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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. a year post Soviet union break up would have been fantastic. Really unique time period full of turmoil , misery and suffering. It would explain why they were also unable to contain the virus. Modern day is just done far too much looking into the past is a great way to make the game unique.
  2. gibonez

    BAF L85/SA80 variants

    Who is to say those vest you find belonged to British troops. Like most things in game I simply assumed they were military surplus just like in Ukraine with ukranian soldiers with german camos and german vests and body armor yet there are zero german troops in the nation.
  3. gibonez

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    No amount of cosmoline is going to fix the loose bore and up to 300 fps muzzle velocity differences in the same batch of ammo. You sure your mosin is not an m39 and you arent shooting factory manufactured ammo ? Because 3 moa is insane for a new production military rifle let alone a military surplus one from the 1940s.
  4. gibonez

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    Ok first off Barrel length has zero correlation with accuracy only muzzle velocity. You can have a rifle with a 30 inch barre and one with a 10 inch one and the 10 inch rifle and chances are the 10 inch rifle will be the more accurate rifle due to the rigidity of the barrel. The m4a1 is also not built to around being automatic, it fires from a closed bolt so any accuracy loss because of firing from an open bolt is non existent. As far as bore quality that is exactly what I am saying, it varies tremendously with mosins, you can get an amazing specimen or you can get a busted up one its pure luck. Even then you will always be hampered by the low quality of military surplus ammo that mosins fire in game. Having the mosin nagant fire anything under 5 moa in game is not believeable. It should be a 5 to 7 moa rifle.
  5. gibonez

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    When a factory brand new m4a1 is only grouping anywhere from 2-4 moa It makes zero sense for a 100 year old rifle with variable , questionable build quality and notoriously poor ammo to be grouping anywhere near that. Key word here is many I think sure you can find some mosins that are accurate but the vast majority are inaccurate due to countless factors ranging from build quality, bore quality, age, and probably most importantly the varying quality of military surplus ammo. From a single batch surplus ammo your muzzle velocity can be wildly different this results in huge shifts in point of impact at a target that only increases as you stretch the rifle out further. accuracy = consistency and mosins are not that.
  6. gibonez

    Planned military base?

    The same can be achieved with 1 or two military bases away from the spawn points. Having tons of military static bases does nothing to get people off the coast all it does is speed how fast they return to the coast after the obtain military weapons due to the increased ease of finding them.
  7. Take a look at these recent statements from the devs. It is refreshing to see a developer who does not bend a knee and caters to the lowest common denominator. The prospects of dayz actually turning out to be the unique and different game that we have always wanted are extremely good. So glad to see Bohemia Interactive catering to the people that main stream publishers have ignored for years. So glad that BI is the antithesis of everything triple A publishers are. So thanks BI for catering to the hardcore and those looking at fresh and unique gameplay experiences.
  8. gibonez

    Planned military base?

    The rarity of the weapon should be irregardless of its capabilities in game and otherwise. It should be based purely on plausibility within the in game context. Eastern Nation thus Eastern weapons , Western Rifle in Eastern Nation thus rare. The modularity of the m4 is just a bonus , a cherry on top that justifies making it rare even more.
  9. gibonez

    Balance (my idea for pvp/pve)

    Game should focus on realism and balance a word not ever muttered even once.
  10. gibonez

    Planned military base?

    Im not sure what there is to perceive. The game takes place in a fictional soviet satellite country where the only AR pattern rifles come from foreign troops hence the helicopter crashes. They very well could not have the m4 spawn in static military bases could they ? Doing so would imply that foreign troops were stationed there for some reason. The m4 being rare actually works due to how modular the weapon is thus how versatile it can be. While ak pattern rifles in game would not share that same attribute and would realistically be far more common than western rifles.
  11. gibonez

    BAF L85/SA80 variants

    There is something incredibly sexy and refined about the FAL.
  12. No it is not. In fact I can't think of a single military that has purchased some for use. I can't even think of any notable police or federal agencies who would have purchased the gun. As of today the vector is purely a movie prop gun.
  13. gibonez

    Ammo rarity in .55

    .45 acp should be rare as heck. It is not a very common round at all outside of the US and the Philippines.
  14. gibonez

    Planned military base?

    Look at the scale. The map you posted is exponentially larger than that of chenarus. It only further proves my point that for the size of the map we should see 1 or 2 static military spawn points tops. The map is only 86 square miles here is the closest land equivalent I can find at 91 square miles in the form of an island. That really brings it into perspective. Map you listed was 160k square miles compared to chenarus being only 86. I would struggle to find any land area within your map where more than 1 military base or depo is located within 86 square miles.
  15. gibonez

    Planned military base?

    No thats the point. Less static military loot locations thus increased risk and higher value on said military equipment found there. It's not about spreading out players but about creating value in military gear.
  16. gibonez

    Planned military base?

    Not to the extent that chenarus does. Military bases are spread out far and wide, in Chenarus we got like 6 bloody bases all within a tiny area its quite ridiculous. . Ideally there should be 1 or tops 2 military bases in Chenarus to not only give value to the military spawns but to increase the risk associated with them. Then supplement that with dynamic spawns like helicopters .
  17. gibonez

    Planned military base?

    Last thing the map needs is even more military spawn points. Map is extremely saturated as it is with military spawn points with multiple bases, and dynamic military spawn points. A reduction of the static military points would probably be better as it would put a higher value on the areas that are left.
  18. gibonez

    Make all servers separate

    The benefits of such a system are too big to ignore though. It especially effects player behavior in both Rust and in a Medieval survival game that also has such a system sleeping in game while not playing profoundly changes how people behave. It forces players to be more cautious before attacking peopl and it seems to force people to form alliances. The theory behind them is that no one player can constantly be alert in game looking over his character so alliances help when you are logged off. Combine that with a competent base building and or house barricading system and it is indeed viable in dayz. Not to mention it would forever remove combat logging.
  19. gibonez

    Make all servers separate

    You meant heres a way to get rid of Server hoppingghostingcombat loggingYea making each server have its own character is ideal. Plus it would allow things that are only available in other games like rust where you can have your character sleeping in game while logged out.
  20. gibonez

    Authenticity: Time Acceleration vs Night Lights

    Ideal solution might be having nights be brighter than normal for gameplays sake. Full moon nights with quite visible nights would work.
  21. Why are you even worried about game balance at this point. Stamina is perfectly fine to be tested at any point in time irregardless of the other features being in or working right.
  22. The idea of there being people who stream their games and more importantly that there would be large amount of people willing to watch them baffles me.
  23. gibonez

    Spawning bear trap/mine protection

    I still don't see how this is a problem. Sure some people will die but having spawn safety zones will open the doors for far more problems. It seems overall like a problem that will almost never happen thus does not require any counter measures.
  24. gibonez

    Idea about landmines

    Terrible ideas on all fronts.
  25. gibonez

    Spawning bear trap/mine protection

    This is a solution for a problem that does not or will not exist. It will create far more problems than it will solve.