Hey guys, 2 hours ago(~9:10 pm GMT+1) a friend and I played on EU_EX when someone(his name was "HeroXx") wrote in the Side chat "Hold Still Toky and Friend(me Tryst). I replied "why ?" and a couple sec later first shots from a silenced weap were fired at us. We ran like hell for about 10 min and looked behind us and NO ONE was there or behind us, we checked that every second, every direction and we found no one there. The only suspicious thing was in the sidechat: "HeroXx: Hold still Toky !" for a couple times. After about 10 Minutes we made a pause behind a hill and within 5 seconds of standing still Toky were shot dead. I looked again and there was a player laying IN the ground(half his body in the ground) just 2 metre away from us and was shooting at us with his silenced m4 and told me to stand still. So this Hacker "HeroXx" was teleporting to our location and shot Toky and me luckily escaped. There are only 2 options to stay that near to us. Either he was invisible or he teleported to us, what makes much more sense till he wrote again and again "hold still". I hope someone can investigate that and revive my friend "Toky" with his stuff. Thanks Tryst EDIT: I forgot to mention that the server is a hardcore server and there should be no way to see any character name. So how did he know the name of my friend ?