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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. gibonez

    How can 1PP be improved?

    Only thing I can think of are the following. 1. Increase performance to allow higher frame rates. 2. Raise the height of the camera for first person so that it is more at eye level and not neck level where it is now.
  2. New perspective + disabling TPV when crouched and prone would limit the exploitation so much it would essentially no longer be a problem.
  3. Considering how fundamentally important it is and how much it could improve gameplay I would hope all of them right.
  4. gibonez

    the problem with dayz: not dank enough

    I am on the same boat , vaulting is perfectly fine for the games use. Besides only an idiot would jump over and around stuff when they are as heavily burdened down with gear in a survival situation. Jumping with everything you own and need to survive on you is asking for a broken ankle.
  5. gibonez

    the problem with dayz: not dank enough

    That right there will be the biggest problem going forward. They must do whatever they must to separate the two ips so that they do not even remotely feel the same at the same time having that Bohemia Interactive signature of being Mod friendly and built on realism.
  6. gibonez

    Force 1PP for Single Stable Release

    True not yet but the final implementation just might.
  7. Every single one of the weapons you listed are far far far more ubiquitous in the world in not only nations served but numbers than the Fn scar. Kenya having a handful of rifles means little for it being in Chenarus. I might also add that the largest user of Fn Scars the US special Operations command also has them in limited numbers. Like most failed weapon systems I would not doubt there are more of these weapons in civilian hands in the US than actually in places where it would sorta make any sense for the weapon to make its way into the game.
  8. Yet there are 200 ish posts in such a short time. If you don't care don't respond to the thread.
  9. gibonez

    The new 3pp camera and FOV Slider

    Even in the mod there were some servers running a script that disabled third person view when crouched and when prone. Such an option might work in standalone as it pretty much eliminates the exploit in 90 percent of the most abuse able circumstances.
  10. gibonez

    The new 3pp camera and FOV Slider

    Glad to see they changed it. Your suggestion also makes sense. FOV should only be there to help people with motion sickness in first person view and be locked completely in TPV since it already has the benefit of a wider fov. I would also suggest locking how far the camera can see when looking at the ground so when you reach a certain point the camera locks in on your character even if your character continues to lower his head. This would eliminate over the wall peeking and at the same time not hinder the player in any way.
  11. gibonez

    Vision nerfed yet again?!

    In Red Orchestra it is insanely hard to hit people with irons at 300m-500m and no it is not because of the lack of zoom but instead due to very good weapon handling mechanics. The forced freeaim requires alot of correction when trying to hit people out at those distances.
  12. Where is the option for none ? None would make sense if the game wishes to remain authentic. Random survivor magically knows how to pilot/maintain a plane/helicopter yea ... right.
  13. Get rid of 100m zeroing instead give scopes a maximum mil value and zero with mils. That way a win 70 zeroed to say 30 mils will reach out to 1200m meanwhile a 22lr will barely reach 400
  14. The constant discussion on the topic merely shows how problematic the perspective is. Banning the discussion of it would vs silly especially when it is easily the biggest flaw in the game currently. No other thing is more detrimental to gameplay than wall peeking.
  15. Fine they doubled since the TPV removal in late Feb. Not saying that was the sole reason for the increase but it just goes to show that removing TPV will have little to no impact on the player numbers.
  16. Has rust's player counts dropped since it removed TPV ? No it actually more than tripled.
  17. Frame rate does not change with the perspective. third person is no more playable than first person. I would bet that the player counts would not change one bit if they removed third person view. One such example is RUST they outright removed third person view because it was detrimental to gameplay, they got some negativity at first and then overwhelming support for the decision and guess what it has more players now than dayz, h1z1 or any of the other survival games.
  18. gibonez

    Vision nerfed yet again?!

    Part of the problem is people don't associate it with a game mechanic that is put in to combat some of the limitations of PC gaming compared to how human vision actually works. People simply see it as hey I can zoom by pressing right mouse I must have binocular vision. Perhaps blurring of the edges or darkening the edges while zooming would push forward that thought that you are focusing on a specific object in the distance and not that you have bionic eyes. As for the zoom when aiming perhaps an entirely 3rd perspective when aiming is ideal. How about an alternative mode that simulates how one would focus on the front post of a rifle or pistol in order to try to hit a distant object. I personally always found the extra zoom while aiming to be a bit clunky a 3rd iron sight mode for precision shots might work. One that offers the precision for shooting objects at distances but with all of the disadvantages when engaging at medium and short range. (blurred peripheral vision, Lowered sensitivity allowing for fine movements, etc)
  19. I would be fine with it. As would everyone here. They might complain for a week or two but after the initial outcry things will calm down and people will adjust. The actual number of people who will actually stop playing are insignificant. Most are just blowing hot air.
  20. gibonez

    Incapacitation from extreme pain

  21. gibonez

    Hunting Scope Replacing The Long Range Scope?

    You would be wrong then. Arma 3 stamina is actually pretty spot on even if it is a little too forgiving and in general the players in Arma 3 are far above the standards physically of the Average soldier.
  22. gibonez

    Hunting Scope Replacing The Long Range Scope?

    Why would you he has the rifle rested and tighted in a bench rest of course there will be no sway......
  23. gibonez

    About the next coming camera angle

    Yea lets make everything optional , including zombies, death, hunger, thirst and weapons.
  24. gibonez

    Government anti-infestation measures

    Nope true we see none of that however... What I do see is a place where the military and local forces were quickly overrun before they could even resort to those measures. For all we know the military response to the area was extremely limited due to outside areas being overrun first.
  25. gibonez

    Hunting Scope Replacing The Long Range Scope?

    You simply got used to a game mechanic or item that was never meant to be permanent. Fixed power scopes are a good thing imo they are an easy disadvantage to long range optics that force the player to be more careful. The Variable zoom in the LRS allowed it to be used nearly as well as a red dot being great at long range and extreme short range. And lastly no it does not take any more "skill" to snipe someone in dayz compared to running and gunning. Not unless they ad mil turrets and wind.