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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. Wouldn't the fact that you can't reliably find a gun mean that the central economy is working ?
  2. gibonez

    This is a survival game

    I think Dayz has a better chance to not only stand apart from the other zombie games but also to truly shine and be original if it mainly focuses on the survival aspects of the game. Survival, realism those are the two golden eggs that Dayz has. Flush those two out greatly and Dayz has a chance to really stand out amongst the sea of zombie clones.
  3. gibonez

    WW2 Flame Thrower

    Well I wa snot necessarily suggesting the Gm94 it would probably be problematic due to its proprietary ammo. What I was demonstrating was how thermometric nades that do exist and are quite common with Russian troops would accomplish everything op wants while being more sensible. These nades are also available for in the form of VOG grenades that will be used maybe in the future with the gp nade launchers. 40mm western thermobaric nades are not as common though.
  4. gibonez

    WW2 Flame Thrower

    Theres absolutely no need for backpack mounted flame throwers or Rocket propeled thermobaric weapons. There however exists something that the Russians use to the same effect and actually use quite often. There are plenty of vog nades that could do the exact same thing and would work with the grenade launchers planned in the future. No need for Rocket launchers or obscure backpack flame throwers. Better yet molotovs would dot he same thing.
  5. gibonez

    Make PU Scope More Realistic

    Another problem I find with PIP scopes is render distance within the optic is really bad. Take RHS pip for instance at the moment the acog can only render to about 400m or so. In Red orchestra 2 the optics render out only so far but that is not a problem usually with the small maps. Contagion is the same thing. 2d scopes look perfectly fine, they are versatile and simply work and are our best bet for highly functional scopes with great performance and more importantly the correct magnification .
  6. gibonez

    Replace Vicinity with Drop

    Yup good idea. Vicinity should have never been a thing.
  7. gibonez

    Make PU Scope More Realistic

    Regular 2d scopes for all magnified optics then that would work.
  8. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Socks was just an example to show you the poorly kept state of the Russian Military. It is just now in its infancy of a modernization process. The pictures you post and see of Russian troops with optics are the vast minority those are the specialized well equipped units. The vast majority do not have those means , heck something as simple as night vision goggles is not standard for every Russian soldier. They are only issued weapon mounted night vision in super low numbers. The AKM absolutely should not have a side rail, the ak74 also should probably not have one either if it is of Russian origin, the ak101 aka ak74m should. As to the gameplay reasons I am not saying give the customization to Sniper rifles I am saying keep it authentic and realistic. If indeed Russian Origin AKms and ak74s then they should not have a side rail. The Ak101 or ak74m should they change it should have a side rail but mounting a Pso -1 of either variety should not give accurate elevation adjustments since the turrets were calibrated for the svd in 7.62x54r or 9x39.
  9. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    No they weren't by any stretch of the imagination. Prior to the adoption of the ak74m side rails were not very common at all. Even to this day with side rails being standard issue optics on russian firearms are extremely limited. Heck The Russian Military adopted socks for the first time ever in 2013 that alone should tell you how obscure expensive optics would be for regular forces. Easy fix to that. Have the VSS spawn with it's own version of the pso-1. Have the SVD spawn with its own version of the PSO-1 You can still remove and switch them around to weapons such as the ak101 but the elevation adjustments should absolutely not match the elevation adjustments should correspond to the round and weapon they were meant for.
  10. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    It's not so much restriction I just want plausibility and the accessories to be grounded in reality in reference to what weapon they attach to and in regards to their function. If anything it would result in more modularity since artificial restrictions like the LRS on the m4 would be gone. At the same time Pso scopes on the ak74 and akm would be gone as both do not have side rails irl and only got them in super limited quantities in the N models. Ak101 of course is just an ak74m and that has a side rail and thus should have full customization. All based on realism , same reason why I want wind and the 100m zeroing gone on scopes like the LRS.
  11. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    I envision the randomized weapon spawns as a means to clean up the loot tables. We might not be seeing pso spawn alone anymore or the pu scope and instead see them only spawn in limited quantities with weapons. The pso for example might only be seen with every spawned SVD, VSS . The pu only spawning with good conditioned mosins. While this does not mean customization is lowered overall I believe it will lead to customized weapons being quite rare and truly valuable. Either way I hope they take full advantage of the randomized weapon spawns and not only give spawn randomized accessories but hopefully also weapons in various states of disrepair. Would inject some of that Addicting Diablo looting to dayz where every piece of loot could be awesome.
  12. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Let's hope not. If the 9x39 variant does indeed use the same magazines as the vss then it would be a terrific candidate to supplement the 9x39 caliber.
  13. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    What is the most common 9x39 weapon the AS val, SR3 or the ak-9 ?
  14. gibonez

    Map size?

    Wishful thinking. The amount of resources required for such a thing would be gargantuan. Don't count on it.
  15. gibonez

    New Map?

    Mods will bring forth tons of maps. Really wish they would have opted for a procedurally created map like Rust and minecraft uses. This way all of the meta gaming things are completely removed and things like range estimation without external apps are possible.
  16. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    I really am just hoping they get the ballistic profile of the round right. The ballistics on the 9x39 are super unique and the guns in game tend to be too flat shooting it would be a shame if the 9x39 weapons did that too.
  17. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    I don't think Modularity is as big of a focus now as it was when Dayz first came out. The weapon selections and the new randomized weapon spawns leads me to believe they have or are planning on cutting back on adding super modular guns and a ton of accessories. The way it appears now is that those select few guns in game that are highly modular thus really versatile will be highly sought after. Things like m4s and fully tricked out ak rifles will be rare maybe.
  18. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Is there an unsuppressed 9.39 weapon ?
  19. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    I have a feeling 7.62x25 will be added eventually and more importantly because of its addition we will get to see some awesome immersion inducing weapons. Hopefully we do see it and we get to see the tt-31. pps 43. ppsh 41 along with the caliber addition.
  20. gibonez

    new pistol

    What logic is that ? if anything the addition of 9x39 gives 7.62x25 more hope to exist. It shows to me the devs are not scared of adding calibers to the game .
  21. gibonez

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Looks good to me. New ammo type + doors open to a bunch of other cool guns in that caliber. Unique short distance hard hitting round.
  22. gibonez

    NATO supressors

    How would anyone of us know ?
  23. gibonez

    Impact of 3rd Party Comms (TS3, VENT, etc.)

    What I should have said is. It is enough of a hassle for most people to not bother and just live with the mirrored voice.
  24. gibonez

    Impact of 3rd Party Comms (TS3, VENT, etc.)

    Yea but see how much of a hassle this is. Mirroring communications in game would work for most cases.
  25. gibonez

    Impact of 3rd Party Comms (TS3, VENT, etc.)

    Mirroring all mic communication would work. At least for 99 percent of people. If you speak the mic picks it up and talks in game thus the advantage is mitigated.