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Everything posted by pontusjohansson

  1. pontusjohansson

    Decide what you want to eat/drink

    If you have for example a water bottle and a pepsi in your inventory and you want to drink the pepsi instead of the water to save it. But you can't decide yourself on the scroll menu what to eat and drink. The only option you have is "Drink water" and not "Drink Soda", is anyone following me? Is this something you guys have been thinking to give as an option? :P
  2. pontusjohansson

    The Flying Medics! (New Group)

    KlusterSix is my Steam name.
  3. pontusjohansson

    The Flying Medics! (New Group)

    I would be glad to join! I'm swedish aswell :)
  4. pontusjohansson

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey! The name is Pontus Johansson, and so is my ingame name. I'm a swedish dude :P When my freind told me about this mod I re-installed Arma 2: CO to try it out and it ended up awesome! Now I just need some people to play with! :)