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About DirtyLyle

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    On the Coast

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  1. DirtyLyle

    First Bandit Kill

    Great, and hi everybody, my first post in this forum! :) My first bandit kill where at the balota airfield at night after i was killed several times in cherno. I started at the coast and hand over to the ballota airfield to loot some stuff. So i get at first in the hangars and found a hatchet, some lights and ammunition. Then i go into the tower and look there if there is a gun or such thing. I stand in the tower an then i heared a shot and glas breaking. I lie down on the floor and get down the stairs and then i lie under the stairs and wait. I was full adrenalin and i dont want to die again this time. Then i wait there several seconds/minutes and after some time there comes a player and walk up the stairs. Then i take my hatchet and go up too because i started a few minutes before after get killed in cherno and when i get killed now its not a big problem because i dont have good stuff in my backpack, only a hatchet and some ammunition. As i came in the top room of the tower there where the other player and i swing at him with my hatchet and he shot several times and hit me but i dont die and was only bleeding. Some hits with my axe later he dies and after killing him i bandage myself and loot all stuff that he was carrying. The i head as fast i can down the stairs out of the tower and through the damaged fence behind one of the hangars straight into the forest behind the balota airfield. After this my heart goes very fast and run in the forest towards cherno. Then i disconnect, smoke a cigarette and drink a beer. :rolleyes: The next day i was killed in cherno by atacking zombies and another player. :( P.S.: Sorry for my 'bad' english. I'm from germany and i don't post often in english forums. :rolleyes: