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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. gibonez

    Do not make DayZ SA Moddable.

    would be idiotic to lock out modding on a game that started off as a mod itself
  2. gibonez

    NEW BOW!

    ok :/ ..
  3. gibonez

    Where is everyone?

    Ahhh this thread it rears its head almost daily.
  4. I wish the Where can I find X item, Is it still spawningWhere is all the pvp nowThreads were also considered spam.
  5. gibonez

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    I kinda want an entirely new zoom in the game. I sorta want a 2nd focus mode that does not zoom in but has a good set of magnification with the same disadvantages of real life iron sights. so the end result would be target identification is nowhere near as good as it is with optics but you can easily engage targets at 500-1000 m so long as you have good dope. The base iron sights then additional zoom seems clunky. The right mouse trigger zoom also feels bad, would love for there to be blurring around the peripherals and some distortion when "focusing" this would better demonstrate to the player that you do not have bionic eyes but instead are focusing on a distant object.
  6. gibonez

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    Not always but there should be the possibility to do so.
  7. gibonez

    Rebalance Ammo

    imo it should be based on weight not category. 203 grain .45 acp should stack at lower numbers than 40 grain .22lr
  8. gibonez

    Dayz Core Fucntionality

    This game has been in production for 1.5 years it has yet to launch and will not do so for quite some time. It is not a finished product.
  9. gibonez

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    Disregard what I stated. I had the Winchester Repeater in my head.
  10. gibonez

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    It should not even be comparable. One fires a .357 magnum round one fires a full sized rifle round. If the game did away with the zeroing system it has now and instead had real scope elevation adjustments then the answer would be obvious.
  11. gibonez

    Context Stamina

    Naw Stamina does not work that way in real life. Someones physical endurance does not magically increase when under perceived danger. Quite the opposite in fact, shock, and adrenaline reduce fine motor skills and physical performance. If anything getting shot at and being suppressed should result in sluggish player movement and inefficient player aiming and movement just like in real life. Getting shot at does not turn you into ussain bolt.
  12. gibonez

    Advanced medical system

    Medical system should be a pillar of the base game thus should make its appearance soon hopefully along with the stamina and movement system. Having the damage model be purely based on hitpoints and hit location with multipliers is outdated and bad for a game like dayz. A medical system would add to the current model and hopefully make even a single gunshot fatal in the long run if the victim does not receive the proper care required. Along with such a medical system would hopefully come the negative implications of said injuries, Crippling shots, broken limbs, internal bleeding, organ failure, severely hindered movement. All of these things all together would raise the realism in dayz and the difficulty making your actions all the more consequential.
  13. gibonez

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Of those 875 million firearms the vast majority of them are in select few areas of the world. Eastern Europe where the game takes inspiration from is not civilian gun heavy, in fact firearms are quite scarce since the Soviet Union thought it wise to keep them out of Civilian hands due to threat of insurrection. I am not saying these were gun free zones merely stating that the level of firearm proliferation currently in the game is not realistic at all even for a gun crazy place like the US. Weapons and Ammo are just simply too easily available and thus weapons and ammo lose their importance and value.
  14. gibonez

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Hog wash. Nothing thus far as ever even implied that "balance" was an important factor in day much less a core factor. Balance for dayz should be realism and realism should be rare weapons and ammo. It is a real life realism change that not only improves the game but eliminates or atleast drastically reduces the negative connotations that Dayz is just a large world death match game.
  15. gibonez

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    If it is simply being able to play the mp with no online players then fine whatever. If it is a SP mode that is tacked on it will be a colossal waste of time and resources. Battlefield effect again where the mp shines but the sp is so atrocious that it brings down the final product and leaves one asking if it was wise to even have wasted time on the single player.
  16. gibonez

    Make firearms less powerful

    Yaaaa If you want unrealistic damage then you just might be playing the wrong game.
  17. gibonez

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Yea fuck Peer Reviewed Papers and Readily available factual information right, cause cause I haven't actually been to Eastern Europe. Facts don't lie bud.
  18. gibonez

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Numbers do not lie. So yea Eastern Europe is not a gun filled landscape. Very few guns per citizen in fact so rare weapons and ammo would fit perfectly. Yes Germany has more guns in civilian hands than Russia even with a much smaller population. Just because a Nation makes alot of weapons for Exportation does not mean it itself has access to those weapons. Take Russia for example it is quite hard to get a rifle yet they will willingly sell any of their high grade weapons to the highest bidder outside.
  19. gibonez

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Not seeing how limited weapons and ammo would prevent anything you said.
  20. gibonez

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Making guns and ammo rare would add value to said items. Lowering kos is just a by product of that not the main advantage gained. From a realism standpoint it would also make sense as Eastern Europe is not as gun heavy as The United States. If the game does take place in "russia" then weapons would be even more rare. Atleast weapons in civilian hands. I see rare weapons and ammo as a good realism booster that has unique and ultimately good gameplay implications.
  21. gibonez

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Yup and guess what the end result of that is ? Less Kills on sight due to not being able to. I am not arguing for or against people playing in certain ways merely stating that if they indeed wished to reduce the amount of kill on sight that happens in the game one surefire way would be to make weapons and ammo super scarce.
  22. gibonez

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    It would absolutely reduce KOS. If you have only a handful of shells and a mediocre weapon you might not want to engage the distant person minding his own business. You might not want to risk shooting at a group of 2 or more people since you can not guarantee you are well armed enough to come out the victor. Low ammo and weapon spawn rates would absolutely reduce KOS even if it is merely due to the lack of ammunition making it a fruitless act. Will it stop it completely of course not. But based on pure logistics it would reduce it dramatically.
  23. Static military buildings should have very scarce amounts of military loot. It wold make sense, they are already raided and what you find in them is slim pickings. Dynamic spots like crashes should have more loot in general. This also rewards those who go forth and explore for the military loot while starving those that rely on the easy military static loot locations.
  24. gibonez

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Yea I agree with the above these things would have zero effect on KOS. The only real thing that maybe could have such an effect is severely restricting firearms and lowering ammo and weapon spawn rates. It worked in Rust would work in Dayz but at the end of the day I don't think weapon rarity is something the devs intend for atleast not at this stage in development.
  25. gibonez

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    Feels like an Artificial restriction to force a certain playstyle. I am all for activities requiring two people only if they require 2 people in real life as well. Requiring 2 people to get an apple off a tree, dragging a body etc is just silly.