a new tent model. Existing tents will remain as they were. Introduced new loot item called "Nails". Rare spawn in industrial areas. Introduced new persistent storage container called "Storage Box". Created using nails, a toolbox, and wood pile. Holds 4 weapon/tools and 20 items. Can be placed ANYWHERE (unlike tents) Introduced entirely custom "construction" logic, of which the new Storage Box and Nails uses (idea inspired by Stapo's construction system, although mine is entirely custom from scratch) There is now an enforced "play area". The coordinates are X: 0 - 147; Y: 0 - 153.6. If you exceed this boundary, you will be instantly killed. If you're in a vehicle, the vehicle will be exploded as well. New factory located on the West end of the map. Custom designed by Alexander. New survivor style defensible "base" located at Klen mountain. Custom designed by Alexander. Crash random spawning mechanism entirely redesigned and improved to no longer be reliant on having the restart interval hard coded. 5 new crash site designs have been added to Redux. All of them are of varying models (helis, tanks, cars) with unique loot tables (from basic med supplies/food to medium level weaponry). Some have smoke, some don't. Have fun discovering them. Removed backpack dupe 'workaround' since Beta 98866 fixed the dupe problem in the engine. As a result, the auto-refill of mags in backpacks by just opening/close gear side-effect no longer occurs. -
Why is "Expert" now known as "Mercenary"?
venthos replied to echo38's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
In terms of the server configuration file definitions, there isn't an "Expert" mode. Source: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.armaprofile#Arrowhead Recruit, Regular, Veteran, Mercenary. That's all there is (in accordance with the raw config options). That's probably why you're seeing the naming that you are. -
Crash course on the 1.7.3 Combat System (by the person who wrote it)
venthos posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
There seems to be some mass confusion on exactly how this feature works (or rather, will work) in 1.7.3. Allow me to clarify. 1.7.3 Combat System The system was that adopted into 1.7.3 seems to be an older revision of my DayZ Redux combat system. Therefore those of you familiar with DayZ Redux will notice that the blinking G17 gun icon is not currently present. The only indicator seems to be the "Not in Combat" / "In Combat: xx seconds" debug hint. I need to at least speak with Alexander, the artist who created that for me, before the gun icon is included (the entire combat system, and all redux code, was committed to 1.7.3 without my prior knowledge. So I had no opportunity to consider this before 1.7.3 patch notes went out and a release candidate formed). Please note that all such issues with 1.7.3 and DayZ Redux have been sorted with R4Z0R49 early yesterday afternoon and credit will be given to me/Alexander/Redux where appropriate. I have no issues with what's going on as a result of how it's being handled now. "COMBAT" MEANS... Your character starts a 30 second timer when entering combat to indicate your "in combat" status The timer is shown in the same location as the Debug Window. The "Abort" option is disabled while this is active ALT-F4 is redirected to simply pull up a status window vs actually close out the game Each instantiation of being "in combat" resets the timer to 30. In other words, it doesn't "stack". You'll never have a timer start from a duration more than 30 seconds. YOU WILL GO INTO COMBAT WHEN... You fire a weapon or throw an object Any player fires a weapon or throws an object within 70m of you (this way most "squads" will all go into combat if one fires) A bullet or object impacts within 50m of you When I say "object", I mean just that. Throwing tin tans, flares, chem lights, etc. all put you and others into combat in accordance with the above rules. IF YOU DISCONNECT FOR ANY REASON WHILE IN COMBAT... A server wide chat message will be shown to everyone in game to the effect of: (COMBAT LOG) VENTHOS A message will be clearly written into the sever's .RPT log indicating that you combat logged for the admin's later review. YOU WILL NOT BE KILLED (This only happens on DayZ Redux servers) THIS MEANS... Administrators will be able to discern the circumstances of your disconnect via the proceeding lines to your combat log in the .RPT log (BattlEye kick, etc) and be able to make a judgment call on what to do. Still, it is impossible to discern an ALT + F4/close process from your internet connection just dying. Reacting to combat logs will require care and consideration on the part of server admins. PRE-EMPTIVE COMPLAINT TACKLING... This is me addressing the complaints as if they were directed to DayZ Redux (my mod). My individual stances stand for nothing in terms of DayZ Mod official. I am just explaining why the combat system was