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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. gibonez

    View Distance

    Anyone else love the terrific view distance. So nice to actually be able to see miles into the distance unlike the mod where 1000m was super rare and everything further was ruined by fog.
  2. gibonez

    View Distance

    Funny you mention that because performance is better in stand alone for me than it is in the mod. One thing I do not like is the rendering distance for players. Players are only rendered at what appears to be 900m, past 900m they fade into the distance. Wish players would render further out making 800+m shots with the mosing using irons is insanely hard when the players disappear.
  3. gibonez

    every server is dark

    When the gamma and brightness sliders are locked and people do not have predator vision then I will gladly join a night server. Reason why people prefer 24/7 daytime is because everyone sees the exact same thing and arent abusing slider settings.
  4. gibonez

    Third person idea

    Let's just remove it.
  5. gibonez

    SA - Dynamic Damage

    VBS team is pretty daam impressive. I would really hope alot of the innovations from VBS make themselves into Dayz and Arma 3.
  6. gibonez

    Get rid of chernarus.

    While Chernarus is a wonderful map its setting in Easter Europe diminishes the potential of stand alone. Having it set to Eastern Europe greatly hinders the types and number of weapons that could be included in the game. I propose they work on a new map for the final release set somewhere in Middle America. This would greatly increase the variety of weapons and vehicles possible in the final product. Use chernarus during the alpha and beta as a placeholder and when retail comes out use the new American set map.
  7. gibonez

    Get rid of chernarus.

    This would be amazing. A procedurally generated map on each server. Every time you play the game it would be different. Each server would feel unique especially alongside its server specific scripts. Sadly I do not see this happening.
  8. gibonez

    player allowdamage true v2.0

    I have no idea what this thread is about but if you are suggesting Rocket implement ACE features such as realistic ballistics, wind, deployable bipods, acre radio system then Hell yes.
  9. gibonez

    Get rid of chernarus.

    The fact that this thread is still going brings up a valid point. There seems to be some Chernarus Fatigue even if some are not willing to admit it.
  10. gibonez

    Get rid of chernarus.

    Nationality has nothing to do with the idea of changing the map. Only reason I suggested Rural America was because of the sheer number and variety of guns and loot possibilities. In rural America just about anything you can imagine can be found. High Powered weapons, moonshine, explosives, home made weapons, predatory wildlife etc. Chenarus well not so much.
  11. gibonez

    Get rid of chernarus.

    I was thinking something more like rural Georgia or Kentucky. You get the point. Lots of wilderness but at the same time its relatively close to farms, small towns gunstores etc.
  12. gibonez

    Thermal Weapons

    Agreed thermal weapons should never be in the game. When he means ultra rare high end loot hopefully he just means a handful of high powered military arms like rpgs and 50 caliber rifles.
  13. * [REMOVED] - Wild Zeds while we try to debug issues with FPS. Aaahhh yea the useless feature is removed. No longer will we have a bubble around yourself where zombies spawn simply because. We will also get a FPS boost because this useless feature is gone :)
  14. gibonez

    Get rid of chernarus.

    I said the final game. Not the alpha. Test the alpha , beta in cherno as a placeholder. Release the final product in a whole new map so people have a new experience.
  15. gibonez

    Get rid of chernarus.

    Never said City. I was thinking a small town somewhere in middle America. Reason is whenever something is mentioned or considered the setting of the game is always taken into account. Often times because of authenticity the idea is rejected because it would not fit with the setting. This as you can see greatly diminishes the potential of the final product. Most importantly though MOST of us are sick and tired of the same map.
  16. gibonez


    Which is why we need redone ballistics in Dayz that add wind as a factor for bullet flight.
  17. The same thing. Since there is no server side zombie spawning they spawn in a bubble around the player. It's an immersion killing feature that adds nothing.
  18. gibonez

    Crafting Discussion only

    Not a fan of blueprints or books in order to craft objects. While I am not opposed to books lying around with recipes. Most crafting should be the result of experimentation and the devs should do their darnedest to never reveal a full recipe list so the players can slowly discover them all over time.
  19. That military helmet kinda looks stupid. Looks like a jock strap.
  20. gibonez

    Brick's 1.7.7 Review

    Shit addition imo. They dont spawn in the wild they spawn around the player regardless of location or proximity to loot. There is a giant 100m-200m bubble surrounding the player and at the edge of this bubble zombies just so happen to spawn. It is a game breaking, immersion breaking feature especially when you see them spawn in. Ultimate solution is to have the zombies spawn server side and not spawn in because of a player.
  21. For every person that likes the new patch there are 10 that hate it. You are starting to see the results already most servers are beginning to roll back to the previous version.
  22. Anyone else think the new mechanic of having zombies spawn around each player regardless of location and loot is cheap and pointless. It seems regardless of where you are zombies spawn in a 100m radius around the player even in the middle of the wilderness. This has lead to quite a few cheap deaths. I wouldn't have a problem with this if the zombies were there all along and I happened to run into them but as it stands they spawn because of the player and regardless of what he does. I do not see the point for this mechanic other than to annoy the player by having to constantly kill 3-5 zombies.
  23. Havent talked to a single person that likes this update. Maybe with time it will grown on people but I doubt it. Instead of adding new features that improve the game and possibilities of the game such as crafting and base building. This update punishes the players to the ground in any way possible.
  24. gibonez

    More guns.

    But but but Russian weapons are trash :D.
  25. Hate the new patch. Zombies are entirely too annoying.