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About RJE86

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Thanks, everyone! That's a big relief about the error messages. And I will continue scoping out deer stands, although I've already checked two of them and only came away with more ammo. Maybe they had already been looted.
  2. Hey everyone, Sorry in advance if this has been addressed in another topic. I read up on a few similar problems, but I was hoping I could run this by you. I just started playing last night, and about an hour into the game, a message popped up on the left. It read... Nicole: You can not play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cherarus Okay, so I don't know who Nicole is. Either she is telling me something, or this message was intended for her and put up in general chat. Like I said, the game seems totally playable on my end, and I am running it through Steam as admin. Also, I wound up playing for three hours, and I carefully scavanged my way through a sizable town. All I have to show for it is some food, soda, and tons of ammo. Where are the guns? I even checked two hunting blinds and came up dry. Any ideas? Thanks a lot to anyone who bothers to read this and give advice!