created the way it was. The behaviors could and very well may be modified in 1.7.3 or a later patch by the collective decisions of everyone involved in the community updates to DayZ. [Complaint] Why only punish the victim of the attack? [Response] It "punishes" both the attacker and the victim. Remember, given how the system works, both the attacker and the victim will enter into combat at virtually the same time and therefore have the same combat timer. Remember how terrible snipers would often log when someone returned fire at them? They can no longer do that. This system protects both the attacker and the victim from each other combat logging. You are now encouraged to actually fight it out instead of combat logging. [Complaint] But throwing flares is totally non-combative! [Response] Perhaps a better name would've been the "Combat & Action System". The goal is to prevent anyone who is actively doing something from logging out on a pursuing player AND from a pursuing player from logging out when it looks like they no longer have the upper hand. [Complaint] But someone can just keep me logged in by firing at a building I'm in! [Response] Absolutely. This is intended. Why? Because it comes at risk to the attacker. They have to expend bullets and reveal their position/potentially aggro zombies. This gives you the upper hand in most situations by allowing you to know exactly where they are and they don't know for sure where you are. They also draw attention to themselves from other survivors. If they're willing to accept those risk/expenses, why shouldn't they be allowed to stop someone from combat logging on them like a coward? [Complaint] But killing people for combat logging is too harsh! [Response] As has been stated ad nauseam, the original preview 1.7.3 notes are INCORRECT. The "kill" portion of this code is not being implemented. The only punishment is a server-wide broadcast that you combat logged (so everyone knows about your behavior) and logging it in the server .RPT log for the admins to review. In terms of DayZ Redux, the kill punishment has been extremely effective. I would only ever agree with it in a situation like DayZ Redux where it's a private hive and the server owner(s) can assess the combat logs and on a per-case basis restore anyone who received an unfortunate combat log due to something like max ping/signature check timeout/etc. In a public DayZ scenario, it really doesn't make sense -- hence why it's not being implemented that way. --- Any other questions? Let me know. There just seems to be so much misinformation and panic around this feature (mainly stemming from the changelog unfortunately mentioning the "Kill on combat log", which isn't being implemented) and hopefully this thread clarifies a lot of it. And with that, I'll name drop my mod of DayZ called DayZ Redux, which the upcoming DayZ 1.7.3 uses a decent amount of code from (such as the combat system). There's also a list of what DayZ Redux changes from vanilla DayZ.- 173 replies
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Please...just...add the ability to eat and drink etc in cars again.
venthos replied to Slyguy65's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
This thread's title might as well be: "Please...just...let people be able to find 1 cooked steak and 1 drink and be set on hunger/thirst forever" The reason the consumption of things in vehicles was removed is because the true fix is only fixable with ARMA2 Engine changes. In other words, something that is impossible to fix within the scope of a mere mod. Basically, this is something only fixable in Standalone -- and it's a pretty safe assumption that Rocket will setup the mechanic however he sees fit with it being a pure design decision and not an engine bug/limitation. I concur with others. Deal with the slight inconvenience at the expense of knowing people can't insta-heal to max health with a single cooked meat by abusing the vehicle bug anymore. -
DayZ Redux - DayZ purist focused custom DayZ Mod (Formerly DayZ DIAF)
venthos replied to venthos's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
0.3.0 Released Please download via links on the main site: http://www.dayzredux.com/download Release Notes Combat system backend rewritten. Should be significantly improved backend and less red chain as a result. Combat timer is now 45 seconds instead of 30 seconds Server side damage reporting removed. Not worth the performance trade off. Fixed zombie death animations (Pulled from DayZ 1.7.3) Fixed function for checking if in buildings (Pulled from DayZ 1.7.3) Fixed some tents (namely at very North or very East locations) from not saving (involves local_deleteObj fix from DayZ 1.7.3) Used concept from DayZ 1.7.3 regarding tent placement limitations, but adjusted/improved upon it. Tents must be on grass/forest and cannot be in OR near buildings. Slightly reduced Hatchet damage just enough so it's no