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Everything posted by iMuzzaa

  1. iMuzzaa

    How much will stand alone cost?

    I think it means it will be on sale for a discount during the alpha phase, not "there will be a discount for people who play the alpha mod"
  2. iMuzzaa

    Beta Patch 95777 is out

    Well I can't join any server now because it says that it's a bad version...
  3. Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums and hopefully soon, dayz. I had a few questions regarding the game though, before I buy it. First, is it worth buying ARMA II: CO for dayz when there is a standalone coming out soon? Also, does anyone know roughly how much the standalone game will cost? Next, what is the re-playability like in the mod? I've seen people on youtube with lots of episodes of it so I assume it must be quite re-playable? Finally, what is the mod like overall? Is it fun to play and keeps you entertained for hours? I know asking this on the dayz forums will net some biased answers, but what the hell. I'll add any more questions I have to this thread when I have them, which I'm sure to have.
  4. iMuzzaa

    Hello! (And some questions)

    Nobody got any answers for this poor noob? :(
  5. iMuzzaa

    Lower Gun

    But you can just double tap Ctrl? It makes more sense than saluting to put your weapon away.
  6. iMuzzaa

    Hello! (And some questions)

    I used dayz commander so it's okay. But anyway, I have another question. So patch 95777 was released, and according to dayz commander, none of the servers are running this patch so I basically can't play :( How long roughly is it until most servers update to the latest patch. Also, is there a way to downgrade to any patch I want as when I looked at all the available servers, there was quite a few active ones which were running older patches.
  7. iMuzzaa

    Beta Patch 95777 is out

    I updated to this and apparently there are no servers running this version :S (I'm using dayz commander) How long will it take until most servers update? Or is there a way to downgrade to a specific version?
  8. The ability to spawn with or near friends.
  9. iMuzzaa

    Idea for Stand Alone DayZ

    Don't really want "classes" in the game. What I would like to see, however, is maybe "job before the outbreak" or something like that. For example you can make your character be a police officer, doctor, and all kinds of other jobs that may give SLIGHT advantages. But nothing to do with stats, for example, a police officer may have less aim shake than a doctor.
  10. I agree with this. For people that have other things to do and can only play for a limited amount of time, running across the map for half an hour just seems like a waste of time. Although a feature that lets you pick roughly where you spawn could be better than nothing (E.g pick north, south, east or west)
  11. iMuzzaa

    Hello! (And some questions)

    Just bought the game, it's installing now :D