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About Anipuma

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    On the Coast
  1. DayZ Epoch Roleplay http://dayzrp.enjin.com Server Features DayZ Epoch Chernarus: http://dayzepoch.com...Build:_v1.0.0.1 Sarge AI: NPC Bandits/Survivors/Soldiers. Bandits groups have been increased per grid. Active Admins Active Players Private Locked Server (Access is require) Welcome to DayZ Epoch Roleplay! What is DayZ Epoch Roleplay!? It is a Roleplay Community that is set in the immersive world of DayZ a n Arm2 Zombie Survival Mod. Epoch is a additional mod for DayZ that add much more to the world of DayZ then the basic Mod that is already successful. Below is a review of the mod on Youtube. Just a caution it does have mature language. Story so far... DayZ Epoch is set in a future time after the Great Infection. Humanity is slowly returning to the wasteland, industrious survivors have begun to join together in small groups and rebuild society. Small camps of merchants have started to pop up to do business with survivors who collect goods from the wasted remnants of civilization. Wholesalers have landed on the shores offering imported goods to aid the rebuilding effort. All is not safe however some vestiges of infection still remain and rogue bandits still roam the countryside preying on unsuspecting survivors. Survive, explore, build wealth, make your way through the harsh environment and assist in the effort to rebuild, or burn it all down its your choice, live in the Epoch. Our goal here is to have our players immerse into the story and their characters without the hassle of griefers, hackers or trolls. Everyone here is a Roleplayer. If you want are looking for a RP server that doesn't make you jump through hoops for days, with little to no activity from admins then DayZ Epoch Roleplay is for you. All we ask if you going to play here is to register on the site, fill out a small application and from there you will be given the server password and be on your way to RP with other members of the community. Clans, Family, and Solo Roleplayers are welcome! If you are interested check us out @ dayzrp.enjin.com
  2. Anipuma

    man duck this ship

    You mad bro?
  3. Everyone I know tried connecting to my server and got the same error. We can join other servers fine. If it was my client I would not the error: The Server Side Application on this Server is Incorrect. It is something to do with the server portion not the client. The Hosting Company hasn't answered any of the support tickets and with other servers having the same issue from them who knows what the problem is. They haven't made any sort of attempt to let us know either way. I"m not going to spend money not to have support.
  4. I got my server today too from them and I got the same issue. I just asked for a refund. Obviously they don't know what they are doing. Do not use Hosting Altitude!
  5. I ordered a server on Monday and still waiting for a response from this company. They haven't answered my support ticket either. I'm thinking about giving paypal a call and getting my money back. If you can't get new orders running within 24 hours then you need to stop advertising...
  6. Anipuma

    Hosting Altitude?

    Yea I opened a ticket with them too late last night haven't heard a thing, but they are a legit company?
  7. Anyone else have a DayZ server through them? I've ordered a server from them well over 24 hours ago and heard nothing about them setting the server up.