longer a one-hit kill to zombies. (We'll see how it goes, may revert this) A whole bunch of anti-hacker stuff went in. The specifics aren't being revealed as to not make it that much easier to circumvent. Exploit/dupe involving abusing disconnect fixed. Increased the distance in which object interactions can happen by 1 meter (will be easier to inspect vehicles) Removed the manual "Save" action menu item (all saving has been automatic since the first Redux release anyway) Fixed some vehicles/helicopters "insta repairing" (I think!) Part "VRotor" now displays as "Rear Rotor Assembly" in repair menu Part "Glass" now displays as "Glass#" to correspond with the vehicle inspection interface Repair/Inspection action menu items no longer duplicate after repairing a part on a vehicle Tents will no longer slowly creep down hills over the course of server restarts. They will creep ONCE on first restart, then never again. Another tweak to vehicle damage to prevent spazzing out vehicles from causing the server to seize up and everyone sit at "Waiting for character creation" Bear Traps now actually remove instead of leaving behind an invisible trap Bear Trap spawn rate slightly increased Maybe(?) fixed ChernarusRedux buildings occasionally not showing for some people Zombies can now hear all weapons fire 15% further than they previously did Lee Enfield no longer drops from residential/supermarket, Farm only now Winchester no longer drops from residential/supermarket, Farm only now "Wood Piles" removed from residential/supermarket, Farm only now Generic military piles no longer spawn in Industrial General military piles are less common at deer stands (meaning particular guns/items in general will be more likely to spawn) "Automatic Time Sync" disabled (this is what caused the sudden moon changes at night) If you have a "Box of Matches", you can now set fire to tents. This sets them ablaze and flattens them, destroying the contents and ensuring they won't come back next restart. Trash made slightly more common in "food/drink" piles General loot piles now spawn with 1 less potential item per pile. M136 replaced RPG7V. Same spawn location/frequency. Launchers are still broken though. Will look into this next patch. 1st person view is now forced while inside of a vehicle. It's still possible to use 3rd person when outside of a vehicle. (Let's see how this goes) Vodnick armor reduced to be in line with other military trucks (i.e. no longer requires explosives to effectively disable) MH6J armor increased slightly so it's not so fragile. Support for new vehicles added, but new spawn points not yet added. These new vehicles can be added in without a new patch being distributed. I'll post as they are made available. New vehicle spawns that were in fact added so far: Regular HMMWV has 4 spawn points Vodnick MedEvac has had its original spawn point removed and given 2 new spawn points MH-6J Now has another spawn point Server Changes: Both the US and EU server are having peripheral dots removed. It made finding vehicles in forests (especially while flying) an easy thing. -
Crash course on the 1.7.3 Combat System (by the person who wrote it)
venthos replied to venthos's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yes, that is a perfect description of a scenario that this system aims to trigger in. The intent is to keep both parties from logging out in that situation and, well, actually play the game instead of logging out. So... yeah, perfect example of where this system comes into play. :) -
Crash course on the 1.7.3 Combat System (by the person who wrote it)
venthos replied to venthos's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'd refer you back to the original post, as the answers are therein. You may be thinking of where I said that the term 'combat system' may not be the best terminology, since people complain about 'well how is a tin can combat?!?!?!' and that 'action system' might make a better system. I apologize if you thought I meant walking/picking items up/gathering wood/placing sand bags/etc/etc/etc/etc put you in combat. The best resource for what puts you in combat is the original post. -
Crash course on the 1.7.3 Combat System (by the person who wrote it)
venthos replied to venthos's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
And it shouldn't put you in combat, either. It's not under the list of "things that put you in combat". ;) -
Crash course on the 1.7.3 Combat System (by the person who wrote it)
venthos replied to venthos's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Oh, hmm. Well, then I'm not entirely sure how to respond to how you came to that conclusion. Did you not read the original post or something? I'm at a loss for words as to how you think using direct coms would influence this system in any way. I'm going to just have to chalk up your post to trolling. -
Please dont let the DayZ mod die yet.... SA is (said) to come!
