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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. gibonez

    [SA] How to tell your low on blood

    hopefully the remove the black and white color saturation you get when low in blood. Worst feature in the mod and ruins the beauty of the game.
  2. Pros : Focus on civilian weapons New lootable buildings Inventory system cons: 3rd Person View !!! !! 3rd Person View!!! Animations Zombies are still janky Lack of content seen thus far
  3. gibonez

    New Sniper Rifles

    No need for 50 cal in the game. Atleast make it realistic. The highest caliber you would likely encounter in a rifle in Civilian hands would be something like a big game hunting round like a .300 RUM found in something like a Remington 700. left-to-right: .308 Win, .30–06, .300 Weatherby, .300 RUM These are used to take out large game at long range 800m +. Would be commonly found in a hunting package like so.
  4. gibonez

    adding scripts

    I always wondered this too are there tutorials ?
  5. gibonez

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input ( 2 shotgun shells + 1 Wood + tin can) Output ( Toe Popper) Tools (Toolbox) Failchance 0 Enchantments = Disable survivors by breaking their feet upon setting off the mine. Actiontype = Explosive booby trap Commonly used simple ap mine used in vietnam by the Vietcong They are easy to manufacture and effective at incapacitating a person.
  6. Is there a directory of all these awesome Dayz Mission files ? Or are they all made from scratch ?
  7. Then someone in the community will just make a dayz successor that is better using Dayz as the gameplay foundation. It will happen its only a matter of time and if I was a betting man id bet we see dayz or dayz style mods in the arma 3 alpha long before stand alone comes out.
  8. Arma 3 has a much better engine .
  9. The camera should be changed in 3rd person view. Change the camera so the camera sits lower and does not allow you to cheat by looking around corners or over cover. A lower camera that is near the shoulder level would fix this.
  10. gibonez

    Rethink 3rd person view

    Problem isnt solved by simply saying stick to fpv servers. 3rd person would still continue to be an exploit in 3rd person view servers. Addressing the issue is the only way to solve it. I can understand 3rd person view makes exploring a little bit easier but there are ways of moving the camera slightly so you cannot exploit it to see around cover.
  11. gibonez

    Weapon damage general discussion.

    I completely get you. It is unrealistic I only proposed it as a means to retain that high damage of a sniper rifle if balance was the main concern. Hopefully they just make it so pistol ammo looses damage faster at range and Rifle ammo depending on the barrel length retains far more damage at long range. A system of damage based on energy at point of impact instead of velocity would be ideal. What do you think of a system where at 500m or more sniper rifle shots automatically knock you out ? This could be explained by your body just receiving such a blunt impact of a bullet before the sound of the bullet can reach you giving you no time to brace for it . No adrenaline to counter it. What do you think of this idea ?
  12. gibonez

    Weapon damage general discussion.

    Getting shot 12 times and bleeding for 2 minutes then finally just bandaging isn't authentic either.
  13. gibonez

    Gun Safes in SA

    Great Idea. I would go further than that and recommend military loot be removed and the loot tables for all look be shared. There is little to no incentive to loot non military locations in dayz anymore. Civilian weapons are crap and everyone rushes to barracks and airfields for loot. Guns safes would be a good way to encourage looting in towns.
  14. gibonez

    Weapon damage general discussion.

    Perhaps they can handle weapon damage in a slightly unrealistic way to have a more satisfying experience. How would you guys feel about Sniper Rifles doing low damage close range and high damage at long range ? At 0-200 yards the m24 doing 2000k blood damage to the chest, at 600 m 8k blood, at 600+ 8k blood + instant knock out ? This will encourage proper long range sniper use and would reward those who have the skill for long range shots.
  15. gibonez

    Para-scopes (Alt. to 3rd person)

    Good idea, I support anything that removes the 3rd person view exploits.
  16. I like your idea. M99 would only be feasible for anti vehicle work and ultra long range player elimination.
  17. gibonez

    Rethink 3rd person view

    Vehicles have an inherently restrictive view. Allowing it in vehicles gives you more situational awareness, this is unnecessary for first person since you have enough awareness. Plus there's little to no risk of a person exploiting 3rd person view in a vehicle to look around cover.
  18. gibonez

    Rethink 3rd person view

    Your solution makes sense. The tears would be delicious though, far too many people exploit 3rd person view to look around corners and cover.
  19. gibonez

    Weapon damage general discussion.

    Damage is broken with all the guns atm. For example the .308s in the m24 and m40 only do about 2k blood damage at 800 meters or more. Big .308 caliber bullet traveling super sonic only does 2k damage cmon.
  20. I still think the solution to the military weapons is not restricting them or removing them but adding realistic ballistics or just porting over ace ballistics. Shooting a 50 cal while standing up should make you fall down, firing prone should be the only feasible way to fire it. Another way to balance the 50 cals is to actually equip the rifles with their perspective real life scopes. In game you have some sort of 1x and 10x zoom mildot scope, this essentially gives you a 1 hit kill cqc and long range weapon. I believe they are usually outfitted with a leopold mark 4 scope with 8x-25x magnification this would eliminate its use as a close quarters weapon.
  21. gibonez

    Simple change to sniper scopes

    I would prefer if the scopes were mil/mil. Mil/moa scopes confuse me.
  22. gibonez

    Make the shelcasings stay until restart.

    Dead bodies caused lag because people would kill themselves and respawn over and over again until they got a desired spawn. Imagine the server having to keep track of 100s of bodies all with loot inside of them. This would cause lag. Simple brass casses shouldnt be too taxing ,on that note bodies should stay in game for longer too.
  23. gibonez

    Simple change to sniper scopes

    Since we are on the topic of scopes . How would you guys feel about seeing some actually calibrated Front Focal Plane scopes with calibrated mildots or even a variety of ranging reticules like the Army Mildot, Marine corp Mildots, Gap G2 reticles etc. FFP = Optics grow in size as you zoom in allowing you to ranging objects accurately at higher magnifications. Jeremiah wind is already in arma 2, it just doesn't affect ballistics it was disabled for some reason. The guys over at ace mod were able to incorporate that wind into the ballistics so I am sure rocket could build his own realistic ballistic system or ask to copy theirs. Although the ballistics system is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to improvements ACE could add to dayz. Just think of blood trails, weapon resting, bipods, etc.
  24. I actually have the perfect replacement for the 50 cals that you would actually be able to find pretty regularly. Remington 700 chambered in Remington Ultra Magnum. This common hunting rifle is chambered in a devastating round used for long range big game hunting. This rifle is extremely common for this reason it should be featured in dayz in multiple chamberings. The one mentioned above however could do some light anti vehicle work seeing as the 300 ultra mag would have no problem destroying an engine block.
  25. gibonez

    Simple change to sniper scopes

    They could perhaps get in contact with the ace mod team and try to port the ballistics and scope system directly from ACE. Work is already done and the ACE system is fantastic and probably is much better than the system even VBS 2 uses.