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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. Surprised by all the positive reactions since this would drastically change the game.
  2. If this was implemented Cherno and Electro Sniping would be eliminated right away. Currently bandits are exploiting the server hopping system by joining an empty server. Climbing to their favorite sniper spot overlooking a high traffic area in Cherno or electro. Disconnecting then joining a full server. They then kill survivors and at the first sign of trouble they disconnect and join another server only to repeat. If the location was tied to the server they would not be able to do this.
  3. The same thing you would do if your favorite server was full on any other game. You wait to join or you take your chances with a coastal spawn on a different server.
  4. gibonez

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Disregard I already re spawned and just traveled up.
  5. Is there a list of weapon damage values to specific body locations for Dayz ?
  6. 6 hours seems good. 24 hours sounds amazing especially if you can move the corpses. Problem is the people spamming respawn so they get spawns closer to cherno and electro. They litter the beaches with dead bodies just by respawning.
  7. gibonez

    Allow corpse/incap player dragging

    Yes this would be super useful for setting up traps.
  8. gibonez


    Sounds horrible just like the temperature and cold thing that is implemted in 1.5.8.
  9. They should allow you to destroy Dmr and m14 mags in order to extract the ammo from the magazines and convert them to m24 and m40 magazines. They are both the same type of ammo 7.62 nato. 1 - 20 round dmr mag should turn into 4 - 5 round m24 mags.
  10. gibonez

    WTF a jet ?

    I spawned at the coast on Eu 3 and saw this on the coast. Hackers perhaps I tried to get inside and died instantly. I also took a screenshot of the players in the room .
  11. gibonez

    WTF a jet ?

    Like I said I have the player list if rocket or any of the moderators want it.
  12. server reset probably.
  13. gibonez

    WTF a jet ?

    This was in Eu3. I took a screenshot of player list including 2 not in the server who left .
  14. gibonez

    WTF a jet ?

    I of course got in and blew up.
  15. Instead of reinventing and polishing the temperature system is anyone else like me and would just prefer it gone ? Revert to not having to worry about making a fireplace to stay warm. Revert to not being bored watching a fire just to play.
  16. gibonez

    CZ appreciation station

    I love the CZ and what I am about to say will probably be called blasphemy. The CZ needs to go. There should be ammo commonality between all the Bolt Action Rifles in the game and all should share the same ammo type. M24 , m40a3 and the rifle that replaces the CZ should share the same ammo. Replacing it with something like the Saiga LOS 7-1 would make sense. This would also restore some kind of ammo standardization for the Bolt action rifles making their ammo more common and useful. http://www.dragunov.net/los_7.html This is a 300 dollar hunting rifle chambered in 7.62 nato that has been sold in Russia and the outlining countries since 2000.
  17. gibonez

    Cannibalism and You.

    I like it. It could be a reward for having ultra low humanity when it is reintroduced. You can cave a player and procure meat steaks, and drink his blood to rehydrate.
  18. gibonez

    Sniper rifle - 2 shot kill?

    Current system is fine but it is a bit inconsistent. Yesterday I shot 3 people in the chest area and they died immediately. I shot a further 3 people in the chest they were able to patch themselves up and disconnect. This was with the m24 btw.
  19. From what I've seen it is very similar to eating and drinking. Obviously' date=' finding matches can be a bitch, but I've seen a few wood spawns in the half hour I played since the patch. It's just adding another survival element to the game which makes sense. I am hoping, though, that rocket adds more depth to the temperature system. Being inside, maybe warm clothing, even holding a flair should stop the reduction of temp. and maybe bring it up. It does still drop too quickly in my opinion. [/quote'] I already have all the equipment and even fully loaded staying warm is a royal pain. Then when I finally make a fire I get stuck sitting next to a fire bored out of my mind for 10 minutes. How is this fun ? Searching for food and water leads to player interaction, staying warm leads to boredom.
  20. I don't like the Temperature feature at all. Doubt I ever will honestly. Adds nothing to gameplay unlike the ability to eat and drink. Eating and drinking adds a goal in order to survive. Temperature just forces you to disconnect when a server starts to rain or when its night time.
  21. Yea I really don't like the temperature system. I will play again when it gets sorted out temperature dropped to 20 degrees from 98 in a matter of 10 minutes. Screen started shaking.
  22. Yea lets keep zombies out of the woods.
  23. gibonez

    Turn DMR mag into 4 m24 or m40 rounds

    It has nothing to do with ammo being super common it has to do with ammo having some kind of standardization. It is not realistic and makes no sense that the ammo for the Winchester and the m1014 is not interchangeable. Same applies to the DMR and m24 ammo.