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Everything posted by kurosaru@kurosaru.com

  1. kurosaru@kurosaru.com

    The Solution to Hacking

    @FRANKIEonPCin1080p First as has been stated ARMA2 was not designed with any sort of admin/user permissions and controls, to decide who can and can not control a server from client side, this leads to the reason its overrun with script kiddies including all other other issues that are present at the moment. The Release of a standalone game should resolve these problems, but for the time being DayZ is still a mod in ALPHA, thus we should be prepared for issues, sadly most kids these days want instant access to earlier and earlier versions of games and moan like little s.o.b's when its not perfect and there is a issue. So until the release of standalone, you'll have to grit your teeth and just try to have some fun with friends best you can, its still a fun game regardless. as for being allowed to make billion and one posts about hackers etc.. simply put NO. im all for posts that purpose well thought out arguments and solutions to the issues at present, but 99.999% are not.
  2. kurosaru@kurosaru.com

    Weird hack…

    Script skiddies are annoying, they are not helping, but as long as the mod is running upon a engine designed to be customisable as possible. Thus meaning even with the console disabled they can still run scripts locally that effect the server it wont change. If you want the hacking to buggery and back to stop it would require a overhaul of the client server communications and paradigm that is currently in place. Long story short. DayZ is a alpha mod, it is running upon a game/engine not designed to be used the way it is, and thus these things happen, so sit back enjoy what you can and eventually when standalone is out, it should remove local script support, their should be a token system and permissions for X,Y,Z implemented and checks that all in all should fix a lot of the so called hacks.
  3. kurosaru@kurosaru.com

    so, hacking is here to stay apparently

    script kiddies exist in just about any game, most of the issues are due to fundamental issues within the game engine, it wasn't designed to be used they way it is in short. lets look at teleporting (please note this is all theoretical, and based upon my own assumptions). The only way a Player X should be able to teleport/move player Z would be via the code used when client takes over movement controls for zombies. as was explained to help off-load the burden upon servers. When a zombie chases your client takes over pathing and controls the zombie telling the server where it should be. now assume no checks are carried out using this client -> server communication its easy to see how players can teleport others and themselves. Additionally if the same lack of authorizing if player X's client can really move Player Z is in place for items you have in your bag, then its even easier to understand how player X can just add items to their bags and others. Yes it sounds like the game is fundamentally broken and makes allowing exploits easy, but Personally I wonder how much could be fixed by the mod? and how much will be fixed in the standalone as they should have raw source code to work with. in summary, hacking is not here to stay but its not really gonna die down or disappear any time fast, as the more players come to play DayZ the amount of potential remtarded script kiddies also increases. all we can do is hope for some fixes eventually and try to enjoy the mod best we can for now.