venthos replied to Serious Stan's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I fully expect DayZ Mod to be drained of players to the point it's not worth actively developing new features for it. Small bug fix maintenance releases would seem the most plausible -- if anything. Of course, the player base could prove me wrong on that. As long as lots of people play, the mod won't "go" anywhere and stuff will get actively written for it. I just think that everyone interested in DayZ Mod will be jumping to DayZ Standalone the day it releases. I'm fully expecting my little offshoot of DayZ to die off in accordance with this speculation. Again, I could be proven wrong by the player base. If I am wrong, I'll continue to develop for it. But as long as Rocket gets to release exactly what he wants to release for the first incarnation of DayZ Standalone, I think it will takeover -- and rightfully so. -
Crash course on the 1.7.3 Combat System (by the person who wrote it)
venthos replied to venthos's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
If by "shouting out" you mean "firing my weapon", then yes. If by "spoiling their day" you mean "forcing them to confront you and actually play the game versus log out", then yes. Sounds like you've got a good grasp on how the system works and why :) You must now actually play the game instead of cowering. -
Now placing bets on how many more "What?! I can't eat/drink in a car? WHAT ABOUT REALISM!?" replies we can get, from people who refuse to read the thread for the answer, before we hit... let's say... Page 20. Any takers? I say 6. True, BIS could add it. Like you say, they added it pretty much exclusively for DayZ for the main inventory (which kind of begs the question on why they didn't flesh out the logic fully to other mechanics. Probably some design limitation that made it much more cumbersome). Fair enough on the custom storage system. That's an intriguing idea. But, I don't think that it'd be really worth it at this point for DayZ Mod. The time it would take for me to flesh out a proper system with snazzy UI and all that would eat up the remaining mere weeks left until Standalone and delay the development/release of other planned stuff I have. I may start poking at it for DayZ Redux, though. Interesting thought. I'm starting to try and mentally remember/determine if the existing mechanics could be disabled to the point of allowing a custom one in its place. This could also be an avenue for resolving the "gear full? lol, item deleted!" problem. If only I started in on this months ago vs 4 weeks ago :P
This simply isn't fixable. ARMA2 only supports the storage of bullet count for magazines in your main inventory. The second they go into any "container" (bag/tent/car), the engine no longer has a function to hold onto the bullet count and they get changed into a full mag. Short of engine changes, this simply is not fixable. In other words, you will need to wait until DayZ Standalone for that to be fixed.
How important is NAT Negotiation to server hosters?
venthos replied to rocket's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
Whew. I held my breath when I clicked "Show Results", and my faith in humanity has remained since the majority have thus far voted to say "bollocks to NAT". As someone who has been in the hosting industry for nearly a decade, including running a datacenter floor for several of those years, NAT is absolute garbage and anyone who is anywhere near serious about hosting anything would steer clear of that nonsense. It's often used in the absence of proper security with the belief that it somehow is intended for security/firewall behavior as well and not just... well... NETWORK ADDRESS TRANSLATION. Any proper server is going to have assigned public static IPs... not NAT. Home users and and "Cloud" servers are the only real users of NAT, and I wouldn't want a DayZ Standalone server hosted on either of them. I know people will pop up with that whole "Cloud" markety buzz word nonsense and how that heavily relies upon NAT (wouldn't touch one of those servers with a 10 foot pole). But, thankfully, that whole fad is starting to see its peak and start heading downward. My hope for humanity is that IPv6 kills off virtually all existing uses of NAT. Wouldn't that be amazing *dreamy eyes*. But, yes, good news to see the poll is headed the way it should be :D -
Crash course on the 1.7.3 Combat System (by the person who wrote it)
venthos replied to venthos's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
You can also get around it by pulling out your ethernet cord, or your power cable, or flipping the fuse for your house... :P It was never intended to prevent people from combat logging. That's an unrealistic and ridiculous expectation. It was intended to identify when combat logging occurred so that action could be taken accordingly, disabling ALT-F4 and Abort is just a trivial thing to do in ARMA2 so... why not do it? The intent is that the admin will see the combat logger and potentially ban them for it. The original combat system (the one used with DayZ Redux) kills you if you combat log. So in the event someone did what you say (DayZ commander close, task manager close, etc) their character would be killed in game as a result. The one introduced into DayZ Official isn't as brutal and simply labels that person as a combat logger for later action by the admin. -
Sounds like you'd have to extend this into real life as well and get one of those men in black devices to wipe every player's memories of where loot spawns/the map layout/etc. Or just allow 1 life per CD key. Some stuff just doesn't work when you try and apply too much realism.
Hey void_false. Been a while. Glad to see you're still the same old... well.. void_false, that you always were (no other way I could say that without resorting to unkind words). The tent creep issue is a interesting situation to fix, simply because ARMA's engine isn't designed around precisely placed persistent "vehicles" (tents are considered vehicles, as are players). It's important to understand "why" this happens in the first place. [1] you throw a tent down at an x/y point 100,100. [2] It gets registered in the hive as existing at 100,100, and all is well. [3] Each time you "save" your tent, it saves to 100,100. All is still well. [4] *The server restarts at some point* [5] During restart, the server must poll the hive and place down all those tents again that people had put down. When it does this, it certainly does call the proper ARMA2 function to say "place a tent at 100,100" However, ARMA2's engine doesn't enforce a strict position on "vehicles", only "objects". This means the vehicle may shift ever so slightly on placement (you'll notice this happens with cars/helis/bikes/etc, too). As you've noticed, it's basically the "gravity" in the game that causes it to slightly pull down a bit in whatever direction the land it's being placed on is sloped. [6] It's at this point, the tent is now no longer at precisely 100,100. It may be at 100,99. [7] If nobody saves the tent, it would continually end up at 100,99 each restart. This is because the server would read 100,100 from the DB, and the engine would slide it slightly to 100,99 each time consistently. But, no doubt, people USE their tents. So, they end up saving the tent at its new location of 100,99. [8] *Restart* [9] Rinse repeat, the same problem happens here and now the tent moves to 100,98. This keeps happening until the tent nestles itself on flat ground. The easiest fix here (as far as I can discern) is simply to prevent tents from saving their location each time that they're saved, and only save their inventories on each save. If this is done, your tent will still experience that first "shift" from 100,100 to 100,99, but since you'd never "re-save" the 100,99 location, it'd never shift again beyond that initial "shift" location. I'll be experimenting with this, but that seems like the best compromise at the moment. To ensure tents were enforced at 100,100 guaranteed, you would need to write some complex algorithm that took into account the slope of the ground the tent was on and attempt to compensate for whatever "shift" the ARMA2 engine would effect on the tent and therefore spawn a tent saved at 100,100 at 100,101 or something (although the calculation wouldn't be that brain dead simple). That's way too much effort/calculation for what it's worth and I think the "just never update the tent's new location" compromise would be reasonable. Since void_false seems to really love tent shift, I'll be sure to personally look into this to eliminate it. I *think* this is fixed in 1.7.3 if you don't use the "Save Tent" action menu item ever, but I'll need to go perusing through every server_updateObject call to verify this. Basically, the "Save Vehicle/Tent" action menu item is superfluous as of 1.7.3 and no longer required. Tents/vehicles are autosaved in situations where a save is appropriate (which prevents duping through them). In fact, the "Save" menu item is already being removed for the next DayZ official patch simply because it is superfluous at this point. But, the call to server_updateObject from the "Save" menu WOULD update the position of the tent and therefore contribute to tent shift as described. TLDR: Never use the manual save option to save your tent in 1.7.3, just let the auto-save that naturally happens occur, and you should no longer experience tent shift. But since you can't stop OTHERS from saving your tent in 1.7.3 that way, you may just have to wait until the next patch for tent shift to be gone forever ;) <3 you